View Full Version : RF602: Flash and camera remotely at same time?

19-11-2012, 6:57pm
I have one RF602 Tx and two RF602 Rxs.

I can set up an RF602 system that remotely fires the camera, and I can remotely fire a flash as well. I can then also remotely fire both by having one of the Rxs on the camera, with shutter cable insterted, and another under the flash.

However the trouble is the flash fires instantly (both RXs will respond at the same speed) but the camera, even if half-cocked to pre-focus, takes just that mechanical bit longer. Result: black shot.

This happens even if I have the TX mounted on the camera and the flash on top of that, or the TX mounted on the camera and the flash remotely, then I use the TX to fire the camera and the flash.

I realise I can let the camera take care of the flash, and remotely fire the camera, but I was looking to fire a remote-from-camera flash and maybe more than one.

So is there a way to do this wit both flash and camera remote from me and each other?? Any help appreciated.

- - - Updated - - -

D'OH. I knew it! Having just posted I almost immediately found what I think is the solution.

I buy another TX. I place one Tx on the camera hotshoe. This will fire the flashes' RXs, with the camera-mounted Tx _controlled by the camera's flash trigger_.

I then have another Tx, on a different channel, which fires the camera itself.

I hope that helps someone, or if anyone feels the need to correct me, then fire (ark ark) away.

19-11-2012, 10:06pm
Ok. Why is this updated and not a new post? I am sure I did a new post.:confused::confused:

19-11-2012, 10:37pm
If you post a second time, in quick succession, the second post is added as an update rather than a new post

19-11-2012, 11:01pm
Ah. OK. Thanks

20-11-2012, 11:08am
Your solution is correct.
Make sure to run the 2 tx's on a different channel though.

The other option is to get 603's instead. They are both tx and rx's in one. I'm not sure if they are compatible with the 602's though.

20-11-2012, 11:14am
Thanks for the confirm. It was the channel ability that gave me the answer. Not sure what would happen if they were all on the same channel. Just keep firing until all batteries had run out? :D:D

I checked the 603s. They look dead sweet, but they are not compatible with the 602s :( I have too much 602 stuff already (receivers) and although they are dirt cheap, I would hate to waste them.

Ebay order placed as I type! :)

EDIT: Having said I have too many receivers already, do you think I could find a Tx without an Rx? Anyway $25 the pair post free...shrug.

20-11-2012, 2:13pm
$25!! Gee they came down in price!!

I paid $75 for 2 recievers and 1 transmitter plus postage! (that was some time ago though!)

20-11-2012, 2:22pm
Yeah I paid a lot more when I first bought too: certainly above $60 for a Tx and two Rxs. There was one place selling them for about $23 the pair. I paid about $27 I think, because they were definitely offering an Rx with a cable to fire one of my cameras, and I did not have one. There are still a few hopefuls that try to sell a Tx Rx combo for $55-60, but good luck to them. All the ones i saw were Yongnuo branded.