View Full Version : Saving file in Elements

Ms Monny
18-11-2012, 9:10pm

I was wondering if I could save an image with all the layers OPEN, so I can finish the PP work later down the track?

One thing I hate about the PP side of things is that I can't do it all in one hit, so keeping all the layers open and intact and being able to go back later would be a bonus!

I certainly hope so.

18-11-2012, 9:25pm
Unless I'm missing something in your question Monika, you just need to save the file as a "psd" (which should be the default if you have multiple layers). There may be a "Layers" checkbox that needs to be ticked but that should also be checked by default I think. When you re-open the file the layers should be as you left them. (I have a really old version of PSE - v4 - and that's how it works for me. I wouldn't imagine it would have changed in later versions.)


Ms Monny
18-11-2012, 9:33pm
Thanks Phil....yep, that worked!! I just tried it on the image I am working on and when I opened it up, there is was with all the layers! Woo Hoo....no more trying to get all the PP done in one hit! :efelant: I am now going to bed....because I can! :D