View Full Version : Lets Get out and About

15-11-2012, 11:40am
Howdy all WA Apers,

It's been a while since we've tried to get something happening. I have gone back onto my old roster and have some free time again. Looking for ideas and people keen to get out and about.

Suggestions for a shoot,

> Water, (for the land-sea scapers amongst us)
> Parks and Wildlife/Birds and Bugs, (for the tele or marco togs, and also drag the scapers into this one)
> Rural, Given that it only takes 20 odd minutes form the CBD and we're rural
> Architecture, Town or an older suburb (Guildford gives us some options here)
> Night shoot,

Or a combination of above.

I'm looking at getting out some time over this break, possibly Sunday evening/night.

Please advise your thoughts and ideas, and lets get out there.

16-11-2012, 9:47am
Hell yes, us WA members get a little lax with AP meets it would be good to meet up some time. My wife just bought me a Canon 60D for Xmas this year and I'll be looking at trying it out!
Hopefully my roster changes soon, when I go into OHS, the camp I'll be looking at is two weeks on two weeks off! Here's hoping for that!

Rural it good for me :D Though always keen to branch out a bit more too!

17-11-2012, 12:25pm
Let us know when AB. I'm happy to travel down south.

17-11-2012, 5:25pm
Let us know when AB. I'm happy to travel down south.

Well, at the moment I'm on RNR, fly back to work on Wednesday - then two and one there on (for the time being)

23-11-2012, 7:07pm
I am on break until December 5th. Although the last 5 days will be taken up at the WACA for the test match ;)
I live near Lake Monger and Herdsman Lake if we need birding ideas. I know Mike (blissful) might be keen for a bird shoot.
East Perth could be a runner for a night shoot.

24-11-2012, 11:28pm
I'll be in that.
My timing doesn't always work but I'd sure love to catch up with others.

25-11-2012, 4:05pm
I am on break until December 5th. Although the last 5 days will be taken up at the WACA for the test match ;)
I live near Lake Monger and Herdsman Lake if we need birding ideas. I know Mike (blissful) might be keen for a bird shoot.
East Perth could be a runner for a night shoot.

I'll be in that.
My timing doesn't always work but I'd sure love to catch up with others.

Let's work out some timings for next weekend. Peter, are you still off on Mondays? That might be an option for Monday evening? What dio you think Peter and Wayno?

- - - Updated - - -

Well, at the moment I'm on RNR, fly back to work on Wednesday - then two and one there on (for the time being)

AB, I have the inlaws heading over for 6 weeks over the Xmas period. I was looking at heading down the coast for a night or two with the missus on the Harley. Might be an opportunity to catch up if your roster is in line. Will let you know dates closer to the time.

25-11-2012, 10:33pm
I'll watch this thread, would be good to catch up, its been awhile Blue. :)

27-11-2012, 10:34am
I'll watch this thread, would be good to catch up, its been awhile Blue. :)

That it has my dear. Any thought's from yourself?

28-11-2012, 12:14am
Heading south this weekend, 1st & 2nd head back 3rd.
Mondays are still good.
I'll make sure I make time for it.

28-11-2012, 9:27pm
Hi all,
I'm new to photography, but very interested in getting out there to get experience and learn more. I'll watch this thread and hopefully come along.
