View Full Version : Sony having a swipe at lovers of long white lenses :)

14-11-2012, 9:29pm
This is a bit of a chuckle


14-11-2012, 9:38pm
Creepy but all true I suspect, spend a shit load of cash on beaut equipment put a huge lens on it and set to auto...forever..go figure that..:lol:

16-11-2012, 8:21am
i don't like it... it's too close to the truth! haha

16-11-2012, 3:20pm
G'day fellas

quote from the sony site
The promotion is based on a Sony study which found 30% of Australians have purchased the professional cameras but that most don’t know how to use their camera and almost two-thirds use their camera on auto-mode either always or most of the time. -end-

I run 2-dozen photo workshops a year thru northern NSW & QLD.
With the 200+ students I have each year, many of them are a perfect fit to the above quote

They are "sold" on a dSLR 2-lens kit from one or other of the white-box chains and they run the thing in auto mode for everything
About 2/3 of the time the dSLR is most unsuited both to them and the type of photos they are taking, but they've got the damn thing and I try my hardest to get them happy with using it. The 2-kit lenses very quickly get swapped to an 18-200 "for convenience" ... IQ does not rate a mention most times

Recently had a 5DmkII along for the ride - the owner never printed a single image, just looked at pics on the computer screen
Bloody sad, but that's what I find

Makes me cranky to find someone with a damn nice piece of machinery being used on 100% auto for baby snaps and dog / cat snaps and pretty flower snaps, ~ but that's what 90% of dSLRs are being used for

Members here are the enthusiasts and very definately in the minority of dSLR users
Let's take the message "out there" that there's more to photography than auto & happy snaps

End of Rant ... :D
Regards, Phil

16-11-2012, 4:08pm
:( Shite Phil, That amazes me as well, Most of the blokes I know shoot mostly TV/AV or manual mode , I have never shot in Auto on any DSLR I've owned , I must be in the minority also :eek:

old dog
16-11-2012, 6:53pm
:lol:....great spoof. I too do not go anywhere near auto mode.....I love learning by my mistakes..:D

17-11-2012, 5:59pm
G'day mate

:( Shite Phil, That amazes me as well, Most of the blokes I know shoot mostly TV/AV or manual mode , I have never shot in Auto on any DSLR I've owned , I must be in the minority also :eek:

Yes - we are enthusiasts & keen to do more ... I'd lay $$ on "if you were to walk around Sydney's Darling Harbour [or 1001 equivalents around Oz] and spied on the dSLR settings in use, I reckon that 80% would be on Auto exposure"

18-20 months back I was in Qld at Murray Falls meandering around doing panos, thus I had the tripod over my shoulder
A fella came up and started the conversation as [pointing to the tripod] "you must be a perfessional - look I've got this new camera [waves a Nikon-5000 at me] and the shop that sold it ter me didn't explain enuff. Would you come down to me caravan and read the book to me - I can't understan' a word of it"

I pointed to the other direction and made many excuses before disappearing :rolleyes:
Regards, Phil

26-11-2012, 11:06pm
Another in the series by sony australia

27-11-2012, 8:08am
Sony may very well be right about the use of DSLR's. But they may not survive to reap the benefits of their campaign. As a company they are in real trouble.

27-11-2012, 10:46pm
Damn! I got sick of lugging my Canon around and ending up with shooting pains in the neck so today I went out and bought the Sony NEX 6. Maybe I should stock up on lenses and batteries before the company dies!

Oh - nearly forgot to mention, I took it off auto as soon as I found my way around the menu :D But I do know quite a few people who never take the settings off Auto. And if I mention aperture or exposure to them their eyes start to glaze over. One guy has had his camera 2yrs and still has his photos on the original 4gb SD card - which is still in the camera.

28-11-2012, 6:49pm
All things being equal, I would have thought that an expensive DSLR on auto would still produce a better image than a cheaper camera in auto in the hands of a user who is not familiar with the finer points of photography. If you can afford it, why not?

01-07-2013, 9:59pm
The promotion is based on a Sony study which found 30% of Australians have purchased on the professional cameras but that most don’t know how to use their camera and almost two-thirds use their camera on auto-mode either always or most of the time.

Doing!!! TILT! ERROR! :lol:

What a laugh. Anyone who actually knows anything about cameras - i.e., not the turkey who wrote this ad - will know that Canon professional cameras don't even have an auto mode. :eek:

01-07-2013, 10:11pm
does my camera have auto?

01-07-2013, 10:31pm

What a laugh. Anyone who actually knows anything about cameras - i.e., not the turkey who wrote this ad - will know that Canon professional cameras don't even have an auto mode. :eek:

You mean .. Nikon!!

Canon's 5D series has an Auto exposure mode.
I'm sure that the 5D is aimed at professionals.

Now .. Nikon on the other hand .. try finding an auto mode on any model beyond the D300! ;)

01-07-2013, 10:45pm
People were sold by marketers that bigger camera will make them better photographers. Because as we all know, its the camera that takes the pictures, not the photographer.
They get impressed by those big white lenses adn if they can afford it they buy it.
I get asked about my equipment all the time when i shoot a wedding.
A few months ago I attended my friends wedding and only took my fuji x-e1 with me, there was only 1 person who asked me about the camera.
The wedding photographer. NO one else even noticed it.
I've been thinking of using Fuji gear for some of my paid work, but I'm actually afraid that when some of my customers see my fuji, they might ask for their money back. :)

01-07-2013, 11:05pm
Canon's 5D series has an Auto exposure mode. I'm sure that the 5D is aimed at professionals.

Good lord no! Canon do not regard anything below the 1 Series range as a professional camera. The very fact that they put an "auto" mode on the 5D and the 7D tells you that. They get quite snooty about it. If, for example, you want to join Canon's professional group (faster service, loan lenses, various other goodies for working pros) you have to qualify by (amongst other things) owning a certain number of 1 Series bodies and L Series lenses. You don't qualify for CPS by buying a 5D II! Nikon always struck me as being a bit less #### about this sort of prestige ranking, but I wouldn't really know, it's just an impression.

- - - Updated - - -

By the way, Arthur, we have now established that there are:

NO professional cameras made by Canon with an auto setting
NO professional cameras made by Nikon with an auto setting

Given that Pentax and Sony don't even make a professional camera and Olympus (I think) gave it up a few years back, that means that there are no professional cameras at all which do full auto, and the BS in the original article becomes even more absurd.

(Yes, yes, I know that Pentax make a medium format DSLR, and that should certainly be regarded as professional, but it's a bit out of the range of things we are considering here and I think we can ignore it.)

02-07-2013, 2:02pm
OK, so we've now established that unless you use what canon deem a pro body you can't be a pro photographer.

What I thought might have been mentioned is that

Canon L series .... white
Sony G series ...... white