View Full Version : How far would you go for a photo?

Film Street
12-11-2012, 7:25pm
Would you go this far for a photo? (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2230499/Diver-braves-waters-swim-deadly-26-foot-anaconda.html)

Mark L
12-11-2012, 8:01pm
Photo #4 gives the best scale to the size of these things.:eek:

12-11-2012, 8:02pm
I wouldn't go that far, but those photo's are fantastic.

Ms Monny
12-11-2012, 8:03pm
In one word.... NO! :eek:

Dylan & Marianne
12-11-2012, 8:13pm
about a wetsuit and a river away from that far lol

12-11-2012, 9:51pm
Lol, good call Dylan!

12-11-2012, 10:02pm
nope nope no no nope.

12-11-2012, 10:30pm
having been grown up around big snakes (8ft diamond python around my neck at ages 6 (pet snake)) i would say yes (under certen conditions)

12-11-2012, 11:23pm
It is a calculated risk for sure- if you are confident you know how these amazing animals behave & that it has just eaten, you are probably pretty safe.

A bit like picking the right moment when to tell your better half what camera gear you have just bought and coming out unscathed......:D

JM Tran
12-11-2012, 11:32pm
Ive been diving with sea snakes around me, but they are toothpicks compared to these monstrosities!

Although my first fear is actually waterborne diseases and infections in the waters of the Mata Grosso before worrying about them:)

13-11-2012, 7:29am
It's not like the snake would have been allowed to kill the bloke even if it was agitated. It would need to grab him, throw some coils around and squeeze him to death whilst avoiding the other crew members who were no doubt toting large machetes being Brazil. Bit of a beat up in regard to danger but the photos are fantastic. I would be more worried about the little fish that swims up your urine and gets lodged because the men with the machetes might want to help get that out too!

JM Tran
13-11-2012, 7:44am
It's not like the snake would have been allowed to kill the bloke even if it was agitated. It would need to grab him, throw some coils around and squeeze him to death whilst avoiding the other crew members who were no doubt toting large machetes being Brazil. Bit of a beat up in regard to danger but the photos are fantastic. I would be more worried about the little fish that swims up your urine and gets lodged because the men with the machetes might want to help get that out too!

Yeah pretty much, very safe and controlled environment for diving:)

We had a soldier in 10/27 Infantry in Adelaide with the same infection in the penis but in Malaysia after wading through some creek in the jungles, had to get flown out as he literally could not urinate when it started swelling up.

24-12-2012, 5:28pm
There's stupid and then there's afraid.

I am afraid.

Bugger that sh!t RIGHT OFF. LOL

Steve Axford
25-12-2012, 10:54am
It sounds like fun to me. A little bit risky, but not anywhere near as dangerous as it's made out to be. I've spent some time out there and swam in the rivers quite a bit. They are spectacular and well worth the trip, though I never did find an anaconda. I did swim in a river where I was told I might come across a large sucuri (any large constrictor, but usually a boa constrictor) swimming upstream. I looked, but didn't see one. The fish were amazing, with some of them up to 2m in length and crystal clear water. Great spot and similar to Australia, just a lot more water.

26-12-2012, 11:31pm
not for me,too big lol

27-12-2012, 6:59am
If I could dive and had support people round me I'd have a go, no worries. As the fellow said, worry more about small venomous snakes than big constrictor types. They'd rather go for something small enough to eat in one meal anyway, and I think would only attack if they felt threatened. Terrific shots, the last one would be my favourite. I wonder how long they can breathe under water for?

05-01-2013, 4:00pm
I wouldn't be in that water in the first place to be able to find that snake to take photos of....hell no.

15-01-2013, 9:24am
Great shots but I'd pass on getting close to them

The only Anaconda I've been close to is the outdoor/camping shop near home