View Full Version : Trip to Barossa Valley Rose Show & 'The Heritage Garden at Sevenhill, nr Clare (both in S.Aust).

06-11-2012, 11:02pm
:) My husband Michael & I have just got back from a trip to the Barossa Valley Rose Show, which was held on Saturday, 3 Nov 2012 - followed by a visit to n 'Open Day' at The Heritage Garden, in Sevenhill. We also stayed overnight at "The Heritage Cottage", which is their accommodation offering. We had a lovely time at both venues, and took lots and lots of photos - some not so good, but others really nice, we think! Would like to post some if I possibly can - but am not sure whether that's possible, because I have become inactive twice now, due to not posting enough times...!!!??? I am rather confused about what I can and can't write in my posts, that's the trouble! Would like advice on my photos, because I keeping messing some up, and don't know why...!!! Also, I think I have some good ones, but don't know if and how I go about posting them for people's comments and suggestions? Do I do them withing this new thread I've started - or not? Someone please write and advise me on these questions, please! I am really keen to get into this venture properly, as I love photography, and have a good E-550 Olympus Digital Camera, and also Canon Digital Video Camcorder Pal MV750i, but am still trying to learn how to use both of them - and making lots of mistakes...!!! :( :(

07-11-2012, 5:19am
The inactive cycle is detailed here (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=How_Do_I:Restore_my_access_from_inactive_status).

To stay active, you just have to join in more regularly. The introductions forum is not for posting photos, the Constructive Critique forums are. You cannot access them, when you are inactive. So this post (above) will have re-activated your account and you should now have access to the CC forums once again. The CC forums can be found with all the other forums, by clicking FORUMS on the main menu. which takes you to : http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forum.php

There really is only one way for you to make the most of the site, and that is to join in (by posting)..regularly, then you will not go inactive and have access to all the site offers including all the forums, the competitions etc. So along with posting your photos etc, have a look at some other members photos and have a go at giving them some constructive feedback as well.

AP is all about the more you put in, the more you get back.

You might find the Ausphotography LIBRARY, How Do I (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Indexes:How_Do_I)section of use on how to post photos etc.
Also read the introduction that was sent to you when you joined, it explains a lot more about how the site works: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Getting_Started_on_Ausphotography_AP
and finally there is a basic site map so you can understand where things can be found via the menu.

07-11-2012, 8:12am
:gday: & Welcome Back