View Full Version : Sydney christmas meet - saturday 8 december

06-11-2012, 7:42pm
Hi all - I can't believe how quick the year has gone and it's time for our Christmas Meet. We haven't had many meets this year and attendance has dropped off a little (probably because everyone is so busy), so it would be great to end the year off with a "BANG" .....well maybe not a bang but at least some pretty lights.

We intend to hold our Christmas meet at Middle Harbour to do some more light painting. You can find out more information about the area here: http://www.sydney.com/destinations/sydney/sydney-city/sydney-harbour/attractions/sydney-harbour-national-park-middle-head

The intention is to meet around 3pm. You will need to bring your own food, chairs and drink for an evening meal.
Photo opportunities will include the fortifications and panoramic views. If all goes well we may even be able to organise a model and combine this meet with a portrait shoot. Later on when the sun goes down we will be able to light paint some of the fortifications.

This thread is to give you advanced warning of the date so that you can note it in your diaries. I will post more details closer to the time. By all means please post your intention to come (then I can chase you up later).:D

If you have any suggestions for other ideas or know of someone that would be willing to model for us then please don't be shy and have your say.

We had a ball at our last light painting meet so it would be great to see a good turnout. I know it gets very busy around this time of the year but I would urge any Sydney AP member to come along for a great time both socially and photographically.

06-11-2012, 7:58pm
Hi Nellie, I have put in in the diary, light painting sounds fun !

07-11-2012, 9:04am
Count me in (with Christine too)

07-11-2012, 12:36pm
Should be OK for this date. Not clear on the exact location though Narelle. I presume we're not meeting in the part of the park which closes at sunset? :) I'll await more info.:D

07-11-2012, 4:58pm
This was Peter's idea so he may come forward with a bit more info. I think the idea is that we park our cars outside of the gates so we don't get parked in. :confused013

07-11-2012, 8:30pm
Parking is outside the boom gate in the car parks and regretfully paid parking (thanks to the Sydney Harbour Forshore Authority).

Technically the park is sunrise to sunset so I guess there is a chance we may be asked to leave but I have seen a lot of night photos from there. The situation is the same in most of the National Parks and I have done out of hours stuff in South Head, North Head and Neilson Parks.

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08-11-2012, 5:45am
Count Lyn and myself in

08-11-2012, 9:37am
I'll try and get to this too. Sounds good.

08-11-2012, 8:00pm
Hey everyone I have only just seen this as I was in WA until yesterday. I am keen, just have to check with hubby that we have nothing on.....my calendar says I don't but...certain people don't always write everything on the calendar!!:D

10-11-2012, 9:14am
7 possibles so far - would be great to see some new faces! :D

Warren Ackary
10-11-2012, 3:27pm
Im looking at my Diary, grandkids not down for 2 days after that. Thing is I have a clue where this is and I can only travel by train.
Would hate to miss a train back to Wollongong.

11-11-2012, 10:44am
Chatted to Jo (Silkdiver). Jo and Richard are likely candidates subject to Jo's shift.

11-11-2012, 4:01pm
Im looking at my Diary, grandkids not down for 2 days after that. Thing is I have a clue where this is and I can only travel by train.
Would hate to miss a train back to Wollongong.

Warren - Middle head is in the Mosman/Balmoral area. You could always just come for the afternoon and not stay for the night time light painting. I can understand your predicament with transport though. :confused013

11-11-2012, 7:34pm
I'm a possible, however we'll have only just moved into our new house the day before, so it will be very dependent on my unpacking skills ! Pencil me in at the moment, might have to be a last minute judgement call. ;)

11-11-2012, 10:02pm
Atleast you will be closer Glenn - Ness told me that you were moving. :D

12-11-2012, 4:47am
Sounds great bit I have my work Xmas party that day so won't be going :(

12-11-2012, 7:05pm
Sorry to hear that Danielle - unfortunately it's that time of year when everybody is partying. :party6:

12-11-2012, 7:35pm
I know, ugh bah humbug!! Lol

17-11-2012, 3:54pm
Any one else interested? Greg are you likely to attend? :confused013

18-11-2012, 6:58pm
Looked at some accommodation for that night and everything is so expensive for that weekend and its hard to find anything priced at a reasonable rate.

What else is on in Sydney that weekend? Must be something popular.


18-11-2012, 7:45pm
I would love to come but unfortunately will be busy with work. Sorry!

18-11-2012, 8:09pm
Looked at some accommodation for that night and everything is so expensive for that weekend and its hard to find anything priced at a reasonable rate.

What else is on in Sydney that weekend? Must be something popular.


Hey Mick, that's because it's December/Sat night/stupid season/school hols :rolleyes:

How did your pics go from Sat?

Oh yeah, I'm in Nellie, not sure about Richard tho

18-11-2012, 9:36pm
Looks like I can come yay!!! Just have to organise somewhere for my daughter to go for the afternooon/evening. Looks like a sleepover at a friends house could be in order:)

20-11-2012, 10:44am
How did your pics go from Sat?

Good - pleased with some of them, but still have not sat down to have a good look and process them.

20-11-2012, 9:06pm
Wish I was able to make it I would love to meat you all but I going to Wagga Wagga for a memorial for my mums father who passed away a couple of months ago. So I'm looking forward to some meets next year so I can meat you all. Have a good time. I will have to look at that location in the near future and post some photos.

21-11-2012, 3:02pm
I checked my Diary with the Director of Domestic and Social Affairs ( Mary ) and we are free so it looks like you will have to put-up with our company again.

Maybe with some planning we can get some bunker shots like those Xenedis produces or shots like my example below.

It would be nice to get some new faces along too.


21-11-2012, 3:09pm
[QUOTE=Darey;1090719]I checked my Diary with the Director of Domestic and Social Affairs ( Mary ) and we are free so it looks like you will have to put-up with our company again.

Maybe with some planning we can get some bunker shots like those Xenedis produces or shots like my example below.

It would be nice to get some new faces along too.

My director of EVERYTHING says she is looking forward to seeing Mary again

23-11-2012, 9:55am
I'm definitely in!! i have heard a rumour though that another group of photographers are going to be there on the same night!:eek: They are doing light painting.

23-11-2012, 2:42pm
I'm definitely in!! i have heard a rumour though that another group of photographers are going to be there on the same night!:eek: They are doing light painting.

Damn yep just checked, it's the Focus group doing a light painting meet, maxed at 10 people. Might get a bit crowded in there. ;)

23-11-2012, 6:43pm
Damn, Damn, Damn........any other suggestions? :angry0::(

23-11-2012, 9:03pm
Not impressed. They won't be starting until 7:30 pm and are charging $100 too.

We are free to all.

After we picnic, we can head to Clifton Garden's Beach (Morella Rd) or Balmoral Beach; however, the latter is probably a bit too public and would get a bit too much public attention.

23-11-2012, 9:57pm
Hmm... seems unlikely I can make it. I work in Liverpool until 6pm. If I can cart my gear to Liverpool, I probably couldn't make it there until 7:30pm, if I can't, I won't get back to Penrith until 7pm and then travel time from Penrith to wherever. If you want to do light painting, I should see if my sister Megan is available to do some fire spinning, although, I'm not sure if her roller derby is still running....

I'll have to get back to you, but it's probably a no at this stage :(

23-11-2012, 10:09pm
Count me in I tried to catch up with everyone last time and missed I hope to do much better this time, light painting is great fun.

Kind Regards

24-11-2012, 5:34am
i remember that Peter was talking about somewhere at Como, is that still an option

24-11-2012, 6:39am
Erin such a bummer if you can't make it. I was looking forward to catchng up in person after our phone chat and your fire spinning sister would be amazing for photos:) Oh well next time:)

As for the focus group, my friend is a member and invited me to go along with her but I wasn't going to pay $100:eek: It doesn't bother me if there is another group around especially as my friend will be there:lol2:

- - - Updated - - -

And.... I'll bring all my steel wool spinning gear again!:D

24-11-2012, 7:17pm
Unfortunately Karen, 15+ people at a light painting shoot is just too crowded.

I would like to suggest that instead of going to Middle Head we just go to Clifton Gardens and have our picnic there and bunker down for a fun night of light painting. There is a nice big wharf there as well as some interesting buildings. You can also take a walk to some nice scenic lookouts. Let me know your thoughts! I have also asked a colleague if she would like to model for us in the afternoon but I don't like our chances so keep looking for potential models and we can have even more fun with a portrait shoot. :)

- - - Updated - - -

i remember that Peter was talking about somewhere at Como, is that still an option

That's a very long way for some of us Paul. :D

24-11-2012, 8:06pm
Clifton Gardens sound ok to me.

24-11-2012, 10:13pm
I think Chowder Bay will be a winner and less tripod legs.

25-11-2012, 12:34am
Yes in reality I agree with you Nellie, 15 + people is a few too many... I am happy to go to Clifton Gardens or anywhere else that is decided!!:D I see my friend at least once a week for our regular walk and photography chat!! so I don't think it a big deal if we don't see each other on that night!!:lol2: Looking forward to seeing everyone!!!!

25-11-2012, 7:46am
I'll go whereever! I'm sure my little model will be coming with me too :D

25-11-2012, 7:48am
I'm easy

27-11-2012, 8:02pm
I might see if I can buy some EL wire and inverters and hopefully have it arrive by the time of the meet. Another thing we can try is Light Stencils - anyone good at cutting out stencils?:)

27-11-2012, 8:37pm
Unfortunately due to last minute work commitments I'm going to have to drop out :(

It's a real bummer cos I was really looking forward to it.

Have fun though and I look forward to seeing the results.


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28-11-2012, 7:11am
That's a shame Jon - maybe we will see you at the next meet.

I ordered some EL Wire online last night from Hong Kong but the arrival date was Dec 13 - you never know your luck. It may come before our Meet. Sometimes the international postage is quicker than the Australian Postal Service. At least we will have some for the next LP Meet. :D

Mr Felix
29-11-2012, 1:16pm
I'm interested.

But reading the latter posts by Nelly, I don't think I undertand what is going to happen.

I guess that is all the more reason to turn up. :-)

Might learn something new!

So dispite what I have read, I am still not sure where the meeting is happening.


29-11-2012, 3:20pm
I'm interested.

But reading the latter posts by Nelly, I don't think I undertand what is going to happen.

I guess that is all the more reason to turn up. :-)

Quote Narelle/Nellie

I would like to suggest that instead of going to Middle Head we just go to Clifton Gardens and have our picnic there and bunker down for a fun night of light painting. There is a nice big wharf there as well as some interesting buildings. You can also take a walk to some nice scenic lookouts. Let me know your thoughts! I have also asked a colleague if she would like to model for us in the afternoon but I don't like our chances so keep looking for potential models and we can have even more fun with a portrait shoot. :)

Might learn something new!

So dispite what I have read, I am still not sure where the meeting is happening.


30-11-2012, 6:28am
Clifton Gardens Reserve, Morella Rd, Clifton Gardens. There is a park, beach and harbour bathes there.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

30-11-2012, 8:48am
Here's a pick of the beach taken way back with the D80. The Park area is just beyond the path to the left.


30-11-2012, 11:27am
Looks fab Nellie. I have been to the buildings on the other side when they belonged to DoD but not to the beach. You can access the buildings from the beach side until 6pm and then they lock the gate on the path. I don't know if you can bypass that. Really odd as both sides are accessible.

I will bring a few torches and gels for the evening. There is a possibility of a fire ban with the warm weather of late. I think Christine may have some battery powered xmas lights that could be useful too.

01-12-2012, 8:18am
Thanks pete. I was hoping if we had a model that we could have used the buildings for a portrait shoot but alas the girl I was lining up can't do it. So if anybody knows of someone who might be interested to be our model, please beg, grovel, worship them so we can have an added bonus for our meet. :tog:

Mr Felix
03-12-2012, 6:24am
Wow, I love that shot.

I sort of understand how it was done, but if you are there, I would like to discuss the mechanics of it.

(oops. That worked great. I was looking at the post with the pictre of the person holding the flames swinging them.
I clicked on the "reply" - as opposed to the generic POST REPLY and it wasn't as intended.)

Warren Ackary
03-12-2012, 5:28pm
Thanks pete. I was hoping if we had a model that we could have used the buildings for a portrait shoot but alas the girl I was lining up can't do it. So if anybody knows of someone who might be interested to be our model, please beg, grovel, worship them so we can have an added bonus for our meet. :tog:

Hi Nellie.. remember I said I would have to come up via train from Wollongong? Im sorry but have been looking about the posts, still cannot find where the location is :( If Diana didnt suffer motion sickness so much she would have come up also and maybe modelled for the fun of it :2smilSS:
As it is she hates getting back by train of an evening with the louts on there. If you can get back to me on when & where Ill see if I can grovel so I can go.
A torch would be good to write our names etc (I know, old school but hey we all could do it and post up as who we are):tog:

03-12-2012, 7:34pm
Warren have a look at Post # 47 im this thread - it tells you the address.
Here are a couple of links to Google maps that might give you a better idea:

I guess your best bet Warren if coming by train, is to catch a bus from possibly Wynard Station but then I am not sure how you would get to Clifton Gardens Reserve from there other than a taxi. Hope you make it! :xmas31:

- - - Updated - - -

I have now posted a new thread with all the details here:

03-12-2012, 8:23pm
Public transport - Catch the 247 route bus from Wynyard - Carrington Street Stand A - departs around 2:27 pm and 2:57 pm etc. Get off at Bradley's Head Rd, near Thomson Street roundabout and then about a 450m walk. The bus trip is about 25 minutes plus walking time.

Go to http://www.131500.com.au for details and I would think a map is advisable (you can get one from the site).

You won't have a problem getting a lift back to a railway station or somewhere convenient later in the evening.

Mr Felix
05-12-2012, 5:00pm
Ah, yes the mosquitoes!

Darn them!

Yeah, I am still hoping to come.

Thanks for the other post Nellie with what to bring.

It will be a good excuse to get some good use of my tripod.

Mr Felix
07-12-2012, 1:38pm

I know it is tomorrow and is short notice, but may I bring someone if they are interested?

Thanks in advance.

07-12-2012, 2:47pm
Yhe more the merrier Mr Felix.
Well the ELC wires that I orderded didn't arrive today, so I guess we will use them for the next light painting meet.:2sulki:

Mr Felix
07-12-2012, 2:52pm

This ELC wire..... That's the wire which gets hot when you connect it to power - right?

Shame. :(

The other person - well I asked/offered. Waiting on their reply now. :)

I know it isn't the same, but would those "new/trendy" LED light strips work similar?
I know they would be a squillion dots rather than how what I think it is would do, but there may be some nice results from that as well.

(Just put a strip of them over my kitchen bench and they are great.)


07-12-2012, 4:13pm
I have some light Gismos to bring and I am looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

07-12-2012, 6:10pm
The ELC wire is Electrophosphorous Copper wire. The copper wire is coated with phosphorous which makes the wire glo when it is connected to a power source. Bring along the LED light strips if you can connect them to some battery power - willing to try anything. :xmas31:

07-12-2012, 8:33pm
Looking forward to catching up with everyone tomorrow.:xmas31: I will bring some stuff to have fun with!

Mr Felix
09-12-2012, 7:06am
To one and all:

Last night was terrific!

I really enjoyed it.

Got some good images, some not so good and a couple of bad ones.

But, hey: That's life.

If anyone would like a couple of the "light orb" pictures let me know.

I am not sure if it is ok to upload them here - as they are only "happy snaps" rather than (maybe) keepers.

And if it is THIS thread to which they are to be uploaded.

09-12-2012, 7:13am
To one and all:

Last night was terrific!

I really enjoyed it.

Got some good images, some not so good and a couple of bad ones.

But, hey: That's life.

If anyone would like a couple of the "light orb" pictures let me know.

I am not sure if it is ok to upload them here - as they are only "happy snaps" rather than (maybe) keepers.

And if it is THIS thread to which they are to be uploaded.

All photos are welcome on AP, happy snaps included. Glad you had a good time

Mr Felix
09-12-2012, 7:26am
Well, ok:

Here goes:

Mr Felix
09-12-2012, 7:32am
And the last two.

One of them is quite novel - and I didn't do it on purpose, but a light is just above the model's head.

(Sorry can't remember her name and so am trying to be polite)

It is a bit of a shame that she moved, but I guess it is down to experience.

Hope you all sort of like them.

I have a couple of others I can upload - candid shots - I took.
I showed them to the people involved (and again can't remember their names).

I may upload them soon too.

09-12-2012, 10:17am
It was good to catch up and a lot of fun. I have only done a very quick process on my photos so I am not putting them up for critique (but if you think they are fab, say so :2biggn: )

Here are some pics from my Olympus OM-D EM-5...

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8482/8254959354_c2a3edca3a_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/peterbphotography/8254959354/)
Clifton Gardens Pool (http://www.flickr.com/photos/peterbphotography/8254959354/) by peterb666 (http://www.flickr.com/people/peterbphotography/), on Flickr

12mm 1/60s, f/7.1 and ISO1250 (a mistake as I left the camera on auto ISO)

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8337/8253886973_498c43c84f_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/peterbphotography/8253886973/)
Clifton Gardens 2_1 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/peterbphotography/8253886973/) by peterb666 (http://www.flickr.com/people/peterbphotography/), on Flickr

12mm 8 seconds, f/16, ISO200 with a 4-stop (ND16) ND filter. With the relatively bright ambient light, it looks like I am picking up a reflection off the filter.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8495/8254959462_c5e02d6625_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/peterbphotography/8254959462/)
Clifton Gardens 3 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/peterbphotography/8254959462/) by peterb666 (http://www.flickr.com/people/peterbphotography/), on Flickr

14mm 30 seconds, f/16 and ISO200 with a 1-stop (ND2) filter.

Mr Felix
09-12-2012, 10:49am

I like your "Orb" picture. It somehow looks nicer than mine.