View Full Version : Processing large amounts of photos

04-11-2012, 3:17pm
Hey all, I did search for this but couldn't find any related results.

Now my computer is back in action (dead motherboard!), I'm able to process my holiday photos. I have some nearly 6,000 pictures to go through and would like some advice from anyone who has gone through this before as to what is the best, or most efficient way?

I have Lightroom 4.0 and CS5 Master Suite if that makes it easier. If there is another software package that would be better for organising them, I'd love to hear about it.


04-11-2012, 3:39pm
import to lightroom then in the library module use the right arrow key and go through the whole lot. When you find a blurry one etc that you do not want to keep, hit the X key. Also the ones that are good you can rate them 1-5 using the numbers

When you have finished that run you can delete all the photos you hit X for, in one go, and then all the rest are rated so you can selectively work on them. I use 1 for basically OK and 5 for definitely a good shot. So I can then isolate all my 5's and start editing, etc.

If you accidentally hit X on a photo, hit U to remove that. If you rate a photo wrong you can either hit 0 (zero) and try again or use the [ and ] keys to either decrease of increase the rating you gave it.

04-11-2012, 4:06pm
Thanks Rick. I thought that would be the way to go but I wasn't sure if there was some other trick I might have missed.

21-12-2012, 11:54am
If you have lots of photos that need the same processing the Sync feature is really handy. It gets explained a bit in this video (I picked up quite a few tips watching it...)