View Full Version : DSLR replacement with a lower priced DSLR or Compact

30-10-2012, 8:56am
Hi All,

I'm new to this site so I hope I've put this in the right thread....

Well, ive just dropped my EOS 300D and have broken the battery door.. http://www.stereo.net.au/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.png.

I was thinking of replacing it shortly but might need to sooner. Or would it be possible to try to find a repalcement door and muddle along a bit longer....

Now I'm really a dork shooter. I had a close friend who worked at Ted's in Adelaide but he passed away a couple of years ago. He helped me with anything with photography. Including how to take a good picture.... So without his help, i'm really only a point and shoot person. But in the back of my mind, i might actually one day open the manual http://www.stereo.net.au/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png and do something more creative...

So, do I try to replace the 300D with say the 1100D? I'm assuming it'll be an improvement... Or do I look for something more of the compact range... I don't want to sacrifice any picture quality though by going compact...

Price would be an issue unfortunately...

JB have a trade in offer ATM.. Any old camera, working or not..... $100 off any new Canon DSLR.. I could even trade "me olde" EOS 1000F....

As with most "good deals" there will probably be a catch.... Not sure if I can just buy the 1100D body with the trade and perhaps get it for about $300..

But If I decide to move to a compact, I'll still have the lenses from the DSLR, just the standard basic EFS 18-55mm and I'll have a couple of older EF Ultrasonics...
A 75-300mm and a 35-80mm. They worth anything at all if I try to sell them???

Could I have some suggestions if I go compact... I'd like to have some zoom capabilities.. I think nearly all camera's have some sort of movie function even SLRS?
The thought of having something more compact, being able to just put it in a pocket, sounds great... Again I don't want to lessen any picture qulaity...

Something like the Canon S110 at over $500, would be beyond my price point ATM. I had thought about a SX260?? Or am I dumbing myself down??

Or is there anything anybody else can suggest?

The trade in offer by JB ends in a day or two so I'll have to be quick if I want to use it........

Hope someone can help me with my dilemma...

Jorge Arguello
30-10-2012, 9:23am
Regardless which is the best camera take a look at the cameras that are in your budget and chose the one that you feel happy with.
As per your comments it looks that you will be learning, and Canon 1100d might be in a good price range for you since it is at the entry level.

30-10-2012, 11:25am
i was on a trip recently some people missed out on the best shot as the point and shoot was too slow to focus ,,,the dslr even cheaper ones were much quicker depends on what you really want it for :scrtch:

30-10-2012, 12:03pm
Ebay has a lot of battery doors for sale - item 200835560014 @ $16.76USD + postage. A lot cheaper than a new camera.

I would keep the old camera if it were me (I dont get rid of technology though) and keep it as a spare or let the kids learn with it.

Can't help with upgrade path as I am not a Canon user.


30-10-2012, 12:16pm
Thanks guys for your replies...

i can trade my old film EOS 1000F and get a body 1100D for $300.

Cn anyone comment on the older ultrasonic lenses? Are they any good with the newer DSLRs?

thanks for the link for the door. I'll check that out.

I understand about technology... I still listen to vinyl records... However I can't resist a sale...
got only until tomorrow to decide...


30-10-2012, 2:02pm
Before you make up your mind check out site sponsor EGlobal here (http://www.eglobaldigitalcameras.com.au/canon-eos-1100d-body-only-digital-slr-cameras.html) the 1100D is only $276.

30-10-2012, 2:40pm
Hi Keith,

gee thanks for the link... That at least gives me breathing space regarding price....

Don't get me wrong with the next thought. I assume that because they are a sponsor, they are repitual company.... If so I'd consider them rather than a supposedly special deal....I'm always happy to support sponsors when I can....

Mike, regarding a replacement battery door for the 300D. That link wasn't for my model and a quick search hasn't found one....

Mark L
30-10-2012, 8:45pm
Cn anyone comment on the older ultrasonic lenses? Are they any good with the newer DSLRs? ...

I use an ultrasonic and another even older EF lens. Work fine.
FWIW since you have some lens, it would be a petty not to use them on the best DSLR you can afford. Of cause replacing that battery door may be the cheapest option. Any camera repairers close to you?

31-10-2012, 5:04am
If you feel that you'd like to get into it a bit further but are apprehensive about taking the leap, I'd say that the 1100D (or similar) is designed just for you. It can be used in much the same way as a point and shoot, using the lcd and having the camera make all the decisions, so you always have that to fall back on. Then, as you get more adventurous, you can read a bit of the manual and have a play with the various functions. If you keep going down the path, then (almost) anything you buy for the 1100D would work on a higher end body. At no point do you end up with a lemon.
Try and find a photography night class at a local school. They'll help you get over that barrier of taking the camera off auto.


01-11-2012, 10:30am
Had a quick opportunity in my lunch break to visit two camera stores in Adelaide city. Not surprisingly neither of them wanted to sell me a 1100D. Both wanted me to get the 600D. As one said... "The 1100D, that's what K mart and Target sell"..

01-11-2012, 10:38am
Translated that means there's not enough profit in it.

Mark L
01-11-2012, 8:34pm
And maybe they sell them for less.

Jorge Arguello
02-11-2012, 9:32am
Might not be always the case, but keep in mind that:
Seller aims to sell and earn money.
Buyer should get what he needs/wants and has the final decision.

Any camera will have some nice aspects over the other:
Price, functionality, etc.

If I were you then I would go for the 1100d and reuse my old lenses. Save difference to buy a tripod, or to enlarge some photos.

But, again, buy something that makes you feel happy and start enjoying with taking photos.
All the best.

02-11-2012, 9:36am
Had a quick opportunity in my lunch break to visit two camera stores in Adelaide city. Not surprisingly neither of them wanted to sell me a 1100D. Both wanted me to get the 600D. As one said... "The 1100D, that's what K mart and Target sell"..

I wonder if Canon knows that their authorised resellers are calling their entry level cameras 'cheap', with the meaning not related to $$. I would not be going to that salesperson again. If someone wants a 1100D, then that is what you sell them. If they come in not knowing which model they want, fair enough talk about the differences and give them the information they need to decide.

03-11-2012, 8:01am
As one said... "The 1100D, that's what K mart and Target sell"..

Doubt you'll find a body only at any of these types of stores. BigW want $548 (too much) for the 1100D + 18-55.

06-11-2012, 9:18pm
Hi all,

thanks again for all the comments and suggestions.

ive actually dug deep and found I have a battery grip for the 300D. Took it off years ago. Found it added too much weight for any benefit it gave... So I can use the 300D. It works fine.. I'll still search for a replacement door...

now what I need to think through is what I think I'm going to be capable of doing with it.... Or with a possible purchase of a 1100D.. I've down loaded a full manual for it and will study it over time. I've no doubt that I might get some idea of handling it in manual at some point. My self doubt is my actually ability to pick "that" photo which would justify the effort in going manual... Sorry if that's a bad admission on a site dedicated to the photography... I don't have that knack..... Well not ATM. I'll read through the forums and will possibly put some questions forward... As you all know its not the camera that will end up taken that great shot..
i need to learn about composing etc... Being a shift worker and having other interests il find it hard to hook up with any local club. So having a forum site to go to will be great...

one thought is I might still make a purchase but for a compact like the Canon S100. Maybe using a site sponser. This can be used by me and the wife as the point and shoot that will take a good picture.... Being small I might carry it more often and then use it more when I may come across a shot. Rather than not bothering taking all the "stuff". Then I can decide whether I'm gong to get the photography "bug".....

Ive taken my 300D overseas numerous times to the UK Africa etc. taking that bag with an extra lens and all the bits.. It'll be nice to work out if I could do with just one lens. Then using "crop" if needed when I put the photos onto the PC.

Ill need to investigate what software to use to edit photos. Just realised that I might have to check that the computer monitor is calibrated correctly... One step at a time I suppose....

06-11-2012, 9:28pm
While you are still thinking about it and deciding if you want to go the DSLR or the P&S way instead why not have a look at the New to Photography (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=New_To_Photography:Learning_to_take_photographs) part of the forum - some inspiring and educational stuff there that may help you as your friend did and also help with your decision. Anyway nothing lost by having a look - you may be more advanced than you think!

Mark L
07-11-2012, 7:11pm
Ill need to investigate what software to use to edit photos. ....

Do you still have the CDs that came with your camera? If so, you have some basic editing tools available to learn with.
To reduce my typing, check this thread ..... http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?112764-Software-advice-please

09-11-2012, 2:00pm
If I were given the option of a P&S and a DSLR I would choose the DSLR every time. I have purchased three P&S cameras over the last couple of years so I could have one handy for for good photos of grandchildren etc, but I am never happy with the results. The still photos are fine but any action photos are blurry 9 our of 10 photos. Re a DSLR, it depends how much photography and how passionate you are about photography. I see that you have been to the UK and Africa so you are well travelled. We have recently come back from a trip the South Africa where we visited Kruger and Pilanesberg and I took my Canon 50D, Canon 100-400 lens and a Canon 18-200 lens and I know I would never have been happy with a P&S. If you can still use the 300D as you say, I would save for another DSLR and I know from experience, that there is a big difference in quality from the lower end Canon to the upper range. I decided to go mid range with the 50D but after it decided to stop taking photos the day before we left South Africa (thank goodness it was not during the trip), I have now purchased a 7D. I have put my 50D into Canon today for servicing and depending on repair costs, I will keep it as a second camera especially if we travel to Africa again. I found that sometimes the 100-400 zoom was not appropriate, as the animals were too close and it would have been great to have another camera with my 18-200 ready for such occasions. You can also pick up good quality cameras new and used on Fleabay (not sure if you can advertise the real name LOL). I have bought a lot of my equipment on there without any trouble at almost half the price. I hope I am not sounding too pushy as I have trouble explaining what I mean in the right words. :D You can see some of my photos on Flickr if you wish.


09-11-2012, 3:29pm
My suggestion is that now you have the 300 up and running. have a good play play for a while, and save a few $$$ up while your doing it. Throw it in Aperture mode (AV I think on canon) play with the ISO and the aperture. Then play with the shutter speed mode. It's digital, it wont cost you anything... Once you get the hang on them you might decide that the 1100D ain't going to cut it. And by then you may have a bit more in the kitty and be able to afford the 600D.

Put a few images up for constructive critique, and ask questions of other members. It wont be long and your confidence with be back in full swing. We like it when we are asked for advice. We are not like the salesmen, we are not in it for the money. We are here to learn, and to help others learn.

14-11-2012, 2:56pm
Do you still have the CDs that came with your camera? If so, you have some basic editing tools available to learn with.
To reduce my typing, check this thread ..... http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?112764-Software-advice-please

Hi mark,

thanks for the link ill look at it over the next easy or so..

Unfortunately I don't think I still have the CD that came with the camera. But I'll check..

ATM I use picasa on my PC to organise them... Maybe a little editing but not sure of how good the controls are on picasa.
Would Lightroom room be an improvement on picasa?

- - - Updated - - -

If I were given the option of a P&S and a DSLR I would choose the DSLR every time. I have purchased three P&S cameras over the last couple of years so I could have one handy for for good photos of grandchildren etc, but I am never happy with the results. The still photos are fine but any action photos are blurry 9 our of 10 photos. Re a DSLR, it depends how much photography and how passionate you are about photography. I see that you have been to the UK and Africa so you are well travelled. We have recently come back from a trip the South Africa where we visited Kruger and Pilanesberg and I took my Canon 50D, Canon 100-400 lens and a Canon 18-200 lens and I know I would never have been happy with a P&S. If you can still use the 300D as you say, I would save for another DSLR and I know from experience, that there is a big difference in quality from the lower end Canon to the upper range. I decided to go mid range with the 50D but after it decided to stop taking photos the day before we left South Africa (thank goodness it was not during the trip), I have now purchased a 7D. I have put my 50D into Canon today for servicing and depending on repair costs, I will keep it as a second camera especially if we travel to Africa again. I found that sometimes the 100-400 zoom was not appropriate, as the animals were too close and it would have been great to have another camera with my 18-200 ready for such occasions. You can also pick up good quality cameras new and used on Fleabay (not sure if you can advertise the real name LOL). I have bought a lot of my equipment on there without any trouble at almost half the price. I hope I am not sounding too pushy as I have trouble explaining what I mean in the right words. :D You can see some of my photos on Flickr if you wish.



my overseas traveling has stop for the next couple of years as I need to concentrate on others things.. However, I'll hope to do some local travel and will test my camera skills on it.

fleabay can be a hit and miss regarding purchases but thanks for the tip..

nice photos of Africa. Made me look back on some I took years ago... Interesting trip with my 80 year old dad. We visited my brother who was working in Zambia.. Then we went on to the UK. my poor English dad, even though we spent a couple of weeks in Africa, still wanted to spend a wet and miserable day at Whipsnade Zoo. To see the elephants and other attractions... And I think there were at least 6 or 7 other brave hearty souls there that day too. :).

Mark L
14-11-2012, 8:21pm
Unfortunately I don't think I still have the CD that came with the camera. But I'll check..

Think this link allows you to download it http://software.canon-europe.com/software/0029161.asp?model=
"Depending on the file, you may be asked to enter the serialnumber"of your camera.

24-11-2012, 1:53pm
Thought I'd let you know that I went on a group car (MG) trip to Mannum on the River Murray in SA..

I took the camera to experiment with.. But unfortunately I found that when I dropped the camera I must have done more damage that I first thought... The shoot button is suppose to be able to half depress so that I can look at what is happening with settings.. It appears that when I touch it takes the photo... No matter have softly that I touch the button.. But I need to check... There isn't a setting that I missed that can change this??? I'm using a battery grip which has some buttons including a shoot which does allow a half press. So I don't think so.

With some difficulty I was able to experiment a little.. But it's a bit awkward... Don't have enough hands. :)
I might put up a couple for comment...

I've since decided to purchase a canon S100 which was On Eglobal. I'll use this with the wife until I can work out what new body to end up buying... So if I didn't decide on the 1100D, do I skip the 600 and look at a 60D? Is it that big a step up?

Although I have several lenses, in the long term I was thinking of doing with just one that has a reasonable range... Is there such a beast that will do this or am I opening up a can of worms? :)

Thanks for all your help so far...

Mark L
25-11-2012, 9:38pm
...... do I skip the 600 and look at a 60D? Is it that big a step up?

Others can tell you why not (could be wrong, but reckon they won't), though I would think the 60D has more to offer. Have you got a retailer nearby that you can go and feel them both in your hands? Can be important, best to be comfortable with your camera.