View Full Version : Nikon 1 system V2 announced

24-10-2012, 4:54pm
Nikon 1 system updated with V2 camera.
Specs look pretty neat for a compact and if the AF on the first version is something to go by , then the new updated AF model should be very good !

24-10-2012, 8:30pm
Yeah the specs sound close to amazing!

BUT!! .. it's a confusing camera in a sense.

it's half bridge camera, and half mirrorless with interchangeable lenses.

It's kind of out on it's own in terms of competition with the same form factor.

I'm wondering if the market it's aimed at is large enough to make it a sales success, whereas all the hype is currently centered around this compact interchangeable lens rangefinder type system at the moment.

24-10-2012, 9:11pm
Ignoring the specs (which are quite impressive), I'm also a little confused by the form factor.
I get the small and light overall system.
But with the large grip, it pretty much rules out any chance of a pocketable combo (with pancake lens), whereas those are real options from competing CSCs using larger sensors.
Or does pocketable automatically mean P&S crowd with the J2?
I'd much rather see a changeable grip option like the EML5. And with the size of the V2's grip, you can almost shove an extra battery into it.

25-10-2012, 12:01am
I'm very excited about this announcement :efelant: I moved from a P&S to the V1, which I love. It's the perfect camera for someone who wants a Viewfinder and interchangeable lenses but can't (emphasise the can't) physically manage the weight of a DSLR. I've got a FT1 mount and a couple of FX Nikkor lenses, but really, they're pretty heavy. The V2 has a decent grip on the RHS, something it really needs. It has a bigger sensor - great! I think we now have a built in flash. It is blazingly fast on the AF and there seems to be a couple of new lenses as well. This is going to be a hoot :D

All my Christmas' have come at once, yippee !!!!!! cheers Deb

25-10-2012, 7:06am
Actually the sensor size stays the same, just higher resolution with the V2.
But after comparing some of the top down photos, most of additional grip depth is due to thinning out the body section in that area rather than protruding the grip part. So the camera depth is only marginally thicker than a V1. That's a good thing.
Think the photos look deceptive, gonna need to check this one out in-store.

25-10-2012, 1:54pm
Swifty, I was just thinking about the sensor size this morning and went, Doh! Of course the sensor can't be bigger, so I guess it's more pixels per square mm, cheers Deb

26-10-2012, 8:26am
Deb: some of the previews are now giving a better idea of the camera size. It seems its deceptively small. The larger hump and relative deep grip's throwing everyone off.
But if the AF is already fast on the V1, what's very exciting is the 15fps full AF tracking and apparent improvement in low light AF on the V2. The former being as good as it gets even in DSLR world.
I still think its pricey but think this'll be one of those better than first thought type products. Potentially a lot better.

26-10-2012, 12:38pm
Agree swifty - I'm very interested to see how the V2 reviews. It is a shame about the price, particularly when compared to some of the strong fixed lens gear like the RX100...

Film Street
26-10-2012, 12:47pm
That's the second ugliest camera I've ever seen.

26-10-2012, 1:38pm
That's the second ugliest camera I've ever seen.

A lot of people seem to feel that way :lol: I like it and I'm hoping that chunk on the RHS is going to give a much better grip on the camera, particularly if there is 790gms of FX lens hanging off the front!

Swifty: It is a little pricey $800US body only, but they may come down. Also, there are some new lenses coming next year, a 32mm medium-telephoto fixed focal length lens, a 6.7-13mm f/3.5-5.6 ultra wide-angle zoom lens and a 10-100mm f/4-5.6 (equivalent to 27-270mm in 35mm format). Let's hope they stay on schedule :), cheers Deb

26-10-2012, 2:12pm
That's the second ugliest camera I've ever seen.

What's the ugliest? K-01?
The more I see it, the more it just looks like a NEX-7 with a DSLR hump.

- - - Updated - - -

Also.. I'll retract my earlier comment about the large grip being able to accomodate a second battery. It seems the one battery occupies almost the entire depth of the grip so not sure how much thinner it can be unless you change the battery orientation or use a smaller battery (which I don't think is a good thing... I really hate devices with poor battery life).
Photo 12.
Not sure how big the reviewer's hands are but it definitely doesn't look big in those photos.

26-10-2012, 5:05pm
I have a J1 and can say a few things about it in relevance to the V2.
I wanted a flash so got the J1, had there been a flash on the V1, i would have got that.
I now would prefer an optical/electronic viewfinder over live view on the back.
The V1 is not pocketable in my book, J1 is just, so V2 I doubt any difference to V1 in that regard.
Having the ultra wide and the fast lenses I believe is a really good thing.
Hopefully high iso is better, but then I keep comparing it to what I also use - the D800 and formally the D700 so i guess the bar is high.
Speed of AF in lower light goes quite slow, so if that is improved then good, AF is good light is outstanding.
Video AF and tracking is also outstanding in good light.
One feature I would love to see is Panorama capture.
More resolution has been addressed, 14mp is now on par
TBH its a great little system, it is NOT a replacement for a DSLR but a compliment when you travel or a 2nd "no brainer" camera.

28-10-2012, 11:16pm
The V2 made the V1 so cheap that I am keeping mine.
Actually never wanted to sell but need the money.
With the 10-30 lens the V1 fits in my large pockets.
10MP is more than enough for what I use it for and so is 3fps.
I won't be upgrading before the V3 is released.