View Full Version : Hi from the Sunny Coast

23-10-2012, 4:52pm
Hey everyone,

Just a bit of an intro as I hope to be seeing you all on the forums and love the work that is put through here.

Just a bit of a quick Bio, my name is Greg but I generally sign as Zeph on my posts but images may contain my Greg Copyright. I started taking photos in high school and have been doing them now for about 9 years.

I have recently just started doing more trips for shoots and have now moved from my old D70 up to a D5100 which has given me a new spur of motivation to learn and push my photography skills more.

I value and encourage constructive criticism on my work as I am still working on my own styles but want to continue to improve as I go.

Anyway that's enough of an intro for now, I hope you enjoy seeing my work as much as I love taking it.


23-10-2012, 4:56pm
Hi Zeph welcome to AP :)

23-10-2012, 4:56pm
Hey zeph
Welcome to AP. I look forward to seeing some of your work here on AP.


23-10-2012, 5:03pm
:gday: & Welcome
- lets see some photos in the main CC forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5) maybe try a competition or 2 and have fun!

23-10-2012, 8:36pm
Thanks guys :)

I'm just down in NSW still so I might try and post some from this trip during the week and see what everyone thinks (nothing terribly special I'm sure but it might give a good base point to improve on)


Mary Anne
23-10-2012, 9:26pm
Hi there Greg and Welcome to AP. I will be looking forward to seeing what you post from your trip down South.

23-10-2012, 9:35pm
Thanks Mary Anne,

I have a few so far but just really hoping I can get out for some bushwalks and some sunset shoots if all of this smoke from the fires clears a little


23-10-2012, 9:48pm
Hi Greg and nice to have you along:D

Warren Ackary
24-10-2012, 8:11am
:gday: Greg
Welcome to AP, hope you have a great trip and look forward to your posts :th3:

27-10-2012, 7:28am
Hi Greg, welcome to forums, looking forward to seeing some of your local sunny coast images.

27-10-2012, 9:05am
Welcome to the forum, cya 'round!