View Full Version : Debluring photos?

22-10-2012, 8:32am
Saw this once some time ago when it was still in construction, but now seems to be available!

Deblur photos suffering from poor focus or movement!!


It will be interesting to see this intergrated with our current imaging technology in the future. won't be long before we can hand hold 1+ second exposures!!! :D

22-10-2012, 9:27am
Brilliant! Greg. So I had a look. There's no executable file that's apparent. Any information on how it is implemented. Even the single PDF file looked like a PhD thesis.

22-10-2012, 9:50am
I haven't looked into it further as I'm on a work PC, but:


Seems to have it available in a zip fie.

22-10-2012, 10:35am
Ta Greg. I was looking at the unzipped list.... Nothing(?)

22-10-2012, 10:59am
seems to be in the zip file. looks ok, but I have not tested.

22-10-2012, 2:24pm
the download is 7Meg.
Everything is contained the single folder.

Works quite fast on a slowish system(maaan! I really need to spring clean this PC soon!)

sample image looks like this:


the deblurred version looks like this:


It's extremely difficult to remove the circular artifact pattern, but the clarity of the text in the processed version is quite good.

It's not a tool that will create a wedding cake out of a cow pat tho! :p

This was just a super quick 1 min play going with the recommendation provided in the start up example. Haven't tried any of it on any of my images as yet, but I have one I will try soon enough and see what it does exactly.

I can see the value in having this program at your disposal.
It'd work well as a CS addon that you would paint across various section of the image as required.

22-10-2012, 3:03pm
Thank you for that, Your Majesty.

I really should have posted with pictures ...

22-10-2012, 3:49pm
It's quite interesting what can be deblurred in the image.
I haven't tried a test image myself of a deliberately blurred image to see if it really works, or if that sample image is doctored to give the illusion that it works.

I did try it on an image I have(recent) where my daughter is blurred due to her movements. The image a split sec before is sharp, and the image I wanted to deblur is slightly blurred, so it would have made a likely candidate to use this software on.

It's come up 'ok' but not outstanding, and that's more likely because I resized the image to 1200 on the long side, from 4288.
But on trying the 4288 image, the program crashed just as the warning says if you choose an image size larger than 3000 on the longest edge.

But it's be good if they gave you the option to selectively deblur, as the sections of the image that are too far blurred come out looking quite ugly with a pattern noise.

Despite the limitations(so far), it's still an interesting piece of software.

22-10-2012, 3:55pm
Well, Arthur, how do you install/run this prog?
Am (?-ering)

22-10-2012, 4:13pm
I knew you'd ask that! :p

sounds like the file(zip may have downloaded corruptedly or sumth'n).
(I use 7zip for my zipping requirements).

Once the file is downloaded in the zip format, extract to anywhere and run directly from that folder. No installation, all the libs and dependencies are in the extracted folder.
What puzzled me tho is the initial sample image, and it's location :confused013 .. it doesn't really exist!

The other interesting facet is that there is a folder called imageformats. In there, I can see that there is a dll called qtiff4.dll.
I haven't yet tried it, but I reckon this may be tiff file support(I only tried jpg for now).

As for running the program, simply navigate to the extracted folder and run the exe file(SmartDeblur.exe)

22-10-2012, 4:18pm
Ta 4 that. I have no exe file in the downloaded zip. Will try it all again.

22-10-2012, 6:20pm
Well it seems interesting :) did my own test and here is the results

22-10-2012, 6:27pm

22-10-2012, 9:12pm
That is cool Jim!

I'm so glad i didn't post up a hoax! :D

22-10-2012, 9:22pm
That is cool Jim!

I'm so glad i didn't post up a hoax! :D

:) ill give it a test on a land scape style photo tomorrow and see what it looks like

i think it will come in handy :)