View Full Version : Beginner needing lens advice

20-10-2012, 6:45am
I have just purchased a Canon EOS 650D with an EFS 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 IS lens - I thought this might be good for starters (my first DSLR).

I want to buy a lens suitable for street/architecture and also landscape photography. Is there one that will suit all these purposes? I have a budget of around $500 give or take a few $.

Some advice please anyone?

Cheers, JJ

20-10-2012, 6:59am
Welcome to AP. To get something that covers all of that, look at an 18-200 which you can pick up for around the $500 mark. However as you explore and learn about photography more, you will discovered that lenses like this are a compromise. Good to start out with, but if photography gets in your blood, expect to be looking at more expensive and better lenses soon.

20-10-2012, 7:15am
The Canon EF 17-40mm f/4.0 L USM (review here (http://www.the-digital-picture.com/Reviews/Canon-EF-17-40mm-f-4.0-L-USM-Lens-Review.aspx)) is a not too terribly exopensive entree into high quality useful wide angle lenses. It may not be perfect for architecture, and you will need a tripod in low light, but is excellent for landscapes. They are available for round $750 used on eBay and forums (I purchased mine a few months ago in that price range). I'd suggest saving up till you can afford a quality L lens. Use the lens you have at all its lengths and get to know the camera and its features and limitations so when you get better quality 'glass' you have more confidence in using it.

And welcome to the board

Sample landscape image from the 17-40


20-10-2012, 7:22am
:gday: & Welcome
- lets see some photos in the main CC forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5) maybe try a competition or 2 and have fun!

Maybe have a look at the New to Photography (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Indexes:New_To_Photography_Book) book and the Learning Plan in the book.

Your 18-200 is a good start, albeit not a fast lens. 18 is wide enough.
Stick with it for a few months as you develop your skills.
I'd invest in a good sturdy tripod before a new lens if landscape is your plans.
Then maybe a filter system so you can have graduated neutral density filters to tame the sky.

Later maybe get a Sigma 10-20 for a wide angle lens; the Sigma is very highly rated!

20-10-2012, 8:16am
If you are new to the DSLR world, the kit 18-200 you have will take you far enough for now, why are you so keen to spend more?, you probably don't need to yet. Get out and takes lots and lots of photos and see how you go. What lenses you will want after that is quite a personal preference and you might find you change your photography style. Get comfortable with your new zoom before venturing forth! (just my opinion anyways).

20-10-2012, 12:40pm
Hi welcome to AP :)

Mary Anne
20-10-2012, 1:51pm
Hello and Welcome to AP.. Thats a good Lens to start with keep at it for a while.
Then when its in your Blood and you want the best get the Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8 L II USM Lens..

20-10-2012, 9:59pm
Hi there and welcome. As to buying lenses, DON'T DO ANYTHING just yet....I promise you, spend a few months looking at what everyone else is using, it might be the best months you spend before spending your "hard-earned"!!!:D

21-10-2012, 12:11am
Welcome to AP :)

Sounds like you have a good all round setup there. I would do as the other guys are suggesting and get used to your setup first before going to spend more on more lenses ;)

Enjoy :)

26-10-2012, 1:39pm
I agree get used to what you have for the moment. If later down the track you want to upgrade your lenses one option is to hire and try certain lens before you buy.

26-10-2012, 3:19pm
Not sure if JustJane has seen the replies as she has not been back on the site since creating this thread. So from me, thanks everyone for being kind enough to post advice, even if the thread starter hasn't looked at any of the replies