View Full Version : Hi, my name is Adam.

17-10-2012, 9:14am
I have been a member of AusPhotography for several years now. I'd like to say how long I've been a member for but I can't even access my own profile page.

The bright red text at the top of my browsing window is telling me my account has been disabled because I haven't made useless, defamatory or argument-inciting posts for short while. Unfortunately for the forum I have been working. I run my own business that sees me travelling all across this wonderful land we call Australia. Whilst travelling I work around 16 hours per day, 7 days a week. This limits my forum viewing to a 4.3" mobile phone screen between phone calls whilst sitting in an airport lounge.

A screen of such enormity does make offering useful critique of someone photograph very difficult, equally typing a worthwhile critique (of the image I can barely see) is laborious and consumes time I simply do not have. So, instead of posting comments that are completely unhelpful like "great capture" I choose to view posted photographs, quietly critiquing in my head, all the while hoping I will be able to find some spare time to drag the dust collector I call a camera bag out of the hall cupboard. In fact, this was the very reason for my visit this morning, to post some photographs, but alas I am unable to do so.

Anyhow, the phone is once again ringing and I have a meeting to attend. Following that I will hop back into the sky and head north. Once I drop back to earth, depending on the severity, I shall check back to see if my account has been reactivated. If it has not, or if we land a bit too firmly, I guess I will try again at some point in the future.


17-10-2012, 4:20pm
Symphonic! Like the sound of a thousand violins.

telling me my account has been disabled because I haven't made useless, defamatory or argument-inciting posts for short while
Funny! I don't remember too many such disparaging remarks from you, Adam. Are you sure it hasn't been disabled just because you haven't logged in for a while?
That's how it mostly happens. (Happened to me once.)
Anyway, you do what yo can.

17-10-2012, 5:13pm
Hi welcome back to AP :)

17-10-2012, 6:24pm
Welcome back and your account reactivates automatically within 60 minutes of you posting again, so it should have been active by 10.14am at the latest.

I have fixed the issue with not being able to view your profile when inactive.

17-10-2012, 6:26pm
:gday: & Welcome Back

17-10-2012, 8:06pm
rofl Adam ... seems I got the same email .. LOL