View Full Version : EnfuseGUI

16-10-2012, 4:25pm
Does anybody here use this program? (A link here.) (http://software.bergmark.com/enfuseGUI/Main.html)

How do you find it?

21-10-2012, 9:48am
I use hugin for panos and blending (it uses enfuse and enblend under the hood) so I thought I'd give it a try. Unfortunately there isn't a Linux version of enfuseGUI - have you had a play with it yet?

21-10-2012, 10:10am
Hi Steve.
This is EnfuseGUI, somewhat different from Enfuse that is used as part of Hugin. I have both installed, the GUI quite happy and separate from the other.
I have had a play with it and it's not hard to "work out" It's just that hitting the preview button after it has done some process yields nothing.

I have looked online for manuals or tutorials and all I found was an unhelpful Youtube video. Actually I thought it was woeful. There was no speech, just a mouse pointing
here and there on the screen. From the actions, they were some of the ones I did. Now I can't remember much about the video.

It sure is weird!

22-10-2012, 5:08am
It's a shame the support docs aren't much use. Have you had a look at http://www.panoguide.com? There might be some useful info there.