View Full Version : What would you do with this?

16-10-2012, 12:11pm
Hey :)

I have a pic of my son that I really like, and I have had a few goes at editing it in Photoshop Elements, and I am never happy with it. Below is the image before editing, just as it was shot(it is a JPEG, but I do have it RAW if it helps), and then one of the edited versions that I have done:

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8334/8092401524_1449928d41_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/87417482@N08/8092401524/)
Original (http://www.flickr.com/photos/87417482@N08/8092401524/)

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8329/8092405554_82a4c0bf65_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/87417482@N08/8092405554/)
edited (http://www.flickr.com/photos/87417482@N08/8092405554/)

The edited photo hasn't had a great deal done with it. I was hoping others could share how they would have cropped it, what other manipulation they might have done, etc. The is also a shadow from his arm(?) on the lower area of his face which is one of those things I really need to work harder at WHEN I am taking the pic :-( If there is a way to remove these sorts of problems, I'd love to hear about it :D

16-10-2012, 1:47pm
Because the sky is unrelieved blue, you can very easily clone out the sail from the top left rather then crop it out.

I say this because in the first image, it's quite obvious your son is on a childrens play set, yet the crop removes most of this location awareness.

Be aware when photographing people wearing glasses not to let the frame intersect with their eyes. It tends to look a little strange and give an almost evil effect. I will often ask them to take them off for a few moments as it's just easier. But then some people suit them so well, and look funny without them.

Ian Brewster
16-10-2012, 3:36pm
Hi Homer,

I agree with Greg re composition and after cloning the sky ot remove the black LH corner shadow, I would crop from the left to the edge of the diagonal yellow; this then gives nice line to the compostion. Whatever you have done with tones in your own edit has worked very well on the skin. I would try playing around with the Healing tool to reduce the shadow edges from the shoulder, but more proficient PPers may suggest a better way.

Definitely an image to be pleased with.


19-10-2012, 3:02pm
Hi , summarizing all been said here what can be done. To me photo needs a bit of contrast added as well

19-10-2012, 3:37pm
Looks good to me mate. Certainly better then the original crop.