View Full Version : d-d-photographics experiences

14-10-2012, 10:34pm
Has anyone had any experiences with shopping with d-d-photographics? They seem to be the only grey importer that has a shopfront (Sydney) and they offer GST back etc.[

Members with < 50 posts and < 30 days membership cannot make commercially related posts (good, bad, or indifferent)

15-10-2012, 5:26am
I have purchased several items from DDP when they had an outlet in Brunswick Street, Brisbane and have always been satisfied with their service. DDP replaced a 300mm F4L that was front focusing (within the advertised 7 day period) after they confirmed the problem. Based on my experiences, I would purchase from them again even though the Brisbane outlet is now closed.



Dylan & Marianne
15-10-2012, 10:12am
I bought a TC80N3 remote from them and had prompt service, no issues

15-10-2012, 10:17am
Always had excellent dealings with these guys. Used both the shopfront and online.

15-10-2012, 10:21am
I'd also recommend them. I've bought four bodies, two L's and lots of incidental stuff off them going back to 2006. Only ever had one occasion to complain about a delay, and that was rectified quickly. Also had a body fail within 7 days and that was replaced no questions asked. For stuff in stock, his freight is very quick.


Mary Anne
15-10-2012, 1:10pm
I have bought many of my lenses and other things from their Brisbane store, closed now..
Also on line from the Sydney Store. I would recommend them.

15-10-2012, 3:39pm
Bought lots of stuff from them - Bodies and lenses - the price online is the price - no haggling LOL - next day delivery most of the time - never had any problems over last 3 years

16-10-2012, 10:16am
I agree with all the previous comments. Over the past three years we've spent more than $40k with DD without hassle. Delivery is super fast and one D700 body was ordered at 3pm and arrived 8.30am the next morning. They always carry adequate stock.

Lance B
16-10-2012, 10:25am
I have had no issues with DD Photographics either. However, I have always purchased at the store front.

16-10-2012, 11:14am
Thanks for all the feedback

16-10-2012, 12:16pm
Ive bought most of my stuff from the guys in Sydney - Another happy customer!

16-10-2012, 10:11pm
No probs here either. Have dealt with them several times over the years.

17-10-2012, 1:19am
I bought my 7d from them earlier this year and the delivery was right on the outside of the maximum quoted times, arrived without any issues though.

18-10-2012, 6:59am
it's OK

07-12-2012, 8:07am
Only ever picked up, but more than happy to go there again. Bought probably 10+ orders, one return on a flash and that was resolved very quick, from memory assessed, repaired and returned in 1 week, though suggested it would take up to 3 (which is what canon Aus say anyways).

14-01-2013, 9:50pm
I've also been happy with DDP... wish they hadn't closed their Brisbane outlet...

15-01-2013, 8:59am
I have to agree with the others, excellent service from DPP, I recently recommended to a friend and he is similarly impressed.

Mark L
19-01-2013, 10:07pm
^ out of interest Phil, when was the last time you bought something from them?
Have notice elsewhere some saying delivery is very slow these days. Not that I'd know otherwise!

20-01-2013, 1:29pm
I purchased my 300 MM F4 IS L from them, was advised straight up that they had no Aussie stock and where awaiting new stock. They gave me a date, and followed up with emails. They've been fine all the way through so far. I will have the lens on Tuesday. So for me, great.

21-01-2013, 1:22pm
Purchased some bits and pieces from their online store before as well, with no dramas :th3:

21-02-2013, 7:20pm
Ok so this is my experience - I ordered a couple of items on the 23rd of Jan, was told they would take 7-10 working days to arrive so I went ahead and oredered. I received an email saying check the website for status which said "order in process" and at this point I was charged, just over $2K for the items.

A couple of days later Ihad not heard anything again so I checked the website again and it still said "order in process", 7 working days later I called and left a message on their message service which said they would call back the same day (they didn't) I again called the next day and still no message returned so I visited the store in North Sydney and I was told it would be 7-10 working days and they would contact me.

11 working days since I placed the order I still hadn't heard anything so I again called and was told it would be ready to pick up the following Tuesday or Wednesday (this would make it 15 working days since the order). The following week I called up and was told that due to the Chinese New Year the items would not arrive till the following week, 18-19 days since the order.

Well I have finally received the items and I understand that things get held up (or more to the point forget to be ordered) but for the customer to have to follow the order thoughout the whole process is crazy, I received zero information and I wonder, if I had not followed them up every few days I think I would still be without my gear and be minus $2K out of my bank account.

I @ M
21-02-2013, 7:32pm
Ok so this is my experience ------------- if I had not followed them up every few days I think I would still be without my gear and be minus $2K out of my bank account.

This is purely a delight of saving bulk $$$ when buying grey market goods, sometimes everything goes according to plan and sometimes it doesn't.
I daresay that if you had bought from your "local dealer" you may have had a speedier delivery ( or maybe not ) but most assuredly you would have payed more money locally.

There is something in this about having your cake and eating it too -----

21-02-2013, 7:46pm
I've bought my 7D, 15-85, 70-300, 400L f 5.6 from them. The 400L was not in stock at the time and I was about to leave on a trip in about 4 days and I wanted it before I left. I asked if it was possible and they said yes, and it was delivered well in time, they seemed to go to no end of trouble to get it to me. I also sent the 7D back for a small problem before the warranty expired, and they did that without any cost to me, arranged for it to be collected in Brisbane, and delivered back to me. My only beef with them was that when the camera came back they had left an 8GB CF card in it and being a nice guy I told them, thinking perhaps that they would say keep it, but no they wanted it back and it cost me the postage.

Mark L
22-02-2013, 9:00pm
My only beef with them was that when the camera came back they had left an 8GB CF card in it and being a nice guy I told them, thinking perhaps that they would say keep it, but no they wanted it back and it cost me the postage.

As an aside. Saw an elder gent walking away from the ATM I was approaching yesterday. Went to put my card in and saw $50 in the cash dispenser thing. Ah well, easy money!! Grab it and chased after the fellow. Asked if he'd got all the cash he just withdrawn. "Yeah." Asked him to check. Pulls out his wallet and counts out maybe $600 and say, "yah, I am short $50." Was he lying? He didn't say thank you either!!
Got something to do with karma Graham.

06-04-2013, 9:24am
About two years ago, after years of buying through Brinks and Mortar stores, I finally decided to buy a Canon 70-200 f2.8L IS from DDP in Brisbane. They shut the doors of the Brisbane store that day. Needless to say I lost confidence in them and didn't go through with the purchase.

That was two years ago and I'm now in the market for a Canon 10-22 and a 100-400, and my teenaged daughter is considering a 650D or a 60D SLK, and once again considering buying from DDP.

Reading through threads on this and other forums, most of the problems experienced seem to relate to discrepancies between "advertised delivery times" and "actual delivery times". If/when I do decide to purchase through DDP I will be ringing them first to check on availability. Hopefully they'll be honest and upfront to begin with.

The questions I'd like answered are:
What's the LONGEST DDP have taken to supply and deliver your order?
Has anyone had any problems OTHER than with supply and delivery times?

06-04-2013, 9:30am
In my experience over a dozen items or so (camera/lenses) the longest delivery time in Brisbane has been about 36 hours as long as you order before lunchtime.

28-04-2013, 6:03am
Myself and a friend have used their online store, and both of us were happy with the speedy service. I would definitely recommend them.

30-04-2013, 6:41am
Not a customs issue. You can (or at least could) walk in and pick up the lens from DD in North Sydney. Once the lens is in australia no prob.

Bear Dale
30-04-2013, 8:12am
I've been in to their North Sydney building a few times and walked out with a lens 10 minutes later.

30-04-2013, 8:31am
*removed- please read the site rules, in particular rules 3-7*

13-11-2013, 11:58am
It appears [allegedly] as if DDP have changed owners and the old owner has not fulfilled a lot of orders and done a runner.

Further, the new owner is not honouring any old orders (nor it appears do they have any legal obligation to do so).


13-11-2013, 12:54pm
yeah, not good!

Those that have been around a few years, may remember photobuff, that did the same thing. Disappeared overnight. One of the downsides of Grey sellers

13-11-2013, 1:12pm
Thats such a shame. I bought from them 5 or so years ago. As grey sellers, they were highly recommended back then.

13-11-2013, 5:41pm
For fairness http://www.d-d-photographics.com.au/pages/Customer-Notification-for-all-orders-under-%2350000-.html

Dear DDP Customers,

As of October 29th 2013, DDP Australia Pty Ltd (ABN: 56 109 563 484) sold the company assets and website to Discount Digital Pty Ltd (ABN: 70 165 441 770) who commenced management from this date.

The Director of DDP Australia Pty Ltd is Glenn Kerrigan and we understand that some orders placed up to the 29th October 2013 have not been fulfilled.

All orders placed in this time period are the legal responsibility of DDP Australia Pty Ltd and the director Glenn, who, from Tuesday 5th November, has been uncontactable despite constant attempts.

We completely share the concern and frustration of customers in this unfortunate situation and are working with them, the authorities and the Department of Fair Trading to address this issue.

If you placed an order on or prior to October 29th 2013, and have not received any or part of your order, we strongly advise you complete the following steps:

1. Contact your bank as soon as possible and request a reversal/chargeback of the transaction

2. We would like to share any new information we receive on this issue with you, so please let us know your full name, email address and order details via the contact form below.

If you would prefer to speak to one of our customer service staff, you can contact us at (02) 9929 7578.

Our sincere apologies to all customers who have been affected. We hope to see this resolved as soon as possible, and will continue to update you where we can.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

- Discount Digital

13-11-2013, 6:53pm
The big thing about this is that the business name is now being trashed, by the previous owner, to the detriment of the new owner. Those with orders that will not be met certainly have cause to complain, but the new owner is now fighting a battle against trashing of his business name.

13-11-2013, 10:05pm
My last order with them was about 6 months ago which was done around 9 pm, at 12 pm my credit card went on a crazy spending and gambling spree all over the world :lol2:

14-11-2013, 5:32am
My last order with them was about 6 months ago which was done around 9 pm, at 12 pm my credit card went on a crazy spending and gambling spree all over the world :lol2:

not good!

14-11-2013, 6:00am
there's a lot of angry people on whirlpool forum
cheers macca

14-11-2013, 6:14am
there's a lot of angry people on whirlpool forum
cheers macca

With a lot saying the new owner has to honour the orders of the old owner. As the details of the sale have not been made public, then there are a lot that have no idea. What is really needed is details of the sale, and if prior orders/stock on hand etc were included in that sale transaction.

A lot of unhappy people!

14-11-2013, 6:47am
that's the major problem for the new owner its trial by media
the new owner would want the whole issue exposed as quick as they can to get there name out of it
cheers macca

14-11-2013, 3:15pm

Whirlpool user bimmy writes... 14/Nov/2013 at 1:58 pm

Shedding what light I can for y'all.
As a (former) wholsesale supplier to DD Photographics I can 100% confirm that the business has been sold and the new owners are in no way connected to Mr. Glenn Kerrigan. Glenn Kerrigan has been trying to find a buyer for a year or more, now it seems he has.
Glenn Kerrigan is a former MD of Canon NZ. He's a Kiwi national. He kind of pioneered the whole grey market thing in Australia. Over the past 4 or 5 years he has been shifting more and more of his operation to Malaysia (IT, finance, inventory) to the point where Nth Sydney is really just a sales desk nowdays.
From what he told me his wife is doing an MBA in the States and he has plans to get a green card and live there.
It might be cold comfort but the new owners are genuinely shocked & distressed.
Not sure where that leaves us all legally but there you go

14-11-2013, 4:06pm
no good at cricket and know doing a runner
cheers maccas
(no offence to kiwis, only joking)

15-11-2013, 8:30pm
as of a few hours ago ddp officially in liquidation
cheers macca

16-11-2013, 5:37pm
This practice is not unusual. It happened with a photographic company and us recently. Old owner passed away, business changed hands, new owner didn't have to honour sales. That's the way it goes.

16-11-2013, 5:46pm
I have used them a few times. the products are fine but every time they have screwed the delivery up and its been late.

16-11-2013, 5:51pm
big difference erin
this chap has done a runner to the states by the looks of it
not much the chap had of stopping himself from dying, entirely different from trading knowing what was going on and ripping people off for thousands

Mark L
16-11-2013, 7:50pm
The new owner may want to try and trade out of liquidation. If so, stand by for some good deals and customer service.
Not that I'd have any idea.

16-11-2013, 7:57pm
The new owner may want to try and trade out of liquidation. If so, stand by for some good deals and customer service.
Not that I'd have any idea.

No. There are two separate legal entities. The old owner/ABN is being liquidated, the new one has no issues.

17-11-2013, 1:15pm
there's a lot of angry people on whirlpool forum

There's at least two Facebook pages with people voicing their outrage at having lost, in some cases, thousands of dollars.



19-11-2013, 9:35am
Members with < 50 posts and < 30 days membership cannot make commercially related posts (good, bad, or indifferent)

19-11-2013, 9:54am
I had recommended them to members of our camera club on many occasions but unfortunately things seem to still be bad. Only yesterday I had someone giving me a mouth full for recommending them as the new camera they had just received was the wrong camera and didnt have the spare battery or memory card that had been paid for. My advice is don't recommend anything to anyone:lol2:

21-11-2013, 12:00pm
@Jon -- objectively a) you had a good experience, b) you told someone that, c) they then had a bad experience; that sadly happens and c) does not change the fact of a)

Things change with companies over time.
There is always some risk, and grey importers have a greater rick risk than the local channel which is backed by the major supplier.

21-11-2013, 12:21pm
Sadly the same applies to businesses that go under the employees and businesses owed money don't get anything and the liquidators can be on anything from eg $900's/hour for the person overseeing the account the one under him could be on eg. $700's/hr down to the bottom on eg $90's/hr. the only ones how win are the banks and company handling the liquidation. If anyone else does get a look in then be prepared to wait and don't expect anything exciting in the way of returns.

the old saying "This is business", Fairness & justice don't exist.

21-11-2013, 1:26pm
..have a greater rick than the local channel which is backed by the major supplier.

I am the Greater Rick...You may bow to me! :D