View Full Version : A point to prove ..... (for all Nikon fanbois, and girls)

09-10-2012, 9:35pm
..... that Nikon Australia are a bunch of noodle-heads!! :D

BBC's comments ..... (http://www.thephoblographer.com/2012/10/08/confirmed-bbc-states-that-neither-the-nikon-d4-or-d800-are-acceptable-for-broadcast/)

It seems that Nikon Australia's legendary marketing department .. yep the same geese that probably set out their pricing strategies :) .. thought that a fail actually equals a pass when it comes to the BBC, broadcasting and image quality certification.

They had on their web site, claims that the D4 and the D800 passed this BBC broadcast testing thingy(whatever it was supposed to be)....

and really who cares? .. as if any of us will purchase a D4 or D800 to make broadcast quality video for the BBC or whatever, and for those that do make professional video for a living, know enough about the limitations of DSLR equipment for making high end video.

So it begs the question, who did Nikon think they were fooling?

Who ever it was, they've been caught with their pants down now, and my advice is that they should all be sacked!

Every last one of those idiots should be made to pay for their idiotic blunder, and I have a proposal for how a transitional management should be set up.

Vote for me as head honcho, el presidente indefinido at Nikon's Aussie basecamp, and I'll sort out the mess that is Nikon Aus.

D4 pricing will be commensurate with expectations(ie. AU$2K max), D800 will be much more affordable at $899 with the MBD12 included, 200mm/2 pricing should be more like AU$249(incl GST of course) .. and I'll even pressure Nikon HQ to release the proper version of Android (Jelly Bean!!) to the public, prior to the introduction of the Coolpix S800c.

All I need is YOUR VOTE .. your unequivocal vote of support, a right hand man(preferably with special forces training in hand to hand combat, weapons and ballistics! :D).
AND!!...... and as gratitude for your support, you all get a years subscription to AusPhotography.net, entirely for free!
(note that even non Nikon folks can vote for me too.. but no one else.. only Nikon folk reserve the right to vote for other Nikon Aus board memberships positions).

I want to know if the idiot that passed that marketing guff has been sacked ... or what? :rolleyes:

news articles via PetaPixel.

10-10-2012, 5:29am
Vote ONE Arthur to replace Julia Gillard...Alan Jones...Queen Elizabeth...

Actually, I quite like your price points.

But the article is quite correct, how can a DSLR compete with a full HD professional video camera specifically designed to produce broadcast quality output? These cameras costs tens of thousands, and are a completely different ball game to the add-on of video to a DSLR. Nikon Australia are just as silly as their Asian counterparts who you may recall used footage taken with a Canon at the launch of the D800 (http://news.yahoo.com/nikon-blunder-camera-maker-uses-canon-dlsr-footage-025405238.html).

Nikon (Japan) needs to put out something to its worldwide subsidiaries advising that things like this will not be tolerated. It's probably a good thing Nikon have not given Arthur Alan Jones a camera and asked for that back, cause he would be justifiably bagging them out about now.:D

I @ M
10-10-2012, 5:45am
All hail King Arthur for such outstanding anti inflationary measures in a time of need.

I suggest that Nikon Aus be bulldozed into Sydney Harbour and Aldi be appointed as Australian distributors. :D

10-10-2012, 5:51am

I don't want my Nikon to come in a white box, I likes the gold boxes, and without a brand name on the camera, cause its just generic.:rolleyes:

10-10-2012, 8:39am

I don't want my Nikon to come in a white box, I likes the gold boxes, and without a brand name on the camera, cause its just generic.:rolleyes:

What? without the branding it's just another Pentax??

10-10-2012, 9:00am
Never thought we'd hear the words "it's just another Pentax" from you!!

I think I'll quote you often, each time, leaving it completely out of context.:)

10-10-2012, 11:31am
Never thought we'd hear the words "it's just another Pentax" from you!!

I think I'll quote you often, each time, leaving it completely out of context.:)

As a minority device owner, you have to have a sense of humour about it. Otherwise you may as well be another Canikon user... :D

But feel free to quote me out of context, Got to keep things livley around here! :D

10-10-2012, 3:05pm
You have my vote Arthur!

Really was a terrible stuff up by Nikon Aus' marketing "team".


10-10-2012, 3:45pm
You have my vote as well. Let me kow when you get in. I can then start sucking up to the misses, with the excuse of "But Arthur Said I Could" :D

10-10-2012, 4:24pm
What? without the branding it's just another Pentax??

Sheesh, then it would just be in the specials bin at Aldi.. you know..buy two get the second one half price:lol2:

10-10-2012, 8:06pm
Mongo too pledges his allegiance to the good King Arthur and also pledges all nasty tricks at Mongo's disposal to the good cause !! All hail the mighty Arthur !!

Mongo would also pledge the use of his mighty camera armaments to the cause but alas, his so called mighty D800 is in for the 3rd time with nikon for further adjustments/repairs for the next 3 to 4 weeks. Maybe they should sack the incompetent who is in charge of quality control and and obvious propaganda about how good this camera was to be - bunkum !!! :Doh:

10-10-2012, 9:42pm
first off:

" .... You're all drunk!" .... to paraphrase the immortal response from Brian's mother.

But you've also all been bonked on the head with a silver plated scimitar, and I now pronounce you all knnniggets of the oval table.

Celebratory drinks (and marshmallows) will be held at Sydney's infamous harbour, where I'll send up two B-Doubles to collect the precious load of inventory, after which we'll settle to toast our marshmallows on the bonfire fueled by the remnants of the old Nikon HQ rubble.(we'll require the services of a licensed earth moving contractor to be in attendance .. I think Roosta is the member most likely to succeed there).

All attendees, will have priority pick of the inventory prior to it's release to the main retail channels with the newly arranged pricing schedule and hence to the general public.

We'll also have to put into effect my punishment proposal for the old Nikon Aus general manager as Prime Minister of Australia .. for the term of his natural life.
(all submissions from persons looking to accept the role of supervisor of this punishment arrangement will be accepted).

I'm assuming everyone will be in agreement to the proposal that Mongo should have priority choice over the role of chief head roller and eradicator of errant quality control officers within the stale old service department staff .. from here on shall be named Sir Mongo - The Pure(ification) manager and cleanser of inefficient technical staff.

I believe that Andrew will be a most excellent choice as Sir I@M - The Brave manger of the 200f/2 distribution channel.

Geoff shall be henceforth known as Sir Geoffsta - The Big, manhandler of the humungous, chief of staff of the over 400 club (note that 800/5.6 is due to arrive any time soon and requires the services of an emergency services officer .. and that all spouses shan't cry foul, nor be heard lest they be blown up by thy holy handgrenade!

bconolly shall be, from this point on, be proclaimed Bconolly - The Funny, imperially appointed master of all jesters! CEO of the funny farm that used to be the marketing department. Larrakin supremo in charge of all manner of hilarity that is Nikon marketing guff. With a name like bconolly, do we have any other choice! :D

and as for Rattus79, hereby proclaimed to be Sir Rattus79 - The Proclaimant, supreme commander of all things Nikonianism. Convertor of all errant bystanders of wayward allegiance and misguided misconceptions into the fold that is the one true brandname.
(what that brandname is, has yet to be determined, but I'm sure Nikon may figure quite highly in the imminent poll ;))

and Granville .. will subsequently to this day, be knownst to all and sundry as Sir Granville - The _old, maintainer of all things antiquated(and possibly precious). Keeper of antiquities and preserver of the aged. Who shall be set up and a Ville, which most certainly shall be Grand. Served humbly and faithfully by an army of grey grans.... in his new home, in the Ville.
(of course not to be confused with a retirement village .. no!.... nothing of the sort :p)

and finally Rick .. Sir Rick - Maintainer of the Slick, purveyor of the fast, upholder of the show ... remover of the spam, and deleter of the detritus. Spam us no more and be damned to a life of Canonisms and Sonyfications rude spammer. Fear not loyal followers of New Nikonestament , for your eyes will be averted from the wares and ill informed advertorials emanating from these unpalatable tinned pork product producers.
And the Net shall be safe once more from that day forth.

As for everyone else, the party is at 6 :D

11-10-2012, 5:46am

11-10-2012, 6:27am
Ha Ha! I like the way you think Sir Arthur - you definetly have my vote. :wd:

11-10-2012, 6:46am
thank you good king - Mongo accepts !

Could Mongo also beseech your good Highness for one more honour on your unworthy servant ?

that between Mongo's duties of dispensing hideous , cruel but well deserved justice upon all the offending Nikon naives, that he also have the duty and task of entertaining your royal court at each evening's feasting as the jester to your majesty's court ? Oh....and speaking of feasting.....On second thoughts, best you not put Mongo in charge of the eats lest you all starve in the course of our worthy quest .

11-10-2012, 8:03am
I'm honoured my liege

11-10-2012, 8:24am
Wooo hoooo!!!

I will not let this position of honour go to my head,

You can all call me Sir Rattus from here or be refered to Sir Mongo for punishment.

11-10-2012, 8:32am
Wooo hoooo!!!

I will not let this position of honour go to my head,

You can all call me Sir Rattus from here or be refered to Sir Mongo for punishment.

AP members are not for eating..otherwise we would not have any left.

old dog
11-10-2012, 8:39am
old dog has gone + 1 for Arfur.....:D

11-10-2012, 12:08pm
AP members are not for eating..otherwise we would not have any left.

maybe just a finger or 2?

11-10-2012, 12:44pm
this thread shows that the camera make others are knocking, ie pentax, is the one with nothing to prove
eat your hearts out cnnikons

11-10-2012, 1:22pm
All hail King Arthur, you have my vote. I will slay my Olympus (Have come very close a few times now anyway) and pledge to only use my Nikon henceforth.
Sounds like church and state will no longer be separated as the New Nikontestament lays down the law in this new world order. Saints will be now have to be Nikonised, (obviously they cannot be Canonised)

I was thinking that for entertainment at your banquets, you should engage everyone's favourite court jester Mr K Rockwell, who had me in stitches today as I read his D800 vs D600 literary masterpiece...

Quote 1 - "anything above about 24 MP in FX or 12 MP in DX is starting to become a cross between a hoax and just a sales feature for the innocent":lol:

Quote 2 - "36 MP is worse than 24 MP. No pro I know shoots above 10 MP; above 10 MP, all it does is slow your workflow so you can't get anything done":lol::lol:

Or Maybe Mongo could just arrange for his headrolling...:D

Lance B
11-10-2012, 2:08pm
Vote for me as head honcho, el presidente indefinido

Spoken like a true despot! :D

Sign me up as a good and loyal underling.

11-10-2012, 4:56pm
Geoff shall be henceforth known as Sir Geoffsta - The Big, manhandler of the humungous, chief of staff of the over 400 club (note that 800/5.6 is due to arrive any time soon and requires the services of an emergency services officer .. and that all spouses shan't cry foul, nor be heard lest they be blown up by thy holy handgrenade![B]

Thankyou Your Majesty for allowing me in your royal court. I'll not dissapoint ye in my role, and even contain those who offend our great leader, and assist Sir Mongo in defence of the realm. Even if thy wench thee wife shackles me in balls and chain.