View Full Version : Noisy pictures

09-10-2012, 11:52am
Hi Everyone,
I recently took a series of pictures in low light, but was not able to use a tripod.
Can anyone suggest a good program to reduce the noise on these.

09-10-2012, 11:55am
photoshop/photoshop elements, lightroom, aperture

basically all the decent editing packages have a noise reduction filter included. Hope we get to start seeing some of your photos soon.

09-10-2012, 12:35pm
Someone else (Mark L I think) suggested Noiseware. There's a 'Community Edition' that's free.

I've tried NeatImage as well. Not quite as good though. I've looked as well at AfterShot, from Corel, which has a cut down version of Noise Ninja built in, and it seems really good.

As Rick said, most decent editing packages have something available. Possibly also the software that came with your camera?

Mark L
09-10-2012, 8:56pm
^Well remembered Scott.
Have a look at this thread Scott, to see the freeware Scott mentioned I mentioned :D http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?110987-Man-fern-fronds-opening
Post #5. It also shows the benefit of posting on AP. :th3:

09-10-2012, 9:08pm
I do like Noiseware; it's done the best job of the software I've tried so far. In fact I'm using it right this very minute :)

09-10-2012, 11:04pm
As an example, here's a recent one using default settings. Posted full size. Before:

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8452/8070581405_237ff687ba_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/52423468@N04/8070581405/)
DSC_2351 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/52423468@N04/8070581405/)


http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8180/8070574551_01c763fa16_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/52423468@N04/8070574551/)
DSC_2351_filtered (http://www.flickr.com/photos/52423468@N04/8070574551/)

Please excuse the reflections from the glass court backing, and other editing etc - noise reduction example only :)

10-10-2012, 5:15am
I used to be a huge fan of noise ninja, but it has now been incorporated into picture ninja, and I really do not need another total editing package, buy you can still find previous versions of noise ninja separately on the net. : http://www.picturecode.com/index.php

noise ninja is an interesting one cause as well as being able to reduce noise you could also use it to sharpen your photos as well.

11-10-2012, 11:34am
photoshop/photoshop elements, lightroom, aperture

basically all the decent editing packages have a noise reduction filter included. Hope we get to start seeing some of your photos soon.

Thanks Rick!
I will try to make some time to have a good look through these programs.
I will also get my altogether and post a few pictures as there are one or two that I do like.

19-12-2012, 11:55pm
and where did you go?

There is so much more to say than this noise package or that. The replies were shallow. Your question was shallow. There must be 15 -20 reasons why a shot i low light is bad. You say noise bit ...blur...whatever.

You posted a nearly null question and replies needed filtering.

Bit if you are not going to reply, then ....it's null.

Mark L
20-12-2012, 7:37pm
^ So why both commenting?
It is the New to Photography area and some new to photography may have learnt a little (maybe).

Keith Young
20-12-2012, 9:03pm
Topaz Labs DeNoise seems to work for me when the noise is over the top. Their other products arn't much chop. I don't know how it compares to Noise Ninja, or Noiseware but when its really noisy it seems to work better than Photoshop. I just try to avoid having to use Hi ISO if I can.

20-12-2012, 10:54pm
Using a tripod will make little difference here., so I felt that this could be pointed out. Did the OP set the camera, or was it auto? etc etc High ISO is the problem that causes noise. Red herring. I am just a grumpy old SOB. I feel that answers should maybe have been a bit more thoughtful and ####-ytical. but I have been bitten, by trying to offer too much ####-ysis, too many times, so I try to jog others. I see the OP is happy with a piece of software. I step aside.

I----am the weakest link.