View Full Version : Drawing straight diagonal lines in p/s

01-10-2012, 10:54am
I am in the middle of a Joel grimes tutorial on composites and am stuck with one thing. Drawing a straight diagonal line. I am using a tablet, and i am suppose to be able to hold down the shift key and draw a diagonal line and the shift key will keep the line straight...... unfortunately all it does for me is draw the line either horizontal od vertical, no matter what direction i draw.

Am i missing something, i have clicked on everything i can think of but all to no avail...

thanks in advance for any help


01-10-2012, 12:31pm
hey Simon, holding the shift key and drawing a straight line vertical, horizontal or diagonal works fine on my PC, I can only assume that the fact your using a tablet is the issue, it might be worth letting us know what make of tablet your using.....
Ok just had a little play, Drawing a line will make horizontal or vertical lines, try holding the Shift key down then click on the starting point of your line, then move to where end point of your line to be and click again and you line should appear. Im presuming your tablet has "mouse buttons". Or hold shift, touch the starting point then touch the finishing point. I reckon its the drawing the line thats creating the problem for you, the shift key will fill a line between two points.
Good luck

01-10-2012, 12:49pm
Thanks David, was just about to type that i worked that out. Putting the pen at the start point, then holding down shift, then putting pen down at finish point is working. I may have misunderstood the tutorial slightly, thanks for your input, appreciated.


01-10-2012, 3:10pm
You doing the one where he puts the stadium lights in and shoots the light across the background? I have watched that one several times but not tried it out yet, Let us see the results when you are ready :)

03-10-2012, 9:05pm
Yeah Fess that's the one i think, tutorial from Kelby training. Mine is a little different but same principals. really enjoying learning some new stuff, will post a finished version once im done. Wont be for a few days yet though as i still have to shoot the model, ( hopefully tomorrow ).


04-10-2012, 6:24am
Yeah I took the plunge on the Kelby training and I have to say for the most part it is pretty good.

04-10-2012, 3:00pm
Agreed,money well spent i would say, only signed up about a month ago and am happy so far.