View Full Version : Tokina 11-16mm updated version

24-09-2012, 9:27am
After researching UWA lenses I will be buying a Tokina AT-X 116 Pro DX AF 11-16mm f2.8 for my Canon 7D.

Tokina have recently released an upgraded version of this lens (version II) and I wonder if anyone here has had experience with it yet. If so, could you let me know if it corrects the significant CA that the first version had. While this is correctable in PP it would be nice not to have to.

I want to know if it is worth paying the extra $150+ for the newer version, considering the original is a very impressive lens anyway.

24-09-2012, 1:49pm
Its the first I have heard of the newer version, i have not had a huge problem with any CA, I really don't think there is a whole lot for them to improve on, its a pretty sweet lens.

Tokina has announced an updated version of its highly-regarded 11-16mm F2.8 wideangle zoom for APS-C SLRs. The AT-X 116 PRO DX II adds a 'Silent Drive-Module' (SD-M) focus motor that enables it to autofocus on all Nikon SLRs. The latest version also includes improved surface coatings (which are particularly important for wide-angle lenses) and adds a 'GMR' sensor to locate the focus element's current position, to speed up autofocus - a technology first introduced on the AT-X 16-28 F2.8 PRO FX full-frame wide-angle. US distributor THK Photo tells us the Nikon version should be available around April with a Canon version following around August.

after reading that it makes sense, the in lens AF motor makes sense.

I would gather that the improved would give improved performance in the CA side of things, however I will also wait and see the sample :)

26-09-2012, 8:34pm
I've just bought one. Its just arrived today. excited to experiment. I'l let you know how I get on!

27-09-2012, 6:31pm
Fair time between posts!!!

28-09-2012, 5:30pm
I have just ordered mine (version II) and should be here next week.

Meanwhile, if you have any photos to show from yours Leanne I'd love to see them.