View Full Version : Poll..what do you prefer to shoot

22-09-2012, 8:16am
Hi one and all... I've created a poll to test a theory of mine about the Photographic trends and preferences of AP members ..

22-09-2012, 8:30am
My subjects of interest include seascapes, cityscapes, landscapes, portraiture and still-life.

Over the years I've shot many other subjects, but I concentrate on the above subjects and rarely shoot anything else.

We're heading over to Africa in October, so I'll get to photograph wildlife, which will be a new experience. Imaging being twenty feet from a lion that isn't inside a zoo...

22-09-2012, 8:48am
I have/do shoot all of the above, but landscapes are my fave, but it doesn't mean that it is all I shoot.

22-09-2012, 8:49am
I imagine that most people shoot anything and everything, and eventually hone in on particular subject matter.

I @ M
22-09-2012, 9:00am
Poll..what do you prefer to shoot

Targets. :violent10:

22-09-2012, 9:01am
Targets. :violent10:

I like shooting those too.

22-09-2012, 9:13am
I like to shoot sport. Is that covered by Wildlife, People or Inanimate subjects ?

22-09-2012, 9:27am
Clicked Wildlife, but I do a lot of genre's and want to try some I've not done before.

Probably needed to be a multi choice poll

22-09-2012, 10:16am
I voted landscape but like shooting everything really but can someone tell me want is Astro ?:confused013

22-09-2012, 10:36am
I voted landscape but like shooting everything really but can someone tell me want is Astro ?:confused013


old dog
22-09-2012, 2:28pm
I aim to be a `jack of all trades`.......and yes, fail miserably....but having fun trying :D. I did vote landscapes as my favorite and doing a bit of travelling o/s gives me lots of scenes that I will never get back to.

22-09-2012, 4:11pm
What, no gravy? :p

I prefer to shoot anything that lets me when it/they let me! That said, if I could shoot people all day, every day, I'd be one happy camper.

Trying to pigeon-hole AP members can be a frustrating pastime, Steve. Good luck with that! :lol:

22-09-2012, 6:22pm

the reason I gave only one choice is to try and see if my assumptions about the current membership is correct or not..its early days yet..but thus far its looking like I might be proved right...bit hard though if not all members vote

22-09-2012, 6:27pm

the reason I gave only one choice is to try and see if my assumptions about the current membership is correct or not..its early days yet..but thus far its looking like I might be proved right...bit hard though if not all members vote

my guess is your theory has something to do with comp voting preferences/biases? which is one of the reasons behind the genre comps. all you need to do is look at an open comp to see where members favourite genres are.

22-09-2012, 6:55pm
on the right track Rick...but not about comps..more to do with feedback and CC

22-09-2012, 7:32pm
Hmm I picked People but how do you just pick one genre, I love sport, I dig astro / low light photography, physiographs, orbs, burning steel wool, I also really like architectual and complex patterns, I love bright and mixed colours so I think this summer is going to particularly good. I love portraits and baby photos. I love more than anything to take a photo that captures an event a time a mood that has real meaning to someone and allows me just for a second to think wow I did that. If this is about feedback and CC you are going to find that there are some people who are willing to share and to guide. I have had some simple and yet amazing feedback from AP regulars, and I have taken on board their advice and my photos have improved. I guess this is one of the reasons I like photography, every photo I take is slightly different the subject matter changes the techniques I use to take them changes and over a period of time they tell a story how good is that.

Kind Regards

22-09-2012, 9:14pm
i chose people as that is the closest to sport

22-09-2012, 9:54pm
Could have been multiple choice??? Most of us don't care what we aim at. As long as it looks good.

Mary Anne
22-09-2012, 10:16pm
I have no interest in Landscapes at all... Its the tiny critters I love and the Birds all kinds of Animals really so its Wildlife for me.

22-09-2012, 11:40pm
My favourite subject is sport of any kind but motorsport is my passion.;)

22-09-2012, 11:45pm
Bugger..I forgot about sport ...

23-09-2012, 12:18am
Anything but ppl

24-09-2012, 8:20pm
Bugger..I forgot about sport ... :angry34: Go to your room.

24-09-2012, 10:18pm
I voted Seascapes, but as I very rarely get to the beach, I tend to concentrate on Landscapes, but the poll did ask "What do you PREFER to shoot.

Ms Monny
24-09-2012, 10:32pm
Well, were I live dictates on what I do....I shoot mainly landscapes. I absolutely looove Street and if I lived in a city, than that is probably what I would focus on (as well as Architecture). So, landscapes it is. Would love to portraits down the track but I would like to get some lighting happening before that (a speedlite would be lovely right now!).

Oh, and the odd car shots too. We do go to a few car shows with our Golden Oldies!!

Steve Axford
25-09-2012, 2:52pm
So, what's your theory???
I shoot mainly wildlife at present, but that can easily change depending on the opportunities.

25-09-2012, 7:15pm
People but will give the guns miss

25-09-2012, 8:44pm
No sports or transport and as motorsport is my main thing followed by birds and wildlife I haven't voted. I also shoot rabbits.

Mark L
25-09-2012, 8:46pm
........, if I could shoot people all day, every day, I'd be one happy camper.

Yeah, I can relate to that. And when I'm finished doing that, I'd pick up the camera and take some photos of wildlife. mmmm, they all ran away, some landscapes will do then! Social documentary?

Ray Heath
25-09-2012, 8:50pm
well if it has to be one, inanimtate objects mostly, but a little of everything else at times

25-09-2012, 8:54pm
Curious as to the reasoning behind this thread now?:rolleyes:

la lumiere
26-09-2012, 7:41am
Hmm ........ burning steel wool,
Kind Regards

I clicked wildlife..... but maybe burning steel wool could become a new interest! :)

26-09-2012, 9:20am
No sports or transport and as motorsport is my main thing followed by birds and wildlife I haven't voted. I also shoot rabbits.
+1 for the rabbit and another for the feral pigs!

Mainly landscape work, though like most I tend to dabble in most things .

Lance B
26-09-2012, 7:09pm
I would have liked multiple choice, as I like wildlife, landscapes, seascapes and inanimate objects as well.

28-09-2012, 8:41pm
all of the above but landscapes are the most convenient to organise...not once has Mother Nature required a model release (I'm robbing her blind)

Mark L
28-09-2012, 8:52pm
So do we conform to your theory Steve?

28-09-2012, 9:37pm
I prefer to shoot wildlife. Why because I can sit for hours watching things go about their lives. Takes me away from the hustle and bustle of Modern life

I seem to feel like I suck at anything else ATM

28-09-2012, 10:09pm
Gday everyone. I picked landscape photography, however I do enjoy a bit of everything. Preferences from "highest" to "lowest" are: Landscape/seascape, Macro, Nature, Night/sky. It's all great fun.

Cheers :)

28-09-2012, 10:49pm
I hate what most people love (landscapes, flowers and birds) although the occasional one of those is fine.
I prefer an image that says something to me, that makes a statement or captures something other than the same old, same old.
That said, we should all be able to photograph almost anything because that's what we're here for! As an example, I just won a competition with a sports image, and until recently I had never shot (or even watched) sports. Forcing myself to learn how paid off.

30-09-2012, 9:22am
So do we conform to your theory Steve?

Looking at the way this poll is shaping up, Id have to say yes Mark….my theory is proven.

The theory was that the amount of CC and thread replies posters get at AP for their posted Images will have a direct reflection depending on the subject matter and subsequent forum that the shots are posted in .
Basically if your posting landscape or wildlife images your get a higher percentage of replies than if your posting in a “people” forum based on the members preferences at AP.

Ive seen many many bird images get 12 plus replies and the same for a waterfall or meandering river/lake..where as a excellent image of a person may only attract 2 o3 responses…not saying for a second that the birds and waterfalls shouldn’t attract those replies either..just saying other genres don’t fare as well

But yes the poll echoes my observations ..and not being self serving either ..but just seeing why certain forums dont get as much traffic...perhaps we all need to push our comfort zones a bit

30-09-2012, 11:17am
Looking at the way this poll is shaping up, Id have to say yes Mark….my theory is proven.

The theory was that the amount of CC and thread replies posters get at AP for their posted Images will have a direct reflection depending on the subject matter and subsequent forum that the shots are posted in .
Basically if your posting landscape or wildlife images your get a higher percentage of replies than if your posting in a “people” forum based on the members preferences at AP.

Yup .... that's my experience of the photo world. In my camera club, an "Open" subject is a defacto landscape competition, and yet some wanted a Set Subject comp to be "Landscapes" !!! Enough already...... try something new, experiment, tell a story, get out of your comfort zone and learn something new!

Steve Axford
02-10-2012, 12:56pm
It's a good rule of thumb that if you want to win a local photo club comp, then enter a landscape or a wildlife shot. Other photos don't generally do so well. Of course if you want to do something unique, or even a little different, you will have to accept that winning comps isn't everything.
I'll have a burst of people photos soon, plus lots of videos and time-lapse.
What's your stretch target, Bob?

02-10-2012, 1:16pm
Of course if you want to do something unique, or even a little different, you will have to accept that winning comps isn't everything.

Amen to that! Although I have done reasonably well by taking them out of their comfort zones. If you try something new often they'll follow you down that path, and sometimes judges can be impressed by something other than "same old, same old".

What's your stretch target, Bob?

I plan on getting into photographing liquids, burning steel wool, macros, a bit more "out of bounds" stuff and maybe the odd triptych or two. I also have some time lapse equipment and laser shutter releases to experiment with. That's keep me going for a while until I get my 6D !! :D

02-10-2012, 3:49pm
It's a good rule of thumb that if you want to win a local photo club comp, then enter a landscape or a wildlife shot.

More specifically, if you want to do well at camera club competitions, you need to enter images of the types favoured by the judge. In other words, you need to play silly games.

02-10-2012, 3:57pm
More specifically, if you want to do well at camera club competitions, you need to enter images of the types favoured by the judge. In other words, you need to play silly games.

Not sure if you ever saw my audio visual on that very subject. It was a satirical view of judges! It did show that they must be able to take a joke, becuase it won first prize! :lol:

Here's the link if you haven't seen it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtJFtGXQPf8&fmt=37

Steve Axford
02-10-2012, 4:59pm
More specifically, if you want to do well at camera club competitions, you need to enter images of the types favoured by the judge. In other words, you need to play silly games.

You certainly do need to know the unwritten rules for any comp. I'm sure you take enough variety that you could choose something to fit the bill, if you wanted to.

I have to agree with you Bob. It is possible to popularise new things. I even managed to win a few comps with mushrooms. Now I just take them. They mean too much to enter them in comps. They might lose, then I'd be upset :)

19-10-2012, 12:43pm
Sport would have been nice to be an option...

20-10-2012, 2:59pm
I'm sure sport photographers would agree with you Jeff!

20-10-2012, 4:14pm
I voted for wildlife as my prime focus. In my travels on all seven continents, in the Arctic and on numerous islands, I've enjoyed being in a wide variety of locations "shooting" a diverse range of animals/birds.
However, I agree with previous posts that confining ourselves to a single genre would be very limiting.
I'm sure a great many of us would have shots we are proud of that are from genres we work in less frequently: candid family shots; wedding shots; sport/performance shots of children/friends; shots of unusual/striking buildings; shots of interesting people/artefacts (local colour); landscapes/seascapes; sunrises/sunsets......
One interesting competition I witnessed involved a forensic photographer and architectural photographer capturing shots of our whole baked guinea pigs (cuy) at a ceremonial meal in Peru. They managed some impressive whilst different takes on the same subjects - not your usual food photography!

20-10-2012, 4:42pm
I chose landscapes, but I tend to go more for anything out of the ordinary.. If you had an abstract button I would of pressed that.. So anything out of the ordinary for me :)

28-10-2012, 10:40pm
I shoot just about everything, Land, sea, wildlife (seem to be most noted for this), but also have done a fair share of stage/performance work and studio shooting which I really loved.

Never really explored shooting inanimate objects ...