View Full Version : 18-270 Tamron.

19-09-2012, 11:35pm
Im looking at buying the Tamron 18-270 F3.5-6.3 DI II VC PZD.
I have read some good reviews about this lens would appreciate extra opinions.
My family and I are going on a cruise in Feb next year and i would just like one good walk around lens. I own a 550d.

20-09-2012, 9:38am
Do you own any other lenses or do you just have this body?

20-09-2012, 9:53am
I have the Tamron18-270 on my camera (Nikon) and I used only that all the way through three weeks in China. Very happy with it. I will be buying a 35mm prime though for low light work.

20-09-2012, 8:26pm
Do you own any other lenses or do you just have this body?

Hi Fabian. It came with the 2 kit lens (18-55 and 55-250) and I also have the nifty 50.

PS. Sorry mods if this lens discussion is in the wrong section

21-09-2012, 3:18pm
I'm not personally familiar with that lens, but if you only want to take one lens with you and want one do-it-all, general purpose lens, maybe it's a good choice. Generally, though, the more general-purpose a lens is the lower the image quality it produces, so that's why photographers usually have lots of lenses to suit lots of different situations.

21-09-2012, 4:17pm
I had the Tamron 18-270 and performed really well outdoors and was quite happy with it.
Only reason it was sold was because I used it to fund my 70-200 f2.8 fast lens, I shoot indoor sports and the 18-270 really wasn't much use in low light.
I would have kept it if I could and I am sure it give you great results, it certainly out performs the kit lenes by miles.

21-09-2012, 5:58pm
I have a 28 - 300 Tamron on my canon all the time. It's the only lens I own. For what I do, it is great. Versatile and with a sweet spot around the 100mm. Does closeups really well. Until I feel it is no longer meeting my needs, it will stay there. I'm not really interested in carting stacks of lenses around, and don't have the finances to buy them any way, so I'm happy, and my bank balance is happy.

24-09-2012, 7:08pm
I have the 18-250 Tamron and find it perfect as a walk around lens. I used mine on a 4 week holiday and was extremely happy. The other one I would suggest is taking your 50mm with you for low light (I'm assuming it is an f1.8/2.0). I didn't take mine and regretted it.

25-09-2012, 7:48pm
I have the 18-250 Tamron and find it perfect as a walk around lens. I used mine on a 4 week holiday and was extremely happy. The other one I would suggest is taking your 50mm with you for low light (I'm assuming it is an f1.8/2.0). I didn't take mine and regretted it.

I will be taking the 50mm for sure and yes it is the f1.8 version. Thanks for the extra advice.;)