View Full Version : PE 10 is driving me nuts

19-09-2012, 7:36pm
OK, I cannot get to grips with how the importing photos thing is working. I have 2 PE10 books. I'm not totally inexperienced with using software (far from it!). I chose this program because I want to be able to work with layers, which I believe neither Lightroom or Aperture allow.

To me, if I create a Catalogue, I should be directly able to import photos from my SD card, tag them and file them. No! I have to go and find them in files and folders (yes, I've set up the import facility to name them by date etc), then import them into a Catalogue and even then, half the photos from a shoot on the same day, disappear into another strangely named folder.

Then, I go to a previous Catalogue and where are my photos :confused013 Hit 'Show All' and nada. I tagged them, so I try finding them that way - minor success :efelant:

I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, could anyone please clarify? cheers Deb