View Full Version : Will the D600 price, drop?

16-09-2012, 9:05am
I have noticed that the D600 price is almost identical for both grey market and through local stores. This seems very unique given that for every other body and lenses there is around a 30% price difference.

Is this the same when all new bodies come out? or Can we expect the price to be sub $2K through grey imports? Interested to here from people who have seen this type of thing before.


I @ M
16-09-2012, 9:21am
Unlike the "cosy" pricing policies enforced by Nikon in The USA where they dictate the minimum price that dealers can advertise stock at, in Australia the retailers can advertise and sell at any price they feel like.
Yep, you are observing correctly about how grey prices are currently at or around the same ( I have seen grey prices advertised higher than local yesterday :eek: ) and I feel that they are merely trying to attract the people that "have to have" one and those prices will fall fairly quickly. The realistic Australian prices, $2450.00 $2385 will stay at that level for a while and then over around 9-12 months drop very slightly depending on the demand for the camera.
The one thing to keep in mind at the moment is that the local bodies are supplied with a 2 year Australian warranty and that is a major selling point that Nikon Aus are pushing.

16-09-2012, 12:00pm
If it is anything like the D800, it will drop sharply grey once stock is readily available, and on the used market like a lead balloon.

I am seeing brand new D800 i the USA being sold in box unused by original purchasers for US$2800, which is $200 below B&H et al retail without tax. On the used market there, they can be had with about 1000 actuations for US$2600-2700 which is about $700 below what they cost here new, and the same saving over a brand new one in USA if tax was paid by original buyer.