View Full Version : Image Royalty on a postcard????

12-09-2012, 3:36pm
Ok I have a tricky pricing situation :o

I have a company wanting to purchase the use of one of our Gold Coast landscape images, but the image will be used on a postcard. These postcards will not be sold by the company, yet used as a part of their in house training. They get people that attend the training to write on the postcards (answer to something they learnt) and then 3 months or so down the track they send the postcards to these people as a friendly "reminder" of what they learnt that day.

So I don't have a number of how many cards will be produced or for how long? (I'm guessing that info would be helpful):cool:

So I'm hoping someone could shed some "better" light on how my Dad and myself :lol2: could handle this business matter, as it's something I never thought would ever be ask of me? :confused013

Any answers? :(

13-09-2012, 5:58am
Hmm? Have you considered offering to produce and sell them the postcards rather than just letting them use your image? Might be more profit in doing that, or using Red Bubble or a similar organisation to produce the postcards. Doesn't really answer your question, but I suspect licensing just the image would not reap a great reward for the likely volume. JMHO.


13-09-2012, 7:39am
I personally would have a look at the cost of using a stock image for this purpose then work out a cost from there, price too high and they could just go and use a stock image and you lose the sale.

good luck with it.

13-09-2012, 8:43am
I have a range of postcards with my photos on them, via a local council here in Tasmania. I negotiated with them, that they look after printing, sales etc, and I get $0.20 from each card sold. Not a lot, but the summer months do better (more tourists), and some months I get a deposit to my bank account for a $3-4 dollars, but over summer it can give me up to $10-$20. Postcards are cheap, and so you cannot ask for to much. I have sold a print from someone buying the postcard, sending it on, and the recipient contacting me. So do not expect to make a lot, ask that they put your name and website on the postcard, get a little in from them, and hope that the exposure gives you some web visits and a possible sale or two.

As said above, charge to much and they will just get a stock photo and use it.

13-09-2012, 9:47am
Thanks guys for the replys

@ Rick, Quote : I have sold a print from someone buying the postcard, sending it on, and the recipient contacting me. So do not expect to make a lot, ask that they put your name and website on the postcard, get a little in from them, and hope that the exposure gives you some web visits and a possible sale or two.

This is what Joel and I would be hoping would happen , They are going to give us Cedits on the cards as well as there Logo, Hey Rick you may know the organisation , It's medical related , Non profit and Government funded : http://www.gcml.com.au/, All over Australia

13-09-2012, 11:56am
Have not heard of them, but there are hundreds of companies that provide support/training etc to healthcare. I have to go through about 50 different workshop pamphlets a month. :D

13-09-2012, 6:56pm
Well I looked through Getty Images and did a fake enquiry for a pretty plain photo that wasn't royalty free, to be used on a "brochure/postcard" that would only be replicated 5000 times MAX and for only a 1 year period. The quote ended up being $365.00. So I told them the same conditions + having our logo/website address on the postcard for $300 :cool: So they'll put that cost to the boss man and see if it's a go? :D But thanks for your replies everyone :th3: