View Full Version : Hello from Jack

09-09-2012, 10:22pm
Hi, my name is Jack (as in Jackassp).
I haven't been around in a while, I was using Pentax gear, felt a bit like "odd man out"
Things have changed, I now have gone across to Nikon gear as well.
I'll try to participate whenever I can.

Thanks for having me back.

10-09-2012, 6:11am
Welcome back Jack. See ya round the forums

10-09-2012, 7:27am
Welcome Back Jack

10-09-2012, 8:40am
:gday: & Welcome Back
- lets see some photos in the main CC forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5) maybe try a competition or 2 and have fun!

Staying active is easy and fun, just post an image for CC once a fortnight and
post 2 or 3 CC comments to other images in the same fortnight.

10-09-2012, 3:15pm
Hi and welcome back to the AP forums! Hope to see your username around the traps. Jump into some of the competitions, join a challenge, and ask some questions - no question is stupid! The bunch here are friendly so don't be shy.