View Full Version : Canon EOS Photo5 2012

09-09-2012, 3:30pm
The Canon EOS Photo5 for 2012 is well and truely underway


The first brief is open to all. It is "Wind".

Be great to see some of you enter.

Whilst many people are cynical as it seems the winners are usually Canon users, and some of the winners are not considered by many to be "Best of show", I enter as it is fun and it makes me think. I always do unusual things and it always ends up that I have unexpected results.

All brands of cameras are welcome and the site is always a great place to look about as some of the shots are inspirational.

11-09-2012, 10:01am
I've entered it too :) I think, as you say, it's a great way to get you thinking, and try out some shots that you may not otherwise take.

11-09-2012, 10:21am
Please remember any AP members entering this competition, we request no one post any of their images on AP until the entry period had closed. Just so we don't get people arguing about one member pinching another members idea etc. There is usually a thread created after the closing date for those that want to post entered images.

12-09-2012, 9:43pm
I came close last year, being a double finalist. I'm giving it another crack, gets the creative juices flowing. Disappointing there are no camera prizes this year though, but still a workshop in Uluru would be worthwhile :-)

21-09-2012, 10:58pm
I have entered myself have finished the whole 5 briefs, before i received my box, was hard coming up with ideas, dont know how i will go, but for me its learning more about the camera and trying to be creative. Wont take you long to work out my photos on there, Anyway good luck all that enter


10-11-2012, 11:48am
Did any AP members make the finals of Photo5 this year? Once again, there has been criticism of the judging in a few forums, but there are also some really good shots. I missed out this year, but here are my entries


Better resolution here

CC welcome.

11-11-2012, 11:41am
I didn't make it to the finals either, but here are my shots too:-


Despite not making it, I found it heaps of fun and it's a good way to learn new things. It challenges you to think in ways about photography that you may not have without it! This is my third year and I can see how much I've improved but still have a way to go!

Of course there is always plenty of debate about the finalists but that makes it interesting to say the least!

- - - Updated - - -

Hi Ged

Great shots, I particularly like the fishing wire one, it really portrays the mood!
good job!

11-11-2012, 11:05pm
Thanks neens,

Yep I like that photo too. I was very happy with that one. The lighting and positioning of his eyes between the lines worked well I thought.

I especially liked your little people photo. It also made me hungry for a wagon wheel!
The macro of the match being blown out is nice too.

Yeah Photo5 is fun to do, especially if there is no expectation of winning. The judging has always been a bit strange, but ignoring the competition element, it's a great exercise in photography. Especially to see how other people do it.
