View Full Version : Queensland, suuny one day, and the next ,and the next, and the next, and..........

09-09-2012, 7:32am
Anyone else in Queensland frustrated with the cloudless skies at the moment?
Here is the scenario - sold old camera, bought new 5D MKIII, greatest photographic passion.....Landscapes, result........FRUSTRATION! What has happened to the cloud gods? Please come back from holidays and return us to some lovely diffused light for spectacular sunrises or sunsets or ..................sorry waffling.
I know this harsh light is great for texture shots and maybe Architectural shots but really hard for anything else, getting sick of the cloudless sky atm.
There, vented my spleen, now I feel a little better.
Cheers all.

Film Street
09-09-2012, 7:56am
I think macro lenses were invented for when nothing interesting is happening outside.

09-09-2012, 8:02am
I seriously suggest a change of state. You'll have the same perpetual sunshine, but at least that's a change.:(

09-09-2012, 8:02am
It's even worse where I am. At least in Brisbane you do get some storms, we get rain, not storms. Either seems to be cloudless blue or overcast grey and of course on the often rare occasions there are interesting clouds I can't get out to shoot.

09-09-2012, 1:04pm
Yep - and with the low tide this morning it was no clouds and no water :) I ended up enjoying a walk along the waterfront then coming home and having too much coffee - not a bad morning after all :D

09-09-2012, 1:55pm
Move to Tassie and enjoy the equinoctial gales at this time of year. Going outside here risks being clonked on the head by flying tree branches. Had no power yesterday for several hours after a tree fell on the power lines down the road, and caught the power pole on fire. Spent some time this morning helping a neighbour 5 doors down, put tarps over what used to be his roof, which is now sitting on the footpath (it was on the road). My little weather station ticked over 131kmh winds just after 3.00am this morning.

So although we have cloud, and blue sky, and snow..going anywhere near trees is fraught with danger at present, from anything overhead.

Mark L
09-09-2012, 10:24pm
Jeez, GrahamS dying to take a photo, and Ricks dying if he tries to take a photo!

09-09-2012, 11:15pm
Ok Rick point taken, sometimes we have to be grateful for small mercies.
Mark, nice word play.
Cheers, thx to all for your comments.

11-09-2012, 9:33am
Anyone else in Queensland frustrated with the cloudless skies at the moment?

Ha you got problems, here in Townsville we have 300 days of sunshine every year, at least we beat your Broncos and now into the second week of the finals, just gotta beat that grubby Manly team Friday night.