View Full Version : Flash Transmitter & Receiver

06-09-2012, 6:52pm

I have ordered a Yongnuo YN560II flashgun [after reading some reviews online and here], as I'm totally new to flash, and wanting to learn. Hoping it doesn't take a month to arrive like some peoples!

My mentor, hasn't heard of Yongnuo, she uses Canon. She let me have a play of her Canon flash this afternoon, and also showed me a wireless transmitter and receiver.

I have a Canon 550D. I really want to get a transmitter and receiver and am thinking of buying a Yongnuo one [start cheap / work your way up mentality].

I have had a look at the official Ebay store, but can't work out if there's a specific one I need to order?

Hoping someone can help with some advice, or experience with using them?

Thank you in advance for any replies.

07-09-2012, 9:34am
Hi Pobbs, I have a 4 of the Yongnuo 603 triggers. I love them. Never had a misfire, their range is awesome and they are cheap. One thing to realise, your 560's (I have 2 of these as well) are totally manual. No TTL metering like a genuine Canon flash. This means you will have to set the power of the flash manually. It's not hard to do, but it's not as easy as TTL.

With the 603 triggers, you need to make sure you buy C1 versions which are suitable for your 550D.

Hope this helps.

07-09-2012, 9:48am
Thanks Ian. Yep I bought them on purpose so it would force me to learn about manually setting the flash.

C1 version, will this be apparent on their site which has these?

And do you know if the TTL versions of their flashguns work with Canon?

07-09-2012, 10:33am
Most sellers state the model. Just make sure you pick one which specifically states C1.

If you search Yongnuo TTL on fleabay, there are a few models which state TTL on 550D. So, going on that I'd say yes they should work. However as I shoot Nikon, so I can't say definitely from experience. You could always ask the question of the seller.

07-09-2012, 12:23pm
Thanks mate. My mentor said to wait until my flashgun arrives.

07-09-2012, 12:53pm
The 603's are supposed to be very good. I got the 602's but the only real difference is that the 603's are both transmitters and recievers, so you can use them as remote triggers for your camera too. So saying get one more then you need, so you can trigger with one in hand both your flash and your body.

Manual flash is really quite easy once you get the hang of it. You only really have 5 controls after all (aperture, ISO, Shutter, flash power and Flash distance)

Once you get it, TTL will just annoy with it's inconcistencies. I had my flash on body the other week bouncing off a white ceiling, and just had teribly inconsistent results.

Jump onto
Strobist.blogspot.com - David Hobbies Strobist 101 has some invaluable information.
Joe Mcnally's one light DVD was possibly even more informing for me. The things that guy does with just one light is incredible!

07-09-2012, 1:16pm
Thank you Rattus.

I'll look that up.

24-11-2012, 3:07am
Hi Pobbs,

Both the Yongnuo 602's and 603's are excellent. I have the 602's and they have always performed well. However, I have just bought 4 of the new YN-622C transceivers, which will give me ful control in ETTL and Manual if I wish. These do not work with all cameras and flashes, but there is an excellent guide put together by Clive D Bolton and the link to this is below if you or anyone else wants to take a look. Page 4 shows the compatibility of cameras and flash units.

Have fun ............................. YN622 Guide https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B77...FpqNkpBYXBHajA (https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B77OmmGIg0gMVFpqNkpBYXBHajA)

Malcolm ........ it's 1700 hrs over here, so not up late!