View Full Version : Turn that frown upside down!

06-09-2012, 9:41am
I learnt something today which I felt inclined to share with you! Do you have a relative that spoils photos by frowning in all of them? I certainly do - someone once told him his smile made him look gormless in ONE photo and now he frowns EVERY time!Unless Im sneaky and get a candid photo of course! I can change my settings on my camera, I can choose the best lighting but I can't alter facial expressions! Or at least i thought! Now I have learnt you can make a frown into a smile in photoshop! Amazing! This is in photoshop elements 10, but I imagine it may be similar in other programmes. And the results are very subtle and effective!

Go to flters, select distort, choose liquify
Zoom in on the face. select warp.
Choose a brush size roughly the same size as the persons cheek.
Put the brush over the corner of the mouth and gently tug upwards until you get the desired effect!
Bingo - everybodies smiling!

Something tells me my Dad will be smiling a lot more in our holiday snaps when he comes to visit! Hurrah!

06-09-2012, 6:48pm
The photoshop liquify filter can be used for a whole range of things, even giving someone a tummy tuck. Just use it carefully cause it can fix a smile, but the eyes can often give away a lot more and end up making the expression look quite un-natural. Liquify is like cosmetic surgery, use it sparingly and it will help improve a look, use it extensively and things get blown all out of proportion

07-09-2012, 5:40pm
Take a look at some of outstar79's recent images in members mug shots. A lot of them have had liquify used on them.
There are plenty of applications that it can use with. Not sure whether you have heard of morphing, but it is one of the major tools to create one of those in photoshop. And it can be a lot of fun, as you'll see in outstars images.