View Full Version : To add my name or not to add my name

06-09-2012, 7:53am
Long story short I spent just over a month puting a presiontation togeter for TAFE for a meeting we wer having with heads of TAFE NSW and other inportant people well the day come and i presented it and the Mayor of coonamble wants it on the councle website for the public to see and seeing as how i stayed back and used my own time to take about 60 photos and them hours working it all together so the question would you add coppyright to it or not.

06-09-2012, 7:58am
I don't see anything wrong with putting your name against the work somehow. Do you mean by way of watermark, or how?

06-09-2012, 8:30am
I don't see anything wrong with putting your name against the work somehow. Do you mean by way of watermark, or how?

i was thinking of mabe puting a slide at the end with my name on it

06-09-2012, 10:19am
I'd watermark each image so if they use them anywhere else you keep the credits

06-09-2012, 10:47am
What Kym said.

06-09-2012, 11:16am
What Kim said 2.

Mark L
06-09-2012, 7:40pm
I won't disagree about watermarking, though it may depend on how they're presented on the website. They may be happy to credit you in some way ( like a newspaper that has "photo by Jim xxx"). You may be happy to suggest that they can use the photos only on the website, any other use has to be negotiated.
You're photography will get better and you now have contact with the Council that may offer some avenues in the future.
The Mayor may not be the Mayor after this weekend, but he is a man worth developing a relationship with.:th3: He is a good man as far as I know.

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Maybe they just want some alternatives to matildaphotography

07-09-2012, 8:02pm
Definitely watermark the images if you are not being paid to NOT have them on the photos.

However, i do hope this presentation does not have any words written by you, unless you get someone to go through it and correct your spelling and grammar! :)

07-09-2012, 8:10pm
If they want to use them p, get them to sign a release where they credit you for any images they use.

07-09-2012, 8:44pm
Sorry, just need to check something - I get the sense that you put together this presentation for a meeting. You need to make sure your employer doesn't own the content before putting your name on anything

07-09-2012, 8:49pm
Sorry, just need to check something - I get the sense that you put together this presentation for a meeting. You need to make sure your employer doesn't own the content before putting your name on anything

If you read the OP it is a TAFE project done in his own time.

07-09-2012, 10:39pm
Definitely watermark the images if you are not being paid to NOT have them on the photos.

However, i do hope this presentation does not have any words written by you, unless you get someone to go through it and correct your spelling and grammar! :)

My teacher is in control of what it written lol :)

Sorry, just need to check something - I get the sense that you put together this presentation for a meeting. You need to make sure your employer doesn't own the content before putting your name on anything

It was a TAFE thing however i did most of it in my own time and id only add the watermark or what ever to the photos I took and probably one at the end saying i made it and now i have to do more work to it now cause they want it as a video :crzy::action: oh and im not getting paid to do this but lets hope it leads to some paid work :D

08-09-2012, 9:51am
Look the issue could be more complex, as the entire issue of copyright etc could be complicated by the fact that some of the work may have been done under the direction of the TAFE course.

But I would support what Kym has suggested and that is to put a name/watermark on all of the images - plus a final screen shot which should include your contact details.

Also I would add that I'm afraid that the experienced part of me would say is that it might not lead to paid work, but in all honesty you never know it could. Having said that exposure doesnt pay the bills and it might be worth asking to see if they are prepared to pay for the use of it and the images.

08-09-2012, 10:01am
In the camera's menu system, there is an option to add a comment to each image.
Use this to add copyright info. The menu item you want to look for is the Spanner called SETUP MENU.
While some knowledgeable folks can bypass this info and delve into the exif to change it, casual image thieves may not know about it.

I'm not sure if this is added into the D3100's images as copyright info, as some higher end Nikon camera's have a dedicated copyright info area(as well as image commenting) for photographer copyright data.

Another alternative is to set whatever software you use to download the images to add copyright info into each image as they're transferred onto the computer.

08-09-2012, 11:13am
Thanks William!

BTW: I would think Jim still owns the © to his own work product in a Tafe/UNI course
Eg. A Phd thesis is © to the author http://sydney.edu.au/copyright/students/research.shtml

12-09-2012, 6:44pm
Sadly I didn't have the D3100 when I took the photos and I don't think it woild help as I have the presiontation made with Prezi then ill have to record it to a Mp4 for them

sent from me phone using Tapatalk 2

12-09-2012, 6:45pm
Oh and as for the corse it was a unit on giving a formal presiontation.

sent from me phone using Tapatalk 2

12-09-2012, 8:19pm
In relation to copyright issue- a teacher dosn't own anything that is done on a department computer or that is done for their class. When push comes to shove this even includes work done in the holidays as this is still paid time.

Just my 5c worth.

And I also thought (IMO) a thesis is different to any other work that is done by a student as it is considered their "published work".


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Sorry forgot to mention... My last post was Meant to highlight the sometimes bizarre copyright issues in schools.

13-09-2012, 5:14am
I didn't realize this was for a course you were doing, for some reason I interpreted it as something you did for your employer - understood :)