View Full Version : Domain names

Dylan & Marianne
05-09-2012, 7:09pm
Just wondering if I could ask what your opinion about the following issue might be
Marianne and I have for a long time registered our photography as www.everlookphotography.com
There's a company from China that want to use a whole bunch of other ones like everlookphotography.com.cn ( .hk etc)
They've basically said they're going to do it unless we register them all first.....

Is there anything we can do about this to stop it or do we have to accept that there might be some everlookphotography china version running around the place?
I'm thinking, I can't be bothered going through hoops to stop these guys but sheeesh, you see someone using already using it, common courtesy would usually dictate - THINK OF ANOTHER NAME.............

05-09-2012, 7:28pm
Ah, language! The bane of human communication.
This is no business advice, but it depends on whether you want to expand on the name in the future.
I think that your present name should still stand out in searches, though.
S:orry for not saying much that might be helpful.

Dylan & Marianne
05-09-2012, 7:38pm
thanks am - I think it was more of a vent than anything else - I'm not quite sure why they would want to use the same name? were they planning on stealing our images too????
just weird

Ms Monny
05-09-2012, 8:24pm
Cant say much on this either but, yeah, you would think they would come up with a different name. They might have been 'stalking' you and found that your photography is pretty darn good and if they have a similar name, they might just get some of their images sold to people thinking it is you. Weirder things have happened....and we are talking about the web here!!

matt shepherd
05-09-2012, 8:28pm
Mate that is a real pain and like you said not very nice of them to use it knowing that you are trading as that already.
I hope it all works out well.

05-09-2012, 8:29pm
The .com rocks! They can do as they wish, but you have the best, hang onto it!

05-09-2012, 8:50pm
This is a SCAM, Dylan. They're hoping you've invested enough in the domain name you have to want to protect it by registering the others as well. Pay them no mind and, like a painful pimple, they will eventually go away. As long as you have the top level domain you are secure. Kym is right ... hang on to it!:cool:

05-09-2012, 9:23pm
Agreed it is a scam. When I was an IT manager we used to get these all the time and the higher up execs were worried.....very much in the same way you are.

My advice is to keep your .com and if you are really worried grab the .com.au and .net.au versions, it is not expensive. Other than that, ignore the whole issue. :)

Dylan & Marianne
06-09-2012, 5:24am
After getting over the initial OMG! with the aid of a family member we found this scam site!


The email was very close though their reply that they woudl register anyway was odd - I also looked up their current company name and found nothing on the internet.......sigh, yet another scam ( I hope )

Ms Monny
06-09-2012, 7:55am
phew!! thank god for that! Glad you found out it was a scam! :th3:

06-09-2012, 11:43am
That's like the domain renewal company that sends out letters that look like invoices telling you that your domain is about to expire and you will loose it if you don't renew it immediately. I was looking after a website for a club when I got an email from them querying my invoice for the next 12 months plus domain renewal, they had just sent off the payment for the renewal at 4 times my price. Luckily they had sent a cheque and were able to cancel it. They got a threatening letter back from them telling them there domain would be cancelled. They forwarded this to me and I answered them telling them that their correspondence had been forwarded to consumer affairs and the ACCC. We never heard from them again.

06-09-2012, 12:32pm
Big time scam, I received a simillar email a year or two ago, for my website, which is www."myname".com.au and the .com version. I paid no attention since if you want my name with any TLD go for it. Needless to say I never saw the sites appear. I then found out it was a scam a little while later.

BTW if you're looking to pick up a free domain, crazy domains is giving one free .asia domain away at the moment.

06-09-2012, 4:19pm
My advice is to keep your .com and if you are really worried grab the .com.au and .net.au versions, it is not expensive.

just to clarify there are numerous criteria you have to meet to be able to use a .com.au or .net.au domain.

these are :-

- an Australian registered company; or
- trading under a registered business name in any Australian State or Territory; or
- an Australian partnership or sole trader; or
- a foreign company licensed to trade in Australia; or
- an owner of an Australian Registered Trade Mark; or
- an applicant for an Australian Registered Trade Mark 1 ; or
- an association incorporated in any Australian State or Territory; or
- an Australian commercial statutory body.

10-09-2012, 9:01pm
All great insight it helps a lot i will remember this down the track. thanks all

06-11-2012, 2:08pm
you see someone using already using it, common courtesy would usually dictate - THINK OF ANOTHER NAME.............

I'm afraid common sense isn't actually common. Let alone common courtesy!

There are two business here in Tasy (one North and one South) operating under the same name, one with a .net and one with .com.au

Figure that out!

Dylan & Marianne
06-11-2012, 5:28pm
It's OK now for us - it was after all just a scam ;P