View Full Version : Free photography workshops - I'm excited!

05-09-2012, 6:05pm
Like ol' big Kev, I'm excited!

Have a few more of these: !!!!!!!!

Ipswich City Council, to celebrate their 10 year anniversary of their Enviroplan Photography Competition, are having some free photography workshops which I've been confirmed as attending.

They are on naturescapes, monochrome techniques and also water in all its moods.

I'm quite excited as I'm keen to learn and there's a photographer taking one of the courses who features in some photography magazines and also writes for them. [Not sure if I can mention his name...]

05-09-2012, 6:18pm
How lucky are you, good on ya!!!

Mark L
05-09-2012, 7:38pm
....... and there's a photographer taking one of the courses who features in some photography magazines and also writes for them. [Not sure if I can mention his name...]

Well your next post will be your 50th. Think that's the break though point for naming people (positive or negative).
hope you learn and enjoy.:th3:

05-09-2012, 7:42pm
Lucky number 50!

Thanks guys. I can't wait. First one is this Saturday but the one I'm looking forward to the most is on Monday. I'm hoping to enter the comp!

One of the hidden gems I discovered recently was the subject of a winner last year so I'm bummed I can't use it.

06-09-2012, 5:27pm
Hey Pobbs, I registered for the Monday workshop but haven't received a reply either way. When and how did you receive yours?

06-09-2012, 5:44pm
I'll see you there then! That's the workshop with Michael Snedic. He writes and photographs for that Australian Photography magazine. [I think that's what it's called].

I got an email. Did you want me to PM you the email address of the lady who emailed me so she can check it for you?

06-09-2012, 6:25pm
Thanks heaps Pobbs. Got your PM. I'll email her tomorrow and hopefully we'll catch up there. Should be fun :)

07-09-2012, 9:11am
Woohoo, I'm in. Got the email this morning. I am a bit surprised that they want us to bring our longest focal length lens though. Seeing as we are shooting waterscapes, you'd think a wide would be more suitable. I don't think I'll bring my 500mm Siggy though. Mite be a tad long, not to mention heavy! I think my 70-200 will suffice, but I might just throw my 11-16 in just in case.

Be great to meet a few local togs and learn from a pro. Anyone else on here going or is it just Pobbs and I?

07-09-2012, 9:50am
I'll be the one with the baby on my back, Ian. LOL Hopefully that wont be a problem for them.

I will be bringing all my lenses, since I only have three. I don't have a monopod either, I've only got a tripod.

07-09-2012, 9:57am
Good luck with it, Pobbs. I hope it provides all you hope for. (Please excuse sentence-ending preposition)

07-09-2012, 10:44am
I've got a cheap monopod you could borrow? It doesn't have a ball head, but the head is adjustable. I'll bring it anyways, and you can decide if you want to use it.

10-09-2012, 8:17am
Hi there Epoc. Looking forward to the workshop today? I am! I'll be leaving home soon. Whoo hoo!

10-09-2012, 1:56pm
Had a great time at the workshop today, and my little 5.5 month old was so good in the Ergo on my back - thank goodness! I was worried for a bit he'd start scaring off the birds and annoy other people. But everyone was very understanding so that was a relief.

Nice to meet you Epoc!

10-09-2012, 7:24pm
Had a good time. Great to hear a real pro's stories and tips. Nice to meet you Probbs.

10-09-2012, 7:34pm
Did you get any good bird pictures, Epoc? I didn't get a great deal, and none really 'up close'.

11-09-2012, 7:04am
Same here. Nothing to write home about. I have to admit, I wasn't expecting half of it to be a birding workshop. If I had known, I would have brought my 500mm lens. The description of it being waterscapes was a bit misleading, but I do know why they wanted long focal length lenses now.

11-09-2012, 7:38am
Yes! It was totally not what I expected, and half of me thought, why aren't they asking us to get up at the crack of dawn. Water In All It's Moods it was not!

Still, for the price, can't go wrong!

11-09-2012, 7:50am
Here's a few from the morning, processed on my iPad.




12-09-2012, 6:19am
Here's one that Greg took Ian, you're in the background of this one.

**removed. Do not post photos that YOU have not taken, or do not own copyright over. Please read the site rules, particularly rule 20. Breaching copyright is a serious LEGAL matter ::: Rick*

12-09-2012, 7:50am
You bub looks sooooo cute nestled away there.

12-09-2012, 7:56am
Nevermind. I've been told [nicely!] that I can't post the picture because I didn't take it. That's cool. Greg is on my FB friends list and PMed me this picture plus a couple more which he said I could post here after I asked him if I could because you were in the background, and there are a few more he sent me via PM because they are candids of me taking photos.

At least you got to see it before it was removed.

Thanks Moderator Kim for letting me know. In future, I'll be much more careful about that sort of thing.

Mark L
12-09-2012, 9:18pm
You can post links to any photos that are not yours.