View Full Version : Just a short story.

05-09-2012, 9:30am
So im sitting in TAFE and have some time to wast so i typed up a short story wich is basicly about me and my camera im getting hope you enjoy.

The boy who wanted a camera

There once was a boy who wanted a camera, not just any camera but a good camera.
He wanted to expand his talent of taking a good photo and he wanted to build a business out of his passion.
Well the day come when he had enough money to buy one so he went looking online to compare prices, he found a site that was based in Hong Kong the camera was $200 cheaper than in Australia so he said to himself I’m going to get it.
So he payed for it and decided to pay nearly $100 for postage because he wanted it as soon as he could well the next day it was on its way he was so happy then he received an email with the tracking number so he could see wear it was.
When he checked the next day it was in Australia the excitement was nearly to much to handle, The next day he seen it had been delivered but it wasn’t so he read closer and it said that the costumer was un available which was wrong because he didn’t leave his house all day.
He read some more and found out that someone had signed for it but it says front desk so he thought it was at one of the drop off company’s in his town.
He went to all the company’s in town and no one had seen it until he seen one lady who works for one of the company’s she said she knew the person who would of signed for it and he would be in town at 2pm.
He was excited again but still wondering if it would turn up and still to this day he still doesn’t know if it will turn up.

The end


05-09-2012, 9:45am
Probably being harsh here; but if you are going to write a short story, please attempt to get the punctuation right. :D

I hope your camera arrives today, but my experience is that often it is signed as being delivered, when it isn't and it can arrive a few days later. Australia Post are particularly good at this. I had the same experience, their site denoted that an item had been delivered and signed for. I called them and asked when, they said 'this morning'. I replied that I had been home all day, and nothing had been delivered. Turned out it was still in their State distribution centre and it took 2 more days to actually arrive at my place. The whole time, their website said it had been delivered.

05-09-2012, 10:18am
Probably being harsh here; but if you are going to write a short story, please attempt to get the punctuation right. :D

I hope your camera arrives today, but my experience is that often it is signed as being delivered, when it isn't and it can arrive a few days later. Australia Post are particularly good at this. I had the same experience, their site denoted that an item had been delivered and signed for. I called them and asked when, they said 'this morning'. I replied that I had been home all day, and nothing had been delivered. Turned out it was still in their State distribution centre and it took 2 more days to actually arrive at my place. The whole time, their website said it had been delivered.

Thats why im at TAFE lol i showed the teacher and she is getting to write it again lol i hope it arives everyone is confused cause it was sent via FedEx

Mark L
05-09-2012, 7:53pm
...... He was excited again ......

I could never get excited in Coonamble, so you're one up on me.:lol2:
itllturnoutokjim :D

05-09-2012, 8:07pm
Ring FedEx and find out what happened to it.

05-09-2012, 10:08pm
it arived today :)

06-09-2012, 4:15am
it arived today :)

So does that put an end to your 'days of prose' :p

You'll be too busy .... out and about taking photos I guess.

06-09-2012, 7:13am
Great to hear that you finally have your camera Jim. I felt really bad for you when you wrote that you hadn't gotten it yet, and was relieved to find it has now arrived. I think everyone following you here on AP understands your passion and determination to improve both your photography and your education level. It is so worthwhile and will change your life in uncountable ways.
Good luck with both your passions, and I look forward to following your journey Jim.



06-09-2012, 7:29am
I could never get excited in Coonamble, so you're one up on me.:lol2:
itllturnoutokjim :D

Thats why im off to Dubbo tomorrow lol ill have to post some photos of what they are doing to the main street here.

- - - Updated - - -

Great to hear that you finally have your camera Jim. I felt really bad for you when you wrote that you hadn't gotten it yet, and was relieved to find it has now arrived. I think everyone following you here on AP understands your passion and determination to improve both your photography and your education level. It is so worthwhile and will change your life in uncountable ways.
Good luck with both your passions, and I look forward to following your journey Jim.



I was worried about it but 2 hours after i wrote the story it arived lol

Im probly better at photography then writing lol thats why i go to TAFE that and Cert III in IT lol

06-09-2012, 7:52am
I also like your passion Jim, I'm keen to see what you can do with that new camera , Must admit I love to read all your posts , Keep it up :th3:

06-09-2012, 10:51am
Waiting is a life lesson !

I'm glad you worked and saved for something worthwhile - onya!!

06-09-2012, 11:14am
This "item delivered and signed for" always happens when Fed X delivers the package to Australia Post. Australia Post's own tracking system is useless always saying item delivered when it doesn't arrive for another few days, I had one that didn't arrive for over 2 weeks and I had already received a replacement from the supplier.

06-09-2012, 11:31am
they know how to stress a person out lol

06-09-2012, 12:42pm
yay, glad it arrived. I always stress when I order something online and you wait and wait ......

06-09-2012, 12:52pm
I could never get excited in Coonamble, so you're one up on me.:lol2:
itllturnoutokjim :D

Thats why im off to Dubbo tomorrow lol ill have to post some photos of what they are doing to the main street here.

Hmmm... if Dubbo is 'exciting' that really says a lot about Coonamble :p

Coonamble (https://maps.google.com/maps?oe=utf-8&q=coonamble+nsw&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x6b0876d138dbf655:0x40609b4904371a0,Coonamble+NSW,+Australia&ei=6RxIUMW0BY2TiAfSq4GoBQ&ved=0CLAGELYD)

Does the train still run up to Coonamble?

06-09-2012, 12:57pm
Hmmm... if Dubbo is 'exciting' that really says a lot about Coonamble :p

Coonamble (https://maps.google.com/maps?oe=utf-8&q=coonamble+nsw&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x6b0876d138dbf655:0x40609b4904371a0,Coonamble+NSW,+Australia&ei=6RxIUMW0BY2TiAfSq4GoBQ&ved=0CLAGELYD)

Does the train still run up to Coonamble?

haha yes it says alot about coonamble lol

only for wheat no pasinger trains