View Full Version : My family just grew by 1

04-09-2012, 11:38pm
A 1DX that is :D:D:D

May have to think about selling some of the other stuff now, I somehow accumulated 5 cameras and probably can only defend having 2 at a time :D

Initial play with it was pleaseing. Lots of things to try out.

05-09-2012, 5:06am
Well done It sounds like a very nice piece of equipment:food04:

05-09-2012, 11:10am
Enjoy the IDX. I'd also love to have one in my hands. I'd be interested on your take on the body after you've had some time with it.

20-09-2013, 7:35pm
Mine is only a few weeks old (already on the solids).

Having moved up from a 1D mkIIn, struggling to come to grips on the custom shooting modes (C1, 2, 3) - any tips? Would like to really stretch what this camera can do.

20-09-2013, 10:16pm
I have not played with the custom modes at all sorry.

22-09-2013, 8:06pm
Under the custom modes you can program pre-sets that suit your shooting style. If you are into "action" for instance, you can set: Tv (shutter speed priority) at 1/1000" or 1/2000" with Auto ISO to shoot birds in flight or other fast moving subjects. Another pre-set may be Av at F/11 and ISO 400 for close up with reasonable DOF...
I have the above mentioned settings under C1 and C2 and Manual ISO 100, F/8 @ 1/125" under C3 - The last one is a quick start for most manual shooting (for me). But again... what is it you shoot?

22-09-2013, 8:36pm
I tend to shoot a variety of stuff from wildlife to people. No set genre as yet. I usually shoot manual or Av.

06-11-2013, 10:41pm
Love to hear how that 1dx is going :)

06-11-2013, 10:54pm
I love it Shelley.

I sold my 5D2, kept my 50D (mainly because it is probably worth more to me for nostalgic reasons) and kept my 1DIV.

The 1DIV has taken very very few photos since I got the 1DX. Actually, it has only ever been used as a backup camera to save me changing lenses. The 1DX is everything I could have hoped for. Lots of dust on the sensor right out of the box but other then that no complaints at all. Burst speed is mad and impossible to describe, you have to hear it to realise just how fast it is. Low light performance is excellent.

One drawback I just experienced is that Pocketwizard triggers cannot run ETTL so I have to use manual settings. Not a biggie but nice to have the choice. I understand it is a Pocketwizard firmware issue although I admit I have not checked in a coupld of months so may be fixed.

If you want a 1DX go get one - you will love it.

Let me throw a question back at you (should probably start a new thread)......you happy with the 500 or if you had the chance would you go the 600? :)

06-11-2013, 11:43pm
Thanks for your thoughts, I am getting closer everyday :).

The 500. I love it - light enough to handhold for flight shots, obviously not as light as the 400 5.6.

No regrets at all - its my prize possession and I am very attached to it, lol. I did consider the 600, but weight was an issue for me as I had held the old 500 and I didn't want to go that weight - which the 600 would have been. I walk around with the 500 and a monopod, climb over things to get to a spot. It can get heavy when covering distances on foot, but I manage as the resulting images I think its worth it.

I have the 1.4x on all the time as I use a full frame camera (5d3) - and on the odd occasion for the really posing birds (not much movement, I will use the 2x) - so I am pretty happy with the length.