View Full Version : Location inspiration Melbourne

26-08-2012, 7:09pm
So I am in the middle of completing a project for school, revolving around the central theme of long exposures. I went on Friday to the city to take photos of the birrarung marr ferris wheel, only to get there to embarrassingly find out it has been taken down and moved to Geelong :S With the Souther Star being in reconstruction stage is there any lit up ferris wheels some one could recommend other then the Luna Park one, as Im unsure if it's lit up every night, and how accessible it is after dark.

After the failure with the Ferris Wheel I went to the adjacent overpass (the one which leads to the MCG) to take some car trail photos as I need some of those shots for my project as well. I'm not overly happy with the result because of many reasons but could some one recommend a better location in Melbourne to take such photos, something with a more impressive skyline and faster moving traffic would be optimal, but the first point is more important for me.

Here is the photo any way

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7265/7862676374_bab09e86ba_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jcyza/7862676374/)
car trails 1 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jcyza/7862676374/) by J Cyza (http://www.flickr.com/people/jcyza/), on Flickr

27-08-2012, 8:43pm
I dont live in Melbournse so I have no idea where you could go for a better shot but the one you have provided here is fairly good the shyline being so dark is unusual but effective. It looks to me though like you needed to straighten your photo somewhat. Some of the buildings and the light posts have a lean to the right. In your PP find out if there is a lens correction in the development area it might help to undistort some elements. That will depend of course on the lens. Colour is good focus is good. You might even consider changing the aspect from landcape to portrait and concentrating on the light trails leading you in to the city. A wet nigh would be great to photograph something like this but you really need to have a good assistant because I would want to keep my camera dry.

Kind Regard

Old Skool
27-08-2012, 8:58pm
Docklands area and Webb Footbridge area plus Southbank give good skyline views - no traffic though.

27-08-2012, 11:05pm
The photo had been straightened using the "straighten tool in ACR" it was a lot more crook at first, but to me it looks straight now, I think :S
It was taken with a sigma 10-20 at 10mm so there probably is a fair bit of distortion, didn't actually apply the lens correction whilst processing so will be sure to try when re editing it, thanks :)
I did take some shots in portrait which I personally like better than this but for my project I will be showcasing 10 photos together so all will have to be in landscape format.

I've never been on the Webb bridge, but having googled it, it looks like a fascinating location for photos, thanks for sharing :)

Film Street
27-08-2012, 11:06pm
Try Olivers Hill. It's local, a gentle S curve and always has traffic on it.

Also local on Friday nights are many cars that go round and round in circles while puffs of white smoke coming billowing from the rear. May look good in a long exposure ;)