View Full Version : Getty-ing their tendrils in everywhere...

26-08-2012, 2:23pm
I recently picked up a copy of the latest magazine of the ACP owned Camper Trailer Australia. I have previously had a couple of stories+pics published in CTA, and a lot of the travel stories are by freelance contributers.
But I was surprised to read a bush travel article where the images were all supplied by Getty Images. First time I've noticed them in this genre of magazine.
Now I'm wondering is this the thin edge of the wedge perhaps? Perhaps it was cheaper & quicker than sending out one of their own photographers or a regular freelancer.
I'm hoping that doesn't drive down the money they offer for freelance contributions. While it's not lucrative, magazine work has helped pay for a couple of my lenses.:D

26-08-2012, 7:19pm
G'day Matt

Sad to say - I suspect your gut reaction is close ...
Mags are a business, and these days the mighty dollar [profits] comes before all else - incl the social responsibility & consciousness

Regards, Phil

27-08-2012, 2:34pm
I don't know but it could have been a Getty photographer sent on location?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

27-08-2012, 9:56pm
Nah!... it was a CGI induced cockmock up!


28-08-2012, 5:17am
I too reckon it is the start of more of this. As Ozzie said, magazines, especially those from the big publishing houses are purely a money making venture, and any way of saving costs is going to be considered. Their other revenue streams. like advertising income, are being hit hard as other companies tighten their belts and go away from full page ads to smaller ones, etc. So like any business they re-assess their costs and save money where they can as well.

I wonder how many of their readership would have even noticed who supplied the photos. Other than photographers, most likely none.