View Full Version : D800 and 85 1.4D

23-08-2012, 12:22pm
I bought the 85 1.4D a few months back when I was using my D90, now I've upgraded to a D800, and I am super unimpressed with the results, even at f/8 I'm unable to attain 'that good' a resolution. Anyone else using this combo? I'm thinking of selling, hugely disappointed.. If I could do it all again I'd buy the 85 1.4G, but the D just looks so god damn sexy, It'll be a shame if I sell it..

23-08-2012, 12:24pm
what's so unimpressive about it?

Care to share some samples so we can get an idea?

23-08-2012, 12:39pm
It's the same as it ever was though. Same drawing characteristics, same out of focus rendition etc.
Sure it's not the sharpest prime out there but I don't think that's it's main strength to begin with.
The D800 does magnify many of its flaws (character), but if you print or web display to the same size as before there shouldn't be a massive difference.
If u're upping your print size or cropping more then you might not be as impressed.

But one thing you should do if you haven't already done so is to check the focus.
LV focus it at various aperture.. is the sharpness still poor?

23-08-2012, 12:47pm
I always considered my 85 1.4 AF-D the sharpest lens I had

I @ M
23-08-2012, 12:52pm
No such concerns with it on either the D700 or D800.
I won't part with it.

23-08-2012, 2:57pm
I have a great copy of the lens, it is tack sharp on all of my bodies I have had it on. D3/700, and now D3s/800. As Swifty said, the huge resolution of the D800 will show up things you might not have seen previously at 1/3 the resolution.
I am learning that the D800 commands better technique, faster hand-held shutter speeds and the lenses to be spot on with focus. Use a chart or other calibrating method to test focus, but use a tripod and cable release to rule out human factors.

23-08-2012, 5:06pm
..... when I was using my D90, now I've upgraded to a D800, and I am super unimpressed with the results, even at f/8 I'm unable to attain 'that good' a resolution. .....

Well we know that the lens hasn't changed, but what has changed is the resolution factor.
(as already said by swifty) as you zoom in now to view the image on a pixel level you are able to see more resolution for a given area. So in effect you are viewing a more magnified view of the pixels captured compared to what the D90 used to capture.

If you still have the D90 capture two images using each camera and this lens.
Same subject, same subject distance if you prefer, but on a tripod and if possible using mirror lockup or exposure delay and remote or timer .... all to eliminate camera shake.

As already pointed out there could be a focus issue with your D800 .. which is the most likely cause of any issues.