View Full Version : Lens for Nikon D700

22-08-2012, 4:57pm
I have a Nikon D700 with 2 lenses Nikon 28-300mm lens and a 24-70 mm

I enjoy landscape, architecture and street photography

I have read good reports on the new Nikon 85 mm lens - How useful would this lens be taking into account my other 2 lenses


22-08-2012, 5:05pm
For shallow depth of field portraits I reckon it would be a great lens.I am getting one soon myself for my D700.

22-08-2012, 5:08pm
Given you say you like architecture and landscape I would look at the wide end, this also adds dramatic effect for street shots.

The Nikon 85/1.5G (http://www.nikon.com.au/en_AU/product_details.page?DCRPath=templatedata/en_AU/saleable_product_information/data/Nikkor%20Lenses/FX%20Format/Single%20Focal%20Length/Telephoto/AF-S%20NIKKOR%2085mm%20f1.4G.xml&CategoryID=gp11zkmv&currentTab=gp11zkn1&currentLink=gp11zkn8) is around $1600 for grey-import and $2100 for Nikon AU stock.

I own the Nikon 16-35/4 VR (http://www.nikon.com.au/en_AU/product_details.page?DCRPath=templatedata/en_AU/saleable_product_information/data/Nikkor%20Lenses/FX%20Format/Zoom/Wide-angle%20Zoom/AF-S%20NIKKOR%2016-35mm%20f4G%20ED%20VR.xml&CategoryID=gp11zkmv&currentTab=gp11zkn1&currentLink=gp11zkn7) and have found it compliments the 24-70 very nicely. It is also quite light so it good for street photography, or trekking to your favourite landscape spot. Pricing is around $1200 for grey-import and $1400 for Nikon AU stock.

I own the cheaper Nikon 85/1.8 (http://www.nikon.com.au/en_AU/product_details.page?DCRPath=templatedata/en_AU/saleable_product_information/data/Nikkor%20Lenses/FX%20Format/Single%20Focal%20Length/Telephoto/AFS%20NIKKOR%2085mm%20f18G.xml&CategoryID=gp11zkmv&currentTab=gp11zkn1&currentLink=gp11zkn8) and while it is a good lens, and great for the live music I use it for, I still prefer the 24-70/2.8.

I @ M
22-08-2012, 5:10pm
I have a Nikon D700 with 2 lenses Nikon 28-300mm lens and a 24-70 mm

I enjoy landscape, architecture and street photography

I have read good reports on the new Nikon 85 mm lens - How useful would this lens be taking into account my other 2 lenses


Given that you confess to liking the above genres I can't see where the 85mm will fit in the scheme of things.

Landscapes and architecture may probably be suited to a wide to ultrawide lens and the choices are very varied there.
You can look at items like the Sigma 12-24, Nikkor 14-24, Tokina 16-28, Nikkor 16-35 Tokina 16-35
For "street" photography I reckon closer is better so the 28mm or 24 end of your present zooms fit that or perhaps the new 28mm F/1.8 Nikkor might suit when a less imposingly sized lens is needed. Either way for street use the 24-70 is a pretty good lens to start with. :confused013

22-08-2012, 6:29pm
The 85mm is a great portrait lens

I agree that what's missing in your arsenal is a UWA

22-08-2012, 8:55pm
Thanks for all your responses and information

I have never used my 24-70 mm lens for street photography always the 28-300 mm. My thoughts are that the 28-300mm is good to use when people / action is a bit out of your reach and will draw this closer. Would using the 24-70 mm lens not loose opportunities for closer observation and a more detailed shot to isolate the subject?

By the way Darren not being very knowledgeable on acronyms - showing my age, what does UWA stand for?


23-08-2012, 9:10am
I have never used my 24-70 mm lens for street photography always the 28-300 mm.

Are you talking about the Nikon 24-70/2.8 (as opposed to the Sigma or Tamron variant)? If you do own the Nikon version then I'm amazed you even take it off the camera. I simply love mine. It is the best lens I've ever owned. It may not have the outright image quality of some of the classic Pentax primes I've owned in the past, but it's flexibility, focus speed and resistance to flare well and truly makes up for any (minor) shortcomings in sharpness and contrast.

My thoughts are that the 28-300mm is good to use when people / action is a bit out of your reach and will draw this closer. Would using the 24-70 mm lens not loose opportunities for closer observation and a more detailed shot to isolate the subject?

There is a difference between street photography and snapshot photography, in my opinion anyhow. The 28-300 is not a particularly good lens, and is certainly not a patch on the 24-70, I would only be using that as a last resort/travelling light lens. If you want to isolate a subject use DOF.

By the way Darren not being very knowledgeable on acronyms - showing my age, what does UWA stand for?

UWA = Ultra Wide Angle.

23-08-2012, 11:40am
Thank you

I am visiting Morocco in September, should I take the 24-70mm or the 28-300mm lens?


JM Tran
23-08-2012, 11:56am
Thank you

I am visiting Morocco in September, should I take the 24-70mm or the 28-300mm lens?


I was shooting in Morocco for a fashion designer, and doing street photography in February, its a very difficult country to photograph street stuff without getting negative reactions from ppl, unless you are very good with ppl skills and discreet.

There are stunning architecture and interiors in Morocco, so I always use a UWA - in this case a Sigma 12-24 - to show it off. Sometimes a 35L at f1.6 due to the low light etc.

Personally, I'd go with the 24-70 because its a lot wider than the 28-300 and the faster aperture helps a lot indoors.

Remember that street/travel photography is not about having a massive zoom range and trying to capture everything, its about capturing the right moments and emotions.

23-08-2012, 1:39pm
thank you

23-08-2012, 9:48pm
Can you recommend the best f-stop and iso to use for street photography using the Nikon 24-70mm lens?

24-08-2012, 8:02am
It depends what you're trying to do, and the ambient lighting. If doing what I consider street photography I'll stick to around 1/60, f5.6 and set my ISO to suit.

My definition of street photography is something like the works of Garry Winogrand (https://www.google.com.au/search?q=garry+winogrand&hl=en&rlz=1C1CHMO_en-GBAU470AU470&prmd=imvnso&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=ErM2UJuuIIapiAeul4HYBg&ved=0CEEQsAQ&biw=1920&bih=1085). Your thoughts on the subject may be different.

For a bit of a history lesson I recommend you check out this YouTube video (http://youtu.be/YQhZcKzbM9s).

24-08-2012, 9:56am
thank you for the links


24-08-2012, 2:43pm
Hi Sue,
I know you've already got your answer but I'm gonna throw a curve ball in there for your future reference.

Nikkor 45mm PC-E.
Why? well that's for you to find out. But it may be suitable for landscapes, architecture and street photography among other things. But it is a very specialised (expensive) lens and potentially quite tricky to use so probably not something you just buy without knowing what you want to use it for.

But its definitely a lens on my wishlist.

24-08-2012, 10:38pm
Mate with the 24-70 2.8 and the D700 you already have everything you need , set your ISO to Auto with a max of 1600 , your exposure meter is your best friend , I love that lens , although team it up with a 70-200 VR 11 and you have the ultimate combo bar the ultra wides 10-24 , 12-24 etc

25-08-2012, 6:27pm
thank you for the extra information - much appreciated.

I have a question in relation to ND filters . How can I avoid Vinyetting using a ND filter on a 24-70 mm lens?

04-09-2012, 9:15am
thank you for the extra information - much appreciated.

I have a question in relation to ND filters . How can I avoid Vinyetting using a ND filter on a 24-70 mm lens?

I have the 24-70mm f2.8 Nikkor as well. When using the thin ND (and CPL) filters (I have the Marumi Variable ND and a Hoya Pro 1 CPL), I do not have any problems with vignetting.

Suggestions: use the thin filters, don't stack them and if you are still finding vignetting at the wide end of the zoom range, back it off a bit.

04-09-2012, 10:48am
Hi Carl

good to hear from you

My ND filer is a Fader and a Hoya Pro 1 poloriser.

When you suggest to back off does this mean less zoom is the best option?


07-09-2012, 7:51am
This is a bit different than many here, but I love
my Nikon 180 f2.8 af lens for landscape...
Really very nice pictures from this lens! :)

Warren Ackary
08-09-2012, 6:37am
Have you checked out the 24-120 F4?

08-09-2012, 7:12am
No I have not , As I don't really want to buy new lenses - I might have not exactly made the right choice withe lenses I have - just need to learn best practice to use in street photography

Warren Ackary
09-09-2012, 7:27am
No I have not , As I don't really want to buy new lenses - I might have not exactly made the right choice withe lenses I have - just need to learn best practice to use in street photography

If its street photography then you would only need a 50mm 1.4 & 24-70 2.8 (the latter is great but the 50mm is "less in your face lens")

15-09-2012, 5:00pm
Hi folks

I am still inclined to take the 28-300mm. For 2 reasons it has VR where has the 24-70mm does not. As I am into fin e-art photography it will capture details where as the 24-70mm will only capture the scene.

Please give thoughts on this?

JM Tran
15-09-2012, 5:03pm
fine art photography for traveling?

15-09-2012, 5:04pm
What I mean fine art is details and simplicity

Film Street
15-09-2012, 6:51pm
For a bit of a history lesson I recommend you check out this YouTube video (http://youtu.be/YQhZcKzbM9s).
