View Full Version : Are internet 'leaks' really unofficial or is it smart advertising

21-08-2012, 7:50pm
Almost weekly we hear of something being 'leaked' about a new product and this is certainly the case from the Camera companies. I just wondered what members think about these leaks. Are they really just someone in a factory, somewhere, sneaking a bit of information, maybe a quick photo of a prototype or an production test model and these people put them on the net for all. OR are they carefully orchestrated marketing by the brands to get information out there that is 'not supposed to be out there', as a clever and cheap way of advertising. After all, once the tit-bits of information are out there, or a photo or two, they develop their own life and spread about the net, including on AP. Marketers could not have it better, free advertising!

So do you think these leaks are genuinely just someone in the right place giving out a bit of information, or are they carefully planned and orchestrated as marketing?

21-08-2012, 8:00pm
To be honest, I don't know; but it does strike me as clever for companies to generate interest in their products by carefully controlling the release of information in the form of ostensible leaks.

A few times, people have reported seeing a new lens or camera on Canon's Web site. Whether this was an accidental early publication or an act of dangling an apple in front of a horse, I cannot tell; but it did generate buzz.

Over the years I've observed that people love to speculate about the release of the next <whatever>.

Personally, I tend not to pay much attention to rumours, or particularly stay on the cutting edge of technology or popular culture/products/whatever, as I care little and have plenty else to do. :-)

Mark L
21-08-2012, 8:26pm
Can't vote in the poll, 'cause I reckon it's a combination of a and b.
I don't do c.

21-08-2012, 9:52pm
I suspect that it's smart advertising, but I don't really know. I do like the rumours though!


22-08-2012, 5:26am
I went with b but i think its a and b but mostly b because you cant always be somewear at the right time lol.

I @ M
22-08-2012, 5:33am
I'm in the "bit of A and B" camp as well.

As for the rumours, sometimes they have been pretty close to the mark and at other times totally Ken Rockwoolish. :D

22-08-2012, 6:40pm
Being very cynical I believe that the companies are responsible for the so called 'leaks'. Let's face it, these days certain people seem to want to have the 'latest and greatest' of everything...so leak a bit about a new upcoming product, stick it on Youtube (or some other website) and maybe it will go 'viral' (although these days it seems that almost anything can go viral!) and Hey Presto! instant (and free) hype. If you are really lucky one of the so-called Current Affairs programs on TV will pick it up ( 'You can see more of this story on our website' is an often used quote from one of these programs), or even the News if it has been a slowish day (particularly the commercial networks) and you get even more hype...and let's face it, there is nothing that the 'Jump on the bandwagon' set like more than product hype.
The advertising people have so many avenues these days that it makes influencing the 'latest and greatest' set very easy.
<Sigh> .....Like lambs to the slaughter.

25-08-2012, 9:59am
Some by accident, a lot by deliberate viral marketing.
It's something that work at a very low cost.