View Full Version : Pretty Please Helpppppp

21-08-2012, 1:18pm
Am Currently in Bali, with a nice new Panasonic Lumix FZ150 (Purchased in Aus) not getting on at all well with settings, have torn Google apart trying to find peoples favorite settings for various Projects, have seen a lot of fantastic photos taken with this camera, but nowhere can I seem to find the settings used for the various Photos, is there PLEASE some one out there that has the same camera, and can help me. In my introduction I said I was a 77 year old wannabe photographer, at the moment, I feel like a 77 year old Dope. Thanks Bloke.

21-08-2012, 1:33pm
(In the first instance, what are you doing in Bali? A Bloke should be in his shed:D)

Look, I don't have one, but if all else fails, set it to Auto mode, then at your leisure, browse the book for hints.

Good luck (and I think someone has got the model here) and otherwise happy holiday.


Film Street
21-08-2012, 1:34pm
If in doubt use 'P' mode and edit when you get back home.

Or try some of it's scene modes if it has them.

21-08-2012, 1:57pm
Back again.

In case you don't have a manual, here's a link to the full user's guide (http://service.us.panasonic.com/OPERMANPDF/DMCFZ150_ADV.PDF)

and this one is for a basic user's guide (http://service.us.panasonic.com/OPERMANPDF/DMCFZ150.PDF)

I have saved a copy of each, so ask something specific and I can help look it up.

25-08-2012, 4:20pm
I don't have the FZ150 but do have the lower model FZ40 which takes nice, sharp pictures with excellent colour rendition in daylight. In low light indoors or night time, the performance of the FZ40 was next to abysmal. Considering both models share the same sensor and max aperture of f/2.8, I suspect you may be disappointed with your images irrespective of the setting if you don't have enough light.

We may be able to give specific help if you give us more details as to what you are having issues with ;)

25-08-2012, 5:06pm
See page 24 of the basic user manual

Set mode dial to iA, then when you press the shutter button half way down to focus, the camera will decide the best settings for the shot. Use that till you get home and have the time to learn how to use the camera properly

19-09-2012, 9:30pm
Hi Ameerat42,
Seems you may be the one to speak with, (Am Slowly Getting there) For a long time I have avoided using RAW, would you advise me to learn to use Raw against Jpeg I have just purchased Corel Paint shop Pro X5 professional and it has the facility to process raw, Maybe it is time for me to accept change, Thanking you in advance for your Reply Bloke.

- - - Updated - - -

Thank You for your Help Ricktas, Have Set for IA and having a go

- - - Updated - - -

And thanking you for your help ghadiardja biggest problem I have had so far is blown out highlights, but have overcome that with -2/3rds EV seems there is a lot more to setting this camera up than I originally thought Thanks to all that helped, am now getting the urge to move forward and learn more

20-09-2012, 7:53am
...would you advise me to learn to use Raw against Jpeg... G:2flust:lp!
Cripes! Now yer askin.... (tremble). I hope lots of others will have input too.

A couple of Qs first.
1. Did you have a good trip?
2. What mode of recording did you use?
3. Have you read up a bit on raw images?
4. AND: What software for processing (raw) images came with your camera? (I know about this much "0" about Panasonic cameras.)

Anyway, ask away...


Mark L
20-09-2012, 7:45pm
Does your camera allow you to capture RAW and Jpeg at the same time?