View Full Version : Do you have a Facebook Photography Page?

11-08-2012, 2:31pm
Recently the Advertising Standards Bureau (http://www.adstandards.com.au/) made a ruling that any business page on Facebook was not social networking, but rather, advertising, and thus the laws related to Advertising in Australia, apply to your facebook business page as well.

Under these laws YOU are responsible for the content on your page, even if posted by someone who visits your page. So if someone visits your page and posts something that is false, misleading, slanderous etc, then YOU could be held responsible. So it might be worthwhile checking out what advertising standards you must uphold and doing a review of how you operate your facebook business page.

11-08-2012, 2:43pm
Gladly! Blithely! Happily! And with much elation, I can say no.

old dog
11-08-2012, 2:55pm
er....whats facebook?....:confused013.........:D

I @ M
11-08-2012, 3:31pm
Gladly! Blithely! Happily! And with much elation, I can say no.

er....whats facebook?....:confused013.........:D

Obviously you two aren't "pros" offering $299.99 drive away, no more to pay wedding portrait maternity baby special discount packages for the first 300 customers then. :rolleyes:

11-08-2012, 4:15pm

11-08-2012, 4:21pm

William W
12-08-2012, 8:05am
I think the thread header was to attract attention and to get people to read the text - rather than it being a question per se, but, no I do not have a facebook page, and yes, a valuable post.

I wonder if there'll be acknowledgment by anyone who does use facebook for as a business advertizing platform?


I @ M
12-08-2012, 8:28am
I wonder if there'll be acknowledgment by anyone who does use facebook for as a business advertizing platform?

Plenty of industry acknowledgement out there on the www as a result of this it seems.

Put simply, businesses see fit to spend obscene amounts of money on facebook advertising in return for support from the social nutworking giant in hosting their page.

The makers of Sminoff think 10 million is an acceptable level (http://www.itwire.com/business-it-news/networking/56093-no-like-for-facebook-decision) of advertising spend. :eek:

12-08-2012, 9:11am
Plenty of industry acknowledgement out there on the www as a result of this it seems.

Put simply, businesses see fit to spend obscene amounts of money on facebook advertising in return for support from the social nutworking giant in hosting their page.

The makers of Sminoff think 10 million is an acceptable level (http://www.itwire.com/business-it-news/networking/56093-no-like-for-facebook-decision) of advertising spend. :eek:

There are also the endless myriad of 'small' businesses, photographers and otherwise who use FB as a free advertising medium, who have probably never once considered that they need to abide by our Advertising Standards, cause they use FB under the assumption it is for networking, not advertising.

12-08-2012, 11:01am
Thanks for that Rick, We have a business FB page as a redirect to our Website www.facebook.com/liquidboulevard (http://www.facebook.com/liquidboulevard)
so the info will come in handy, BTW I have no idea about FB, Thats my sons thing , He looks after that side of things :)

12-08-2012, 1:53pm
I don't have a Facebook page of any sort. Facebook a solution to a problem I don't have, and to me, Facebook is to photography what Justin Bieber is to music.

At any rate, it's always advisable to be aware of what one is doing on a site like that, as it seems that the site can easily become one's undoing.

12-08-2012, 5:12pm
Thanks for that Rick, We have a business FB page as a redirect to our Website www.facebook.com/liquidboulevard (http://www.facebook.com/liquidboulevard)
so the info will come in handy, BTW I have no idea about FB, Thats my sons thing , He looks after that side of things :)

As I've said in another thread, only last week I opened a FB page as well and for same reason as William states, as a window to my website. I'm in a tight knit community where everyone is either related, know each other or are a friend of a friend and where you can't sneeze without someone hearing about it. It's to network and get in people's faces and by not doing so the only one missing out will be me. As I've heard a million times in here, move with the times and play to your market. When in Rome..........

Obviously, you have to take care with what you do and keep your eye on it.

William W
13-08-2012, 9:00am
There are also the endless myriad of 'small' businesses, photographers and otherwise who use FB as a free advertising medium, who have probably never once considered that they need to abide by our Advertising Standards, cause they use FB under the assumption it is for networking, not advertising.

On a similar but side note: there are plenty of 'people' out there who maybe should be aware of the general gist of laws relating to editorial and publishing before they post anything on facebook (or other web media).

I am sure moderators et al, on well run sites, are sometimes driven nuts keeping order: but it's still amazing to read what is written and published on the web.


JM Tran
13-08-2012, 1:45pm
I also operate a Facebook page on top of my 2 photography websites.

Great as another medium for client viewing, crowd-sourcing, marketing and promotional side of business.

Look at all these comments about facebook:D Social media and advertising is here to stay, and it would only be a disadvantage to the individual or company if they are resistant to change in the long run.


The truth is, social networking websites make a firm much better. An email id and also the contact number of customer service is not sufficient to create the consumers pleased in the present world. Communicating by means of emails and customer service is limited when compared to social networking sites. Buyers search for further options to communicate, due to this reason majority of the businesses use the services of social media. In fact, the days have gone when the firms had been found within the address book. Internet has now become the predominant method of connecting organization with the individuals and now SEM has turn out to be the significant requirement for businesses to connect with the buyers. Lastly, social media makes simple for companies to connect with the consumers and also for the buyers to interact with the company folks.

Dylan & Marianne
13-08-2012, 5:10pm
interesting post ! Marianne and I use facebook as a sharing site but everlook seems to have developed a following! I don't use it to solicit work but I guess I ought to be 'careful' about anything I say which may be misleading!

13-08-2012, 5:19pm
My thread is not about the value in FB, just that if you use it for business, it has been ruled that you are ADVERTISING. So you have to uphold the Advertising Standards applied to all other mediums, like TV advertising. It is not just what you put on your page, but what others put on it as well., that you are responsible for.

I don't want this thread to be about FB and the evils or benefits of it, simply about ensuring anyone with a FB business page is aware of their LEGAL obligations in relation to that page.

Film Street
13-08-2012, 5:27pm
that's good information ricktas.

I've seen FB used succesfully for direct marketing for some businesses.

But instead of direct advertizing, I think the best use of FB is just to be open and be yourself, like in the forums here.
Potential customers like to see the personality of a business and it's a unique way to meet people.

It is however another thing to tend to. I find the best solution is to use a twitter account and link the feeds directly to your FB page and website.
This way you kill all birds with one stone.

13-08-2012, 11:08pm
er....whats facebook?....:confused013.........:D

You could tweet someone to find out....:D:D:D

16-08-2012, 3:34pm
I have a photography page, and I always considered it an advertising medium rather that social networking. I do that with my Me facebook, I was reluctant to join facebook, but it has been extremely useful in keeping in touch with my many friends/family around the country/world. My FB page gets more regular updates and content than the website/blog wich is a more considered/edited medium. Both need to receive new content regularly though.
I have been listening with intrest to the new rulings on advertising, and facebook sites, I keep an eye one it reguarly so if one of my few commentariat suddenly got tourettes, I would remove. This is in a totally different league to national or international brands of course, so I have no real concern.

18-08-2012, 10:41am
It does make sense that FB business pages are seen as advertising. I've always seen it as such so I'm not really surprised at the ruling. What are you doing with a business page on FB if you're not advertising your business? Same goes with Twitter, Flickr, etc to a certain extent too.

I am, however, totally over the snide comments about people who use social media in their business model. It's just so juvenile. Do what works for you and leave it at that.

JM Tran
18-08-2012, 12:18pm
It does make sense that FB business pages are seen as advertising. I've always seen it as such so I'm not really surprised at the ruling. What are you doing with a business page on FB if you're not advertising your business? Same goes with Twitter, Flickr, etc to a certain extent too.

I am, however, totally over the snide comments about people who use social media in their business model. It's just so juvenile. Do what works for you and leave it at that.

Yeah me too, I guess this is how the tank commanders felt when the staunch tradtional cavalry generals tried to look down on them in the early years of armour:D

18-08-2012, 12:21pm
I asked people to stop making this about the benefits of disadvantages of FB, you obviously cannot adhere to that, so thread closed