View Full Version : Lost my cf card

11-08-2012, 8:38am
As a rule i am quite particular about how i carry my camera equipment, everything has a place, pockets are closed and zippers are secure. last weekend i went to my daughters fete and though ill throw my spare 8gb cf card in my pocket, what can go wrong. well at some point it vacated my pocket never to be seen again. The card had lots of pics from my Cambodia holiday on it, all down loaded so no loss there. It occurred to me that if found chances are the finder would look at the contents of the card. To this end now as a rule, the first pic on my card is a note saying if found please contact .................,off course not losing the card in the first place would be easier.

11-08-2012, 8:53am
My cards all have my name and mobile number written on them in permanent marker. Glad all the photos had already been transferred to the computer.

11-08-2012, 9:40am
Bright side view: Ah, no wurries! It'll turn up:):):)

(I h:rolleyes:pe)

Mark L
11-08-2012, 9:23pm
After I've taken any photos I'll download, back up and take photos off card. Don't see the point of having photos on the card after that. Just wasting space you may end up needing.

11-08-2012, 9:27pm
I'm like Mark L. Every day a clear card. And if I'm away i take the laptop and after each day upload to that.

11-08-2012, 9:39pm
G'day Ross

Golly how things that go around - come around
5-6 years ago at a lookout in the hills of central NSW, we found a camera card in the grass - card was in its plastic box etc etc
Looked at the pix - 460 images showing 4 adults with backgrounds we could ID in Europe, USA & the Barrier Reef

And there was nothing in or on the card to indicate to whom it could be returned

Since then, in the hundred or so photo workshops we've done, has been a page of stuff in the manual about using Notepad to create a small txt file outside the DCIM folder, whereby that txt file holds enough text to get the card back to you 'hopefully'

I have written to several of the aussie photo mags with this suggestion but have never seen anything in print ~ maybe they don't think anyone can lose a camera card

In your case you are fortunate that you have downloaded the images ~ I'm guessing that the 2-couples whose images were on the SD card we found were not so lucky

Keep smiling -
Regards, Phil

Geoff Port
19-08-2012, 9:31am
Phil, Have you posted that information onto this site or is similar info already available? Would make a good Tute for the library would it not.
I think identifying your cards is an excellent idea but something I have not thought of doing. There would be half a dozen floating around my drawer at work ,all unmarked.:o

20-08-2012, 11:17am
I have never thought of identifying my cards either - good idea ... goes away to get a permanent marker :D