View Full Version : Luminosity and Color modes : 2 minute tutorial series

Dylan & Marianne
10-08-2012, 7:30am
I had a go at doing a video tutorial and will try to do more in the future
I've always found that when watching videos on PP, I tend to lose concentration if they're too long
As a result, I've made an attempt to keep this within a couple of minutes
Also, I wanted to avoid using overly technical terms (I'd probably use them incorrectly anyway!)

Let me know what you think or what other kinds of short areas would be helpful


ps. Could a mod direct me to the right place to post this or move appropriately?

Greg Johnston
10-08-2012, 8:05am
Hi Dylan. Thanks for sharing this. Always love your work and really appreciate you taking the time to share your PP skills.

10-08-2012, 8:39am
Thank you Dylan for that informative short tutorial.

Ms Monny
10-08-2012, 9:16am
Ah! that is helpful!! I didn't realise you could change the blend modes when you have the level adjustment layer up. :cool:


- - - Updated - - -

I don't know if this could be worked into a 2 min tutorial but I find it hard to add layer on layer on layer! I always do a layer, say it be a levels, then merge down, then do another different adjustment, then merge down. You can see the trend happening.

Maybe this can be put in to a tute??

10-08-2012, 9:43am
thank you very much for posting this. should come in handy:th3:

and keep the tuts coming

Dylan & Marianne
10-08-2012, 10:21am
thank guys :)
Monkia, I might do one on actions since one of mine brings up 6 layers with masks - 2 minutes could be pushing it lol but we'll see how we go - thanks for the idea !

10-08-2012, 10:41am
Yeah, Good. It took me a while to enlarge the video (click on "Vimeo"), but OK. You have a good voice for the video.

Ms Monny
10-08-2012, 10:43am
Yeah, Good. It took me a while to enlarge the video (click on "Vimeo"), but OK. You have a good voice for the video.

Ah, so thats how its done!!

10-08-2012, 10:55am
:D 12 seconds before the end. Happily, it paused while it enlarged.

Dylan & Marianne
10-08-2012, 11:12am
thanks am for the vocal compliment hehe - In the original recording before being rendered it made me sound like I'd just inhaled a bit of helium!

10-08-2012, 1:54pm
Ah! that is helpful!! I didn't realise you could change the blend modes when you have the level adjustment layer up. :cool:


- - - Updated - - -

I don't know if this could be worked into a 2 min tutorial but I find it hard to add layer on layer on layer! I always do a layer, say it be a levels, then merge down, then do another different adjustment, then merge down. You can see the trend happening.

Maybe this can be put in to a tute??

What is the problem with using many layers? I did not know there would be any limitation on how many were used.

10-08-2012, 5:24pm
Thanks for the tutorial Dylan, very informative indeed.

Dylan & Marianne
10-08-2012, 5:44pm
no worries gonko - agb , I think you're right - I sometimes have up to 10 stacked lol

10-08-2012, 6:06pm
I find it hard to add layer on layer on layer! I always do a layer, say it be a levels, then merge down, then do another different adjustment, then merge down. You can see the trend happening.

By working this way it defeats the whole purpose of using layers.

You should be able to add up to 99 layers depending on your computers memory! That's extreme but it's nothing to have 5 or 10 layers in an image.

Just drag out your layers palette and click on one of the small icons along the bottom. The little 1/2 black and white circle is for adding adjustment layers. Just select the layer (background first) and it will then be highlighted and then choose the type of adjustment layer to add. You can then keep working your way up and building a stack of layers. Just remember when PS adds extra layers, it adds them directly above the layer you have selected (highlighted) in the layers pallete. If you dont choose the top layer when adding another one it will really throw your adjustments off. No problem just grab the highlighted layer with your mouse and move it higher up the stack.

Adjustments layers come with masks to and you can really have some fun there painting in or out the effects.

Once you get a basic grounding in layers it opens up many possibilities

Good luck

Ms Monny
10-08-2012, 8:53pm
Hi Greg. I don't want to hijack the thread....but, just quickly....I have tried to do multiple layers and for some reason just can't. I am self taught and the way I do it is the looooong way around, I know, and I am willing to change that. It sounds so simple when you write it like that, but it is beyond me!! Silly I know!! I use the mask quite a bit and I am getting good at that but I just go into levels via the drop down boxes at the top, not via the adjustments. What Dylan has put up here def helps me get over my fear of the multiple layers and to start using the adjustment layers as well. Time to start playing, I guess!!

Dylan & Marianne
11-08-2012, 6:04am
Monika, I reckon reading and seeing are 2 different things - hopefully it I can get one short vid on this topic together. seeing it done might make it heaps easier for you! I know that's how I learn best in general - See something, talk someone through the same thing, then do it, then teach it! Best cycle to reinforce hehe

11-08-2012, 12:20pm
Thanks Dylan for posting this video. Simple and informative. I like the direction arrows too:)