View Full Version : Major pain for Steve Parish

I @ M
07-08-2012, 3:52pm
It appears that some lowlife has stolen a sizeable amount of photographic gear from Steve Parish. :(


07-08-2012, 4:35pm
Not fun. Some people should be put away for a long time. :angry0:

JM Tran
07-08-2012, 5:03pm
Remember to get insurance everyone!

07-08-2012, 6:12pm
Ummmmmm why would you leave $200,000 worth of equipment in your car 'overnight'.
I dont even leave a phone in my car for any length of time :confused013

07-08-2012, 6:26pm
tragic, but really people, insurance, outside of alien abduction, keep your gear covered

07-08-2012, 6:45pm
Why on earth would someone who makes their LIVING from their gear, and who has gear worth that much, not have it insured?
I know financially he's apparently a bit strapped at the moment, but leaving $200k in a car overnight is foolishness, and not insuring it the next silliest thing.
I love his photos and would love even more to have a fraction of his skill, but that just seems like a very expensive mistake, and one that seemed so avoidable.

07-08-2012, 6:45pm
Ummmmmm why would you leave $200,000 worth of equipment in your car 'overnight'.
I dont even leave a phone in my car for any length of time :confused013
I feel very sorry for him, but to leave that much equipment in a car parked in a street in Norwood is not sensible.
And not insured.
I hope the thieves have a very hard time getting rid of it and thus get caught.

I @ M
07-08-2012, 7:04pm
I hope the thieves have a very hard time getting rid of it and thus get caught.

The probability is that they palmed it off very quickly for the price of a slab of beer and a bag of dope.

Tomorrow, they just do another car and score a phone and a few $$ cash and swap for the same value to feed their habits.

07-08-2012, 7:13pm
What a bummer for him.

Ms Monny
07-08-2012, 7:27pm
Great photographer but not very smart!! Ditto to all the comments above.....why the H would you leave that amount of gear in a car, especially in a city?? We might be the 'country bumpkins' compared to our Eastern City neighbours, but we still have our crime! ;)

Mark L
07-08-2012, 9:33pm
I find some of this another lesson that good photographers don't necessarily make good business people.
How can he not have a small fortune in the bank?

08-08-2012, 6:08am
That was a targetted theft more than likely carried out by a nearby resident or someone who knew what was in the car. There is another theory which I won't embelish upon but it is highly unlikely to be a random theft. And for someone who was affected by floods and insurance claims with his business, not to have extreme value equipment insured beggars belief. Of course we do not know all the circumstances and people under stress do not necessarily make sound decisions.
Some of that equipment will be easily identified so anyone purchasing this gear had better keep it hidden from other photographers.
A lesson here which is continually repeated: insure your equipment. note to self check with wife!!!!!

08-08-2012, 6:30am
thats a bit sad but i agree with the otheres

i am seeing him next month for his workshop here in Coonamble lets hope he done leave anything in his car cause he is here for 2 day and Coonamble last year was no6 worst town in nsw for brake and enters :(

08-08-2012, 11:10am
Ummmmmm why would you leave $200,000 worth of equipment in your car 'overnight'.
I dont even leave a phone in my car for any length of time :confused013

Exactly my thought Cindy. Madness.

08-08-2012, 2:28pm
It's a sick and twisted world we live in now days.. The laws are just not hard enough to deter these type of crims.
When caught they will more than likely have a day in court then 100 hours of community work.
It's the only thing I like about about Arab countries. You get caught stealing, you loose a hand.

And I agree that he should have insurance, and taken the gear inside.

08-08-2012, 3:38pm
That was a targetted theft more than likely carried out by a nearby resident or someone who knew what was in the car. There is another theory which I won't embelish upon but it is highly unlikely to be a random theft. And for someone who was affected by floods and insurance claims with his business, not to have extreme value equipment insured beggars belief. Of course we do not know all the circumstances and people under stress do not necessarily make sound decisions.
Some of that equipment will be easily identified so anyone purchasing this gear had better keep it hidden from other photographers.
A lesson here which is continually repeated: insure your equipment. note to self check with wife!!!!!

More commonly known as a Jewish Stocktake :rolleyes:
Was my first thought upon reading the article.................BUT, I wasnt there so I wouldnt know:confused013

08-08-2012, 4:40pm
More commonly known as a Jewish Stocktake :rolleyes:
Was my first thought upon reading the article.................BUT, I wasnt there so I wouldnt know:confused013

No, that involves a can of petrol and a box of matches.

Ray Heath
08-08-2012, 4:54pm
Aw come on guys, we all make mistakes and some of you are being extremely unkind.

I feel for the man and was moved by his show of emotion.

And tell me, where are any of us, and the people and things we cherish, really safe?

08-08-2012, 6:15pm
For Clarity:

Steve Parish did not state he was uninsured. It seems that was a media comment to garner sympathy/support

Steve made the following statement on his FB page 3 hours ago:

"Just to clear a few things: I have never said it was uninsured and the $200k was an invention because I could not provide a number. OK yes I am a dick head for leaving the kit in the boot although have done so for 35 years because I have had stuff stolen from indoors right beside my bed. So there you go if a thief want's something you have then that's it! NIKON god bless them had a camera in my hands in 24 hours, thanks Nikon."

22-08-2012, 8:57pm
and in today's local paper he is still coming to Coonamble :D