View Full Version : A "Woot" Moment

03-08-2012, 7:40pm
I haven't entered many National Photographic Salons (3 to be exact) and don't usually like to give myself a public pat on the back but I was stunned to receive my results from the 2012 Australian Photographic Society National Exhibition - Digital this afternoon. I just had to share it with you all because most of what I have learned has been from feedback received right here on AP :th3:
I received 7 acceptances :D
2 in Open, 2 in Nature, 1 in Mono and 2 in Photojournalism.
Needless to say - I am over the moon.

03-08-2012, 7:47pm
Bang on that is a woot moment congratulations and well done.


Mark L
03-08-2012, 8:04pm
Good stuff Jodie. :th3::th3:
Well done and good luck.

03-08-2012, 8:32pm
Thanks Mark & Livio, I am always doubting myself so it serves as a good confidence booster :)

03-08-2012, 8:41pm

03-08-2012, 8:57pm
Lol - thanks Whodo - I love elephants :)

03-08-2012, 9:08pm
Good on yer mate ~ well done

I haven't entered any APS Nationals for many years, but I can certainly remember the excitement when the post arrived with the judging details for whichever exhibition I was entering

Also - having staged a number of exhibitions and therefore watched the judging panel filter their way through dozens down to a short list, then thru the shortlist down to the 1 - 2 - 3 - 4, was pretty hi-tension as well

So - keep on bragging and jumping up & down on them there efelants
Regards, Phil

04-08-2012, 6:47am
I would have thought that was 7 WOOT moments :th3:

04-08-2012, 6:50am
Congrrats. More woots to come soon then.

PS: what does a woot look like? Sounds like a small furry animal!

I @ M
04-08-2012, 7:24am
Hearty congratulations, please do keep us informed.

04-08-2012, 7:34am
Woot woot !!!

not surprising

old dog
04-08-2012, 1:13pm
good for you Jodie. Hope you knock em dead.

04-08-2012, 1:57pm
Yay and woot woot for you. Yes keep us informed.

04-08-2012, 7:11pm
Goo don ya!

Keep Wooting!

04-08-2012, 8:43pm
Thank-you everyone - I can imagine how the people that receive awards must feel like. I get excited by acceptances at this stage :D
Phil - I have never had the opportunity to watch the judging because ... well NT doesn't host any Nationals. It would be interesting to watch and learn from though. Interestingly - my fave subjects fared best including 2 birds, horse racing, rodeo, a jumping spider, a 'light painting' and a mono portrait of my son :)

05-08-2012, 2:37pm
'onya Jodie. :wd:

Good luck in the judging.

19-08-2012, 10:54am
nice work! :efelant:

can we see the images?

19-08-2012, 11:52am
nice work! :efelant:

can we see the images?

Thanks Crazy Morton - I will upload then tonight when I get home from work. I think I have probably posted most of them to AP in the critique areas at some stage but I will round the mall up in one spot :)

20-08-2012, 8:21am
Sorry for the delay...

1. Open

Chicken Or The Egg

Royal Flush

2. Nature
Black-bellied Crimson Finch

Green Jumping Spider

3. Open Monochrome
Caleb #1

4. Photojournalism
Cowgirl Down

Photo Finish