View Full Version : Dont think this guy will be happy

03-08-2012, 4:05pm
Dont know whether to laugh or cry :rolleyes:


Duane Pipe
03-08-2012, 4:11pm
I recon he deserves a clap:lol::lol: What an idiot he is Congo. Thanks for the giggle

03-08-2012, 4:35pm
:lol: haha thanks for posting! i shall remember this for tomorrows trip!

03-08-2012, 5:30pm
Moved to Out-Of-Focus forum as it is covered under to OOF forum : http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?32218-Fair-Use-Funny-and-Joke-Photographs-and-Copyright

03-08-2012, 6:12pm
Too bad it's not :plogo:


03-08-2012, 9:14pm
Surfs him riot for not paying attention!!! And what a wave!

Mark L
03-08-2012, 10:31pm
I'd like to see the next photo he took. May be a great abstract!

04-08-2012, 1:34pm
I'd like to see the next photo he took. May be a great abstract!
Washed out, I think!

old dog
04-08-2012, 1:59pm
he only needs a shorter strap and he`s alright...:th3:

04-08-2012, 3:06pm
hahahaha! that first photo was funny! :D

and regarding that video, why did he wash the camera like that?! lolz! :lol:

05-08-2012, 6:52pm
and regarding that video, why did he wash the camera like that?! lolz!

Coz he can !! It's a :plogo: :p

08-08-2012, 3:42pm
I was in a car accident going back 6 or 7 years ago.

My Pentax K10 was in its bag wrapped around the tripod on the back seat. When I flipped the 4WD the tripod speared through one of the windows dragging my camera along with it. It ended up under about half a metres worth of dirty/muddy marsh water with the 4WD sitting on top of it. Dragged the bus out about 45 minutes later and found the camera after wading around in the water for a bit.

Let the whole thing dry for a couple of days on the hearth, worked perfectly for about 3 months before (I think) the battery fried it, or perhaps corrosion got the better of it. To my regret I never got it properly checked mainly due to the lack of local camera repair locations and a distinct shortage of wheeled vehicles.... Can't say the Sigma lens survived but at least it was "cheap" to replace.

Ah well, that's my testament.
