View Full Version : Oops - watch the photographer in the background

03-08-2012, 7:37am

03-08-2012, 7:49am
Professional mistake :)

Thanks for the post - I really need a good laugh this morning :D

03-08-2012, 7:59am
:lol: How many times have we all done that?

03-08-2012, 8:00am
:efelant: :efelant: ROFLOL!! :efelant: :efelant:

03-08-2012, 8:18am
haha it took him long enough to realise

Film Street
03-08-2012, 10:02am
There's a similar leica version on youtube.

I only use a lens cap when the lens is in storage.

I @ M
03-08-2012, 2:41pm
What a doofus, I have never, repeat never done that ---------------------- while someone was pointing a video camera at me. ;)

Duane Pipe
03-08-2012, 3:02pm
It shouldn't take that long to figure it out:lol::lol:

03-08-2012, 3:03pm
Maybe it just seems longer when you are watching him and squirming, thinking 'glad it was not me' cause the entire video goes for only 21 seconds.

03-08-2012, 3:41pm
I'm unable to view the video as it shows on my computer as being blocked for copyright reasons.

03-08-2012, 4:03pm
I'm unable to view the video as it shows on my computer as being blocked for copyright reasons.

Me too, looks like I found your post Rick a little too late.

03-08-2012, 4:34pm
I'm unable to view the video as it shows on my computer as being blocked for copyright reasons.

Not your computer, the IOC have had the video removed from youtube, which is where I linked to.

03-08-2012, 4:49pm

Is it because he's using a Canon?
(honestly I'm not sure if it's a canon it's just my best guess)
the censoring I mean, not the lens cap.
they might be an official sponsor *grin*

Regards and thanks for the reminder to pay attention to the basics...

I @ M
03-08-2012, 5:00pm

Is it because he's using a Canon?
(honestly I'm not sure if it's a canon it's just my best guess)
the censoring I mean, not the lens cap.
they might be an official sponsor *grin*

Regards and thanks for the reminder to pay attention to the basics...

I just knew that this thread had to deteriorate into one of those types. :D

There might yet be truth in the rumours that a lot of photographers are painting those grey white muddy coloured lenses black and using opposition brand lens caps so that they don't look like they are using the last decades equipment. :aaa:

03-08-2012, 5:48pm

Given I use Pentax I should be the last one trying to start a brand war, we're seriously outnumbered...

Hey, not all photographers shooting Olympians mind using slightly dated equipment...



Perhaps it's a branded ND filter and we're just not getting his brilliance....:lol2:


Mark L
03-08-2012, 7:10pm
What's wrong with a bit of fun and surely the laughs wouldn't hurt their brand. :confused013


03-08-2012, 7:20pm
Perhaps they are trying to protect the good name of a sponsor (pure conjecture on my part)
Or they might be taking down any youtube videos of the Olympics...

And I mean if people work out that any dumb monkey can buy a big lens,
people might realise that having a big lens does not automatically mean you are a good photographer,
And then my cover will be blown...

(Yes the size of my lens truly exceeds my ability)


GTP 290
03-08-2012, 9:17pm
I heard a news story on triple J radio about a week ago about the censorship of the olympics in relation to media content. Basically unless it's on TV they will ban/remove it. That includes/but is not limited to: youtube, facebook, myspace (if anyone still uses it), twitter or any other type of media or social media site.

It was very interesting to listen to as even general public that have drawn the olympic rings on a shirt could be up for a hefty fine.

04-08-2012, 12:05am
I was out one freezing night, having my first go at star photography. I was trying different methods... long exposure, stacking etc. I left my lens cap on for an hour long exposure.... blissfully unaware :-)

04-08-2012, 6:27am
I heard a news story on triple J radio about a week ago about the censorship of the olympics in relation to media content. Basically unless it's on TV they will ban/remove it. That includes/but is not limited to: youtube, facebook, myspace (if anyone still uses it), twitter or any other type of media or social media site.

It was very interesting to listen to as even general public that have drawn the olympic rings on a shirt could be up for a hefty fine.

Yep, they are removing all content off youtube apparently, and probably other sites as well. I am friends with one of the Aussie Olympians and he has not put anything on his FB page since the Games started. I have been sent the occasional email, with a photo or three, and each email he has stipulated that I am not to put it on the net at all.

04-08-2012, 6:32am
I saw something on the news the other day where a couple of hotels were advertising that they were going to play the Olymipcs on the big screens. They included the Olympic rings in the banner outside the hotel and were told to take them down or risk court action......you would think they would want more exposure, not less.

04-08-2012, 6:32am
Ah, the Olympic spirit. Do we need any more proof that it is now a purely commercial venture? *yawn* Rick, I hope you don't get a take-down notice for this but: Olympic Games, OLYMPIC GAMES, Oh Limp Ick games!!!! We could feed the world's starving and house the world's homeless with the extravagance that is this monumental p!$$!ng contest! *sigh*

04-08-2012, 8:29am
It wasn't just people putting rings on shirts, it was even shop keepers with "rings" made from produce etc. Talk about over the top clamp downs. I'd think they'd WANT their shopkeepers to get into the whole mood and spirit of being a host Country.
Of course, I fully understand why they do, and must, clamp down on people making fake Olympic items that they are selling, and I can also understand the need to protect the footage taken, but it does seem that in some areas they've gone a bit gung-ho.

GTP 290
04-08-2012, 3:41pm
It wasn't just people putting rings on shirts, it was even shop keepers with "rings" made from produce etc.

Yeah that was the butcher that put his sausages in the shape of the olympic rings. He was told not to lay them out like that or he would face a 14'000 pound fine. Apparently if you were to enter the shopping centre directly beside the olympic grounds you would have no idea that anything special was happening (no posters, no flags, nothing olympic related) due to the laws regarding censorship of the games.

A lot of people are starting to dub this 'The Censorship olympics' with how bad everything is

04-08-2012, 5:29pm
I don't remember such enthusiastic censorship during previous Olympics,
was I blissfully unaware, or is this something new?

I @ M
04-08-2012, 5:41pm
I don't remember such enthusiastic censorship during previous Olympics,
was I blissfully unaware, or is this something new?

Interesting observation.

My take is that there seems to be a distinctly high level of branding associated with this one, things like having to enter through a Westfield shopping centre so that good old Frank can make a buck and having McD's as the official "restaurant" ( huge cringe with that one ) plus all the other reported so called infringements on trademarks.

Another take on it is that with the games only happening every 4 years and the way the 'net has evolved in say the last 12 or even 8 years it is far more transparent to the likes of the non attending masses like you and I when the "stuff ups" are reported. Maybe it was easier in the days when TV was the only viewing means to distract the viewers away from such things.
As it is now we have almost instant awareness of when a badminton team tries to lose an event or when a drunken Aussie trashes a few shop windows.

This is one ( am I allowed to type olympics here with a capital O without breaching copyright? ) when I feel that commerce has totally taken over and as such it has been a total non event to watch anything at all from it.