View Full Version : PHOTO FINISH : Mobile Phone Assignment

02-08-2012, 8:30pm
Time for this week's poll.

Which photo do you think should have won the Mobile Phone Assignment?

UPDATED : If you missed it, you can view it here on iView : http://www.abc.net.au/iview/#/view/24649

02-08-2012, 8:40pm
I missed the initial brief, but going by the comments at the end during the judging, I got the impression it was basically meant to include people and portray their interaction with the area, so not sure any of them really did that. The winner had the person, but was it clearly a King's Cross Street just from the image? The Lion face missed the "people" part of it totally, and the guy with the specced out bicycle again didn't really represent "Pitt Street" to me.
But maybe I'm just totally in the wrong mood for the whole thing tonight. I'm at work, and here all night, and got a headache to kill a mule.
I didn't get to have a real close look at the winner's image, but it probably did represent what the brief (such as I was able to piece it together), better than either of the other two.

Maybe my "mental image" of King's Cross is skewed, and this would be terribly cliched, but wouldn't someone who was clearly an .... ummm ... "working person" ... spruking their wares outside a stereotypical "Kings Cross" establishment have been more representative of the area? Of course, good luck getting a patron to agree to having their photo taken going in, or coming out, of such an establishment, and quite likely most of the workers would object too. I understand not all such workers want their career choice known to everyone in the Country (which would likely include family members that might not know).

But I'm hardly one to judge.

02-08-2012, 9:16pm
Tonight's brief was to take a photo that 'that illustrates people and the place', so the third totally missed the brief.
I think the first image of the guy at the cafe was the better shot, although I was a little disappointed with all of the shots.

02-08-2012, 9:21pm
Yeah, I agree. The Kings Cross shot was the pick of the three, but I think all three photographers maybe chose the wrong photos.

02-08-2012, 9:33pm
Can't believe how many times the contestants forget the brief when picking their picture. It's definitely not the first time someone has missed it the way the lion shot did.

02-08-2012, 10:14pm
I thought the occupy Sydney shot with the guy and his guitar would have been a better choice to put up.

02-08-2012, 11:49pm
Boring rubbish I wont bother again.

03-08-2012, 12:11am
I think the bike photo was a good shot but given the brief definitely the kings cross guy. The lion shot needed a person in it.

03-08-2012, 3:00pm
From the photos they chose, the one from Kings Cross was my pick although it didn't scream out "Kings Cross" to me. It looked like any number of random streets. The one with Pitt Street location looked more like it was taken in a city in America. I my opinion, all the photographers had better shots in their collections than the ones they each chose. I have to say that I actually enjoy each episode and the one thing I've learnt is that you definitely don't need to have state of the art cameras etc to take an amazing photo.

Out of interest, can anyone tell me what "app" was used to do their tweaking etc ??

03-08-2012, 3:16pm
I agree with the best of a bad bunch,
I think there is a valuabe lesson in this though,
If you working to a brief, it's important to keep that in mind.

I do think the contestants are choosing their photos carefully,
but they are perhaps selecting based on the quality of the photo,
rather than how well it fits the brief,

eg as a photo, Mary's lion was probably a much better shot than the shot of the girl out front of the shop,
but I think we all knew the lion couldn't win because it didn't match the brief,
the other shot at-least might have had a chance as it fitted the brief better...


04-08-2012, 8:01am
If any of these represent people and their area then it really is a sad state of affairs to pick a "homeless bikie type" person eating to a "different" person on a bike to no person at all then I think the hundreds of thousands of other people going about their business would have been disappointed not to be in the shot. I am not trying to badmouth the people chosen in the shot but more the photographer and judges who think that this was representative of the area selected. And I know that it is much easier sitting here on the computer with time to analyse everything. JMHO cheers Brian